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2023-12-07 17:19 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


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Science , 06 AUGUST 2021, VOL 373, ISSUE 6555

《科学》 2021年8月6日,第373卷,6555期

物理学 Physics

Quantum-enhanced sensing of displacements and electric fields with two-dimensional trapped-ion crystals


作者:Kevin A. Gilmore, Matthew Affolter, Robert J. Lewis-Swan, Diego Barberena, Elena Jordan, Ana Maria Rey.






研究组实现了低于标准量子极限8.8 0.4分贝的位移灵敏度,以及在1秒内测量240 10纳伏/米的电场灵敏度。适当改进后应该能够利用捕获离子来寻找暗物质。


Fully controllable ultracold atomic systems are creating opportunities for quantum sensing, yet demonstrating a quantum advantage in useful applications by harnessing entanglement remains a challenging task. Here, we realize a many-body quantum-enhanced sensor to detect displacements and electric fields using a crystal of ~150 trapped ions. The center-of-mass vibrational mode of the crystal serves as a high-Q mechanical oscillator, and the collective electronic spin serves as the measurement device. By entangling the oscillator and collective spin and controlling the coherent dynamics via a many-body echo, a displacement is mapped into a spin rotation while avoiding quantum back-action and thermal noise. We achieve a sensitivity to displacements of 8.8 0.4 decibels below the standard quantum limit and a sensitivity for measuring electric fields of 240 10 nanovolts per meter in 1 second. Feasible improvements should enable the use of trapped ions in searches for dark matter.

Modeling of emergent memory and voltage spiking in ionic transport through angstrom-scale slits


作者:Paul Robin, Nikita Kavokine, Lydéric Bocquet.








Recent advances in nanofluidics have enabled the confinement of water down to a single molecular layer. Such monolayer electrolytes show promise in achieving bioinspired functionalities through molecular control of ion transport. However, the understanding of ion dynamics in these systems is still scarce. Here, we develop an analytical theory, backed up by molecular dynamics simulations, that predicts strongly nonlinear effects in ion transport across quasi–two-dimensional slits. We show that under an electric field, ions assemble into elongated clusters, whose slow dynamics result in hysteretic conduction. This phenomenon, known as the memristor effect, can be harnessed to build an elementary neuron. As a proof of concept, we carry out molecular simulations of two nanofluidic slits that reproduce the Hodgkin-Huxley model and observe spontaneous emission of voltage spikes characteristic of neuromorphic activity.

材料科学 Materials Science

Suppressing atomic diffusion with the Schwarz crystal structure in supersaturated Al–Mg alloys


作者:W. Xu, B. Zhang, X. Y. Li, K. Lu.







High atomic diffusivity in metals enables substantial tuneability of their structure and properties by tailoring the diffusional processes, but this causes their customized properties to be unstable at elevated temperatures. Eliminating diffusive interfaces by fabricating single crystals or heavily alloying helps to address this issue but does not inhibit atomic diffusion at high homologous temperatures. We discovered that the Schwarz crystal structure was effective at suppressing atomic diffusion in a supersaturated aluminum–magnesium alloy with extremely fine grains. By forming these stable structures, diffusion-controlled intermetallic precipitation from the nanosized grains and their coarsening were inhibited up to the equilibrium melting temperature, around which the apparent across-boundary diffusivity was reduced by about seven orders of magnitude. Developing advanced engineering alloys using the Schwarz crystal structure may lead to useful properties for high-temperature applications.

Hierarchical-morphology metafabric for scalable passive daytime radiative cooling


作者:Shaoning Zeng, Sijie Pian, Minyu Su, Zhuning Wang, Maoqi Wu, Xinhang Liu, et al.





通过可扩展的工业纺织品制造路线,研究组的超材料织物在保持高辐射冷却能力的同时,展现出了商业服装理想的机械强度、防水性和透气性。实际应用测试表明,这种超材料织物覆盖的人体温度可比商用棉织物覆盖的人体温度低约4.8 。



Incorporating passive radiative cooling structures into personal thermal management technologies could effectively defend humans against intensifying global climate change. We show that large-scale woven metafabrics can provide high emissivity (94.5%) in the atmospheric window and high reflectivity (92.4%) in the solar spectrum because of the hierarchical-morphology design of the randomly dispersed scatterers throughout the metafabric. Through scalable industrial textile manufacturing routes, our metafabrics exhibit desirable mechanical strength, waterproofness, and breathability for commercial clothing while maintaining efficient radiative cooling ability. Practical application tests demonstrated that a human body covered by our metafabric could be cooled ~4.8 C lower than one covered by commercial cotton fabric. The cost-effectiveness and high performance of our metafabrics present substantial advantages for intelligent garments, smart textiles, and passive radiative cooling applications.

