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2023-12-11 04:55 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知



One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a surprise test. After hearing that all students were seated and waited for the test to begin. Now, the professor gave the test papers to all students with text facing down at the desk. Once he was done with handing out the test to all students, he asked them to turn the test pages and begin.


Student’s were confused to see that there was not a question but just a black dot in the center of the page. The professor noticed the students' face expression and told them, “I want you to write about what you see there.”


The students were still confused but got started with the test. At the end of the class, the professor took all answer sheets and started reading each answer from each sheet in front of all students. All of them described about the black dot and tried to explain its position etc.. After the professor finished reading the whole class was silent.


Now, professor began to explain, “Don’t worry, I am not going to give you grades for this but I just want you to think about something. Here everyone focused on the black dot wrote about it but no one wrote about the white paper, the same is with our lives. The white paper represents our whole life and the black spot represents problems in our life.


Our life is a gift given to us by God, with love and care, and we always have reasons to celebrate –our friends around us, the job that provides us our livelihood, the miracles we see everyday.


Still we just focus on day to day problems like health issues, lack of money, problems in relationships etc. but we never see that these problems are very small compared to everything we have in our lives.”


Moral Lesson: We should try to take eyes off our problems and Enjoy each one of our blessings, Each moment that life gives us. Be happy and Live Life Positively.


In old times it was customary for Monks who is traveling and seeking for lodge to stay was to engage himself in dharma combat with head monk at Zen monastery. If he won battle then he could stay else he would have to seek quarters elsewhere.


Once a traveling monk stop at a monastery. Master at monastery assigned his attendant to engage in silent debate combat with traveling monk. By chance attendant who was to combat with wayfarer had only one eye.


They both were sent for combat. Soon the wayfarer returned to master saying, “Your man is too good. I must journey on.”


Wayfarer then told master about the combat. He said , “I held up one finger to symbolize Buddha but he held up two fingers for Buddha and Dharma. So I held up three fingers for Buddha Dharma and Sang-ha but then he made a fist to indicate that they were all one. So I ran to indicate that I am no match for him.”


After saying this wayfarer left. When the traveler left, master’s attendant arrived. He was angry and out of breath. He demanded to his master, “Where is that rascal??”


He continued, “Master, first he insulted me by holding up one finger to indicate I had only one eye. Still being polite I held up two fingers to indicate that he was blessed with two eyes but still that traveler kept going on and held up three fingers to indicate that together there were only three eyes among them. So I wanted to hit him hard and made a fist but he ran off. Where is he hiding??”


Moral: Never be too quick to judge others.


Once there was a great Sufi saint. In his last days, someone asked him about his master. Saint said, “Since you asked I will certainly tell you about three masters.”


# Among three of them one master was a thief.


Once while wandering around in a desert I got lost and till I found a way and reached the village it was too late. Everything was closed and there was no one outside. At last I found a man who was trying to make hole in a wall. I asked him if I could find a place to stay. He replied that it will be difficult to find a place to stay at this time of night but you can stay with me, if it’s ok with you to stay with a thief. I stayed with him for a month.


Each night he would say to me that, “I am going to work. You can rest and pray.” When he came back I would ask him, “Did you get anything today?” He would reply, “No not tonight but tomorrow I will try again. God Willing.” Even after daily disappointment he never lost hope and he was always happy.


When I was meditating for years and still nothing changed, many moments came when I would get so desperate and hopeless that I thought of leaving all this and then suddenly I would remember words of that thief that, “God willing, Tomorrow it is going to happen. ”


# Second master was a dog


Once I was going along side of a river, there I saw a dog who was very thirsty. I saw that as dog looked into river to drink water, it saw his own image and got afraid. Seeing his own reflection dog barked and ran away. But because dog was too thirsty he would come back. This happened many time but finally despite his fear, dog jumped into water.


Seeing this I knew that it was a message from God. It means that one has to go forward despite all of his fears.


# Third master was a little boy


As I entered a town I saw a little kid carrying a lit candle in his hands. I asked him, “Have you lit this candle yourself? ” He replied, “Yes sir.” I said, “There was time when candle was not lit and when it was lit but can you show me the source from which light came?” Boy laughed and blew out the candle and said ,”You have seen light go? Can you tell me where it had gone?? ”


Boy continued, “Ok, I will tell you it had returned to the source.” This shattered my ego and at that moment I felt how stupid I was. And since then I just dropped all my Knowledge-ability.