Semiconductor quantum dots: Technological progress and future challenges


作者:F. Pelayo García de Arquer, Dmitri V. Talapin, Victor I. Klimov, Yasuhiko Arakawa, Manfred Bayer, Edward H. Sargent.







In quantum-confined semiconductor nanostructures, electrons exhibit distinctive behavior compared with that in bulk solids. This enables the design of materials with tunable chemical, physical, electrical, and optical properties. Zero-dimensional semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) offer strong light absorption and bright narrowband emission across the visible and infrared wavelengths and have been engineered to exhibit optical gain and lasing. These properties are of interest for imaging, solar energy harvesting, displays, and communications. Here, we offer an overview of advances in the synthesis and understanding of QD nanomaterials, with a focus on colloidal QDs, and discuss their prospects in technologies such as displays and lighting, lasers, sensing, electronics, solar energy conversion, photocatalysis, and quantum information.

化学 Chemistry

Watching a hydroperoxyalkyl radical (•QOOH) dissociate


作者:Anne S. Hansen, Trisha Bhagde, Kevin B. Moore III, Daniel R. Moberg, Ahren W. Jasper, Yuri Georgievskii, et al.







A prototypical hydroperoxyalkyl radical (•QOOH) intermediate, transiently formed in the oxidation of volatile organic compounds, was directly observed through its infrared fingerprint and energy-dependent unimolecular decay to hydroxyl radical and cyclic ether products. Direct time-domain measurements of •QOOH unimolecular dissociation rates over a wide range of energies were found to be in accord with those predicted theoretically using state-of-the-art electronic structure characterizations of the transition state barrier region. Unimolecular decay was enhanced by substantial heavy-atom tunneling involving O-O elongation and C-C-O angle contraction along the reaction pathway. Master equation modeling yielded a fully a priori prediction of the pressure-dependent thermal unimolecular dissociation rates for the •QOOH intermediate—again increased by heavy-atom tunneling—which are required for global models of atmospheric and combustion chemistry.




维果茨基最近发展区的思想引起了国内外研究者的广泛关注 。美国著名教育心理学家布鲁纳根据最近发展区理论提出了支架式教学的教育模式。日本学者对最近发展区概念的理解主要集中在两点:在学习者发展中强调教育的主导作用;教学必须与最近发展区相适应。日内瓦大学心理学教授林达认为,“对最近发展区概念的两种不同的解读产生了两种不同取向的动态评估:一种取向是侧重于评估的教学整合;一种取向是侧重于教学的评估整合。” 在国内,最近发展区也受到高度的重视,1998年10月 成立了维果茨基研究会。我国对于维果茨基最近发展区的研究成功主要有:钟启泉(2006)在其《最近发展区新解及启示》中提出了对最近发展区的新解,即由最初的外部教育性影响逐步转换成为个体自己的东西,挖掘出了最近发展区思想中所蕴含的”内化“。麻彦坤(2005)在其《最近发展区理论影响下的同伴合作研究》中探讨了影响合作效果的因素,分析了教学、技术和教师在同伴合作中的作用。王颖在其《维果茨基最近发展区理论及其应用研究》一文中,探讨了最近发展区对学生内部言语的促进。她认为,“最近发展区和内部言语在发展中相互制约,当儿童发展时,他们在自己的最近发展区里与他人互动,建立自己的内部言语,成人为儿童发展自己的内部言语搭建各种支架和提供帮助”。













20世纪六七十年代,美国心理学家博德欧夫(Bodoff)的研究发现,许多智力分数较低的儿童只要得到适当的训练,他们与智力分数较高的儿童一样表现出较高的学习水平;前苏联心理学工作者卢博夫斯基(Lubovskii)的研究表明,学习障碍儿童在获得帮助就可以顺利地解决问题,并且能较熟练地将学习经验迁移到测验情景与课堂行为中;上世纪八十年代,美国学者詹姆斯.弗林(James R.Flynn)在对文献的研究过程中发现一个重要的趋势,在过去的半个世纪中,所有发达国家年轻人的IQ指数(智商测量分数)都出现了持续增长。这一发现受到广泛的关注,被称为“弗林效应”(The Flynn Effect),出现这一现象的原因之一就是较多的人受教育水平的提高。这些研究都是对维果茨基最近发展区理论的丰富与发展。智力动态评估的目的在于发现儿童的最近发展区,揭示儿童学习潜能发展。










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Wenwu Zhao*, Bojie Fu, Yang Qiu. An Upscaling Method for Cover-Management Factor and Its Application in the Loess Plateau of China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthQiang Feng, Wenwu Zhao*, Yang Qiu, Mingyue Zhao,Lina Zhong. Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Moisture and the Scale Variability of Its Influencing Factors: A Case Study in the Loess Plateau of China. WaterHailiang Xu, Wenwu Zhao*, Yinhui Zhang, Mingyue Zhao, Xiaoyan Liu. Price Differential Characteristics among Major World Grain Products from 1961 to 2009. Journal of Agricultural Science and Applications.房学宁,赵文武*. 生态系统服务研究进展. 生态学报钟莉娜,赵文武*. 2013年European Geosciences Union国际会议述评. 生态学报刘源鑫,赵文武*. 未来地球⁃全球可持续性研究计划. 生态学报杨德伟,赵文武,吕一河. 景观生态学研究:传统领域的坚守与新兴领域的探索. 生态学报徐海燕,赵文武*,赵明月,丁喜莲,王强. 陕西省安塞县生态退耕后农村经济转型及路径选择. 水土保持通报钟莉娜,赵文武*. 基于NDVI的黄土高原植被覆盖变化特征与空间自相关关系分析. 中国水土保持科学.胡莹洁,赵文武,徐海亮. 国际土地争夺发展现状与影响因素分析.世界地理研究. 2013,4安艺明,赵文武*,姜广辉,霍荟阁,靳婷 . 基于MapGIS地价系统的城镇土地定级研究——以德州市城区商服用地定级为例. 中国农学通报 W. W. Zhao, B. J. Fu*, L. D. Chen. A comparison of the soil loss evaluation index and the C-factor of RUSLE: a case study in the Loess Plateau of China. Hydrology and Earth System SciencesYiming An, Wenwu Zhao*, Yinhui Zhang. Accuracy assessments of the GLOBCOVER2008 land cover dataset using statistical inventories and FLUXNET site data at global scale. Acta Ecologica Sinica.赵文武. 世界主要国家耕地动态变化及其影响因素分析. 生态学报陈利顶,赵文武,王计平. 土地利用、水土流失及其尺度效应. 见陈利顶,吕昌河等著,黄土丘陵沟壑区土地利用与水土流失的尺度效应研究. 北京:科学出版社安艺明,赵文武*. 全球气候变化下的粮食安全研究. 生态学报徐海亮,赵文武*,安艺明. 1961-2009年国际粮食价格时间变化特征分析. 世界地理研究解纯营,赵文武*,徐海亮,安艺明. 世界食物消费变化和经济发展关系分析. 世界农业赵明月,赵文武*,安艺明,靳婷. 青海湖流域土壤侵蚀敏感性评价. 中国水土保持科学赵明月,赵文武*,靳婷,安艺明,徐海亮. 青海湖流域土地沙漠化敏感性评价.中国农学通报靳婷,赵文武*,赵明月,徐海燕.黄土丘陵区缓坡地不同土地利用方式的产流效应.中国水土保持科学,靳婷,赵文武*,赵明月,徐海燕.坡面尺度土地利用空间配置的产沙效应—以陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区为例.中国农学通报赵文武. 研究型教学模式设计——以土地资源管理课程为例. 教育技术期刊 Bojie Fu, Dong Niu, Yihe Lu, Guohua Liu, Wenwu Zhao. Land degradation and ecological restoration in China. Francisco A. Comin. Ecological Restoration: A Global Challenge; Cambridge UniversityYinhui Zhang, Yi Luo, Wenwu Zhao*. Land use dynamics and landscape change pattern in Hetao irrigation district, Inner Mongolia, China. Sixth International Symposium on Digital Earth.赵文武. 土地利用研究的国际比较. 地球环境学报赵文武,朱婧. 我国景观格局演变尺度效应研究进展. 中国人口.资源与环境徐海燕,赵文武*,解纯营,靳婷. 组件式GIS技术构建的多尺度土壤侵蚀评价模块. 