I had no master but this doesn’t means that I was not a disciple. I accepted this whole universe, whole existence as my master.


Moral: In this world there are millions of source and you can Learn from Every Possible Source. With a Master you start Learning to learn.




Along with feelings of insecurity, loss of control and nervousness, physical effects, including sleep issues, fatigue and loss of appetite, are caused by homesickness. We gathered a few psychologist-backed tips to help ease homesickness:


1. Realize that feeling homesick is 100 percent normal.


Almost everyone experiences homesickness when moving to a new place — some people might just be better at hiding it. Being homesick is not a sign of personal shortcoming.


2. Make connections with new people in comfortable settings.


Feeling homesick when separated from loved ones motivates people to want to be with those supportive people. But keep in mind that everyone is different when it comes to forming those new relationships. When making new connections, it’s best to stick to the style that works for you in order to mitigate homesickness.


3. Practice self-compassion.


Self-compassion is loving yourself just as you love the ones you care about. The most important step in practicing self-compassion is substituting negative, critical thoughts about yourself with thoughts that are more supportive and kind.


4. Keep tabs on your negativity.


It’s also useful to ask yourself how much of your homesickness is due to an event and how much is from how you’re perceiving a situation. Taking a step back is recommended, instead of falling into the trap of a negative outlook. You can silence negative thoughts in many ways, including reciting positive mantras, keeping a journal or even taking a walk in a park.


Too many people think of happiness as the ultimate goal of life. But, if you’re waiting for happiness to arrive then it’s likely that it never will!


You’re always wanting something more, always looking forward to a time when you’ll be “happy”. And, if you fall into this trap, you’ll never reach that goal. Happiness should not be your life’s goal, it should be your life! The only time to be happy is right now! It’s state of mind, not a set of accomplishments or the accumulation of material things. You must accept that life will always have challenges and things will not always go your way.


Instead of feeling disappointed when things don’t work out the way you’d hoped, feel grateful for the experience. Instead of dreaming of a brighter, happier, richer tomorrow, make today as wonderful as you can.


Happiness is a conscious decision and that I can make it right now. Thinking of the future and having aspirations is essential to leading a happy and fulfilled life. The trick is not to let thoughts of the future overshadow your enjoyment of the present and the appreciation of the things and people you have in your life right now!


There is no way to happiness: happiness is the way!


Stop waiting for happiness to arrive and simply decide to be happy! It’s not some great goal or destination, it’s a journey and a way of life.


A woman baked chapatti for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby. She kept the extra chapatti on the window sill. Every day, a hunchback came and took away the chapatti. Instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way: “The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!”


The woman felt irritated. “Not a word of gratitude,” she said to herself… “Everyday this hunchback utters this jingle! What does he mean?” One day, she decided to do away with him. She added poison to the chapatti she prepared for him!


As she was about to keep it on the window sill, her hands trembled. “What is this I am doing?” she said. Immediately, she threw the chapatti into the fire, prepared another one. As usual, the hunchback came, picked up the chapatti and muttered the words: “The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!”


Every day, as the woman placed the chapatti on the window sill, she offered a prayer for her son who had gone to a distant place to seek his fortune.


That evening, there was a knock on the door. As she opened it, she was surprised to find her son standing in the doorway. He was hungry and weak. As he saw his mother, he said, “Mom, it’s a miracle I’m here. While I was but a mile away, I was so famished that I collapsed. I would have died, but just then an old hunchback passed by. He was kind enough to give me a whole chapatti. He said, “Your need is greater than mine!”


She remembered the poisoned chapatti that she had made that morning. Had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have been eaten by her own son!


It was then that she realized the significance of the words: “The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!” Do good and don’t ever stop doing good, even if it is not appreciated at that time.



引导学生走近美文,使他们成为美文的崇拜者和得益者,听取 哇 声一片,这正是我们教者的责任,也是当代教育所期待的。我精心收集了300字英语美文摘抄,供大家欣赏学习!

It was a few days before Christmas many years ago and it looked like it would be a lean one for my family.


The saw mill that I was working at had laid a lot of us off while machinery was being repaired so we didn’t have much money.


My wife and I had scrimped and saved to buy our young children some toys, but an unexpected car repair had taken most of our cash. We decided then that we could only afford to get one small gift for each of our children.