水土保持研究 Zhao Wenwu, Xu Haiyan, Jiang Guanghui, Zhang Yinhui. Land resources and sustainable utilization in China. PIAGENG2009. Remote Sensing and Geoscience for Agricultural Engineering. Proceedings of SPIEZhao Wenwu, Xu Haiyan, Zhang Yinhui, Xie Chunying. Analysis on the rural house reconstruction agreement in the earthquake disaster rural areas. PIAGENG2009. Remote Sensing and Geoscience for Agricultural Engineering. Proceedings of SPIE VolZhao Wenwu,Zhang Yinhui. Effects of land use pattern change on soil loss at catchment scale: a case study in Loess Plateau of China based on GIS and SEDEM. 2009 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE 2009Zhao Wenwu,Zhang Yinhui. GIS-based application of erosion management tool at Loess Plateau of China. 2009 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE 2009程琳琳,赵文武*,张银辉,徐海燕.集水区尺度降雨侵蚀力空间分布对土壤流失的影响.农业工程学报.徐海燕,赵文武*,朱恒峰,朱婧.黄土丘陵沟壑区坡耕地与草地不同配置方式的侵蚀产沙特征.中国水土保持科学赵文武,徐海燕.灾区农村恢复重建面临的问题与对策.中国国土经济学会.全国经济地理研究与微区位前沿学术研讨会赵文武,刘敏,徐霖,李红梅.新时期大学生思想政治状况调查.见刘川生主编.高校基层党建工作创新研究(第2卷).北京:北京师范大学出版社张正峰,杨红,赵文武.全国城镇土地等别调整更新研究.中国土地科学徐海燕,聂宜民,赵文武,陈永智.寿光市土壤养分特性及空间变异性分析.农业现代化研究 X.-Y. Li, W.-W. Zhao , Y.-X. Song, W. Wang, X.-Y. Zhang. Rainfall harvesting on slopes using contour furrows with plastic-covered transverse ridges for growing Caragana korshinskii in the semiarid region of China. Agricultural Water Management. 2008,95:529-544.De Wang, Bojie Fu, Wenwu Zhao,Huifeng Hu, Yafeng Wang . Multifractal characteristics of soil particle size distribution under different land-use types on the Loess Plateau, China . Catena. 2008, 72:29–36 .Liding CHEN, Bojie FU, Wenwu ZHAO. Source-sink landscape theory and its ecological significance. Front. Biol赵文武,徐海燕,解纯营.黄土丘陵沟壑区流域尺度降雨侵蚀力估算.农业工程学报朱恒峰,赵文武*,康慕谊, 郭雯雯.水土保持地区人类活动对汛期径流影响的估算.水科学进展赵文武,傅伯杰,郭旭东.多尺度土壤侵蚀评价指数的技术与方法.地理科学进展赵文武,徐海燕,朱 婧.对灾区土地利用总体规划的几点建议.见:汶川地震社会管理政策研究.北京:科学出版社赵文武,刘学敏,李晓兵,宫阿都.对高校兼职辅导员工作的几点认识与想法.见刘川生,郑萼主编.新时期高校辅导员工作理论与实践.北京:北京出版社东野光亮,赵文武.中国土壤地质学研究进展与展望.土壤学报朱恒峰,赵文武*,康慕谊, 郭雯雯.延河流域输沙时变过程的显著干扰点分析.人民黄河朱恒峰,赵文武*,康慕谊, 郭雯雯.延河流域土地利用格局时空变化与驱动因子分析.干旱区资源与环境.徐海燕,赵文武*,刘国彬,朱恒峰,朱婧,解纯营.黄土丘陵沟壑区坡面尺度土地利用格局变化对径流的影响.水土保持通报徐海燕,赵文武,朱婧.灾后重建中土地利用政策合理运用的思考.农村经济.朱婧,赵文武*,徐海燕.黄土丘陵沟壑区径流、输沙相关性的尺度效应分析.水土保持研究李洁,赵文武,荆瑛,徐培玮.“城中村”改造与城市土地集约利用研究——以济南市为例.资源开发与市场.吴建寨,李波,张新时,赵文武,姜广辉.天山北坡生态经济的脆弱性.应用生态学报 赵文武,朱婧,郭雯雯.基于降雨量和降雨时间的月降雨侵蚀力简易算法.中国水土保持科学赵文武,郭雯雯,朱婧,徐海燕.耕地总量动态平衡与耕地动态平衡.农业经济王德,傅伯杰,赵文武.陈利顶.土壤侵蚀模型研究中的几个问题.干旱区地理朱恒峰,康慕谊,赵文武.郭雯雯.水利水保措施对延河流域侵蚀、泥沙输移和沉积的影响.水土保持研究.王德,傅伯杰,陈利顶,赵文武,汪亚峰.不同土地利用类型下土壤粒径分形分析——以黄土丘陵沟壑区为例.生态学报徐广才,康慕谊,赵从举,赵文武,秦艳红.阜康市生态敏感性评价研究.北京师范大学学报:自然科学版徐广才, 康慕谊, 赵从举, 冯文利,赵文武.英国强制征购土地的补偿制度及其借鉴.中国土地科学 Fu Bojie, Zhao Wenwu, Chen Liding, Lü Yihe, Wang De. A multiscale soil loss evaluation index. 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