We arrived at the store and walked down the parking lot past people loading gifts into their cars. I envied them a bit, because it sure didn’t feel like Christmas to me.


We hurried into the store past the Salvation army bell ringer with our heads down. I had always enjoyed putting something in his kettle before but wasn’t sure if I could afford to this time.


We searched all through the store hoping to find one thing each of our small children would like. Thankfully, we were able to get them each someone sweet. We headed for the checkout, bought the toys, and were amazed that we even had a few dollars left over.


As we walked out of the store into the brisk, Winter air I stopped and dropped those dollars into the bell ringer’s kettle. I didn’t have a dime left but that didn’t matter. Suddenly, it felt like Christmas.


I think the wonderful actress, Dale Evans put it best when she said: “Christmas is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give it’s Christmas.” It doesn’t have to be a gift of money either. When we give our time, it’s Christmas. When we share our smile, it’s Christmas. When we give others our kindness and compassion, it’s Christmas. When we do anything at any time to help another, it’s Christmas.

在我看来,女演员Dale Evan把圣诞节的意义阐释得最好,“圣诞精神在于满怀着爱的行动,每当我们去关爱、去施予,就体现了圣诞精神。”它并不需要你花钱买礼物。每当我们愿意为别人花时间(做公益),那就是圣诞节;每当我们用笑容(感染周围),那就是圣诞节;每当我们对别人亲切友善、热情满满,那就是圣诞节。无论何时,无论以何种方式,每当我们帮助别人,那就是圣诞节。

May you do all you can to make it Christmas every day of the year and every day of your life here. May you always share God’s light through the love you give and the life you live.


As we slowly drove down the street on that cold December evening we spotted the porch light. "This must be the house." I told our "Positive Teens In Action" group. We pulled up in front of an older home with the porch light glowing. We gathered up our song books, walked up the steps, and knocked on the door. We heard a faint voice from inside say, “Come on in. The door is open." We opened the door.


There in a rocking chair sat an elderly woman with a big smile on her face. "I've been expecting you." she said weakly. Ruth was one of our Meals On Wheels stops I had arranged; along with the usual church members who enjoyed carolers. We handed Ruth the basket of goodies the teens had assembled earlier that evening. Then I asked Ruth what carols she would like to hear. Ruth's face was beaming as she joined in singing each song.


As we hugged Ruth good-bye she said to me with tears glistening in her eyes, “The day you called I was still in bed. I had just finished praying. I asked God if it would be possible to have some Christmas Carolers come to my home and sing this year. Thank you for being the answer to my Christmas prayer."


Wow, what an awesome experience to have the opportunity to be the answer to someone's Christmas prayer.


Bible Text: When you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you. Matthew 6:6


I have received many Christmas gifts over the years. The best gift I ever received was presented to me by a stranger. I never even knew his name and I only had contact with him for less than 60 seconds. His Christmas present to me changed the way I think about people and about Christmas.


I hate Black Friday sales. It's often a gathering of people who are there for many different reasons. Some are looking for a deal on that one item for their loved one, or perhaps themselves. Their intentions are completely unrelated to the festive time of year, and can merely be summed up with one word, "EBay!"


It was several years ago when my wife asked me to meet her at the local department store on Black Friday morning. They had advertised a child's bike that she wanted to purchase for our son. We stood with a very large crowd, waiting for the manager to blow the whistle. After a while the whistle blew. It was like throwing a bucket of chum into a tank of sharks. I told my wife that if we obtained a bike, fine, but if we did not, I was OK with that too.


As the pallet of bikes began to gradually decrease in size, I saw my polite opportunity to wrap my hands around the corner of one of the boxes. I lifted it off the crate and suddenly felt some mild resistance. I looked up to see one of the largest gentlemen I had ever seen in my life. Intimidating was not the word to describe his presence. He was adorned with numerous straps of metal spiked leather around both arms and even his neck. Tattoos were an obvious passion of his.


I started to relinquish the box but he gently pushed it back in my direction and back into my hands. He then directed it into my shopping cart. He looked at me, smiled, and said, "Merry Christmas."My wife and I went to the checkout, paid for the bike and went home. All the way home I was thinking that this moment was by far the best Christmas gift I had ever received. The kindness of a stranger that broke all preconceived notions I may have had of stereotypes and prejudices. The tenderness of a human heart in a simple act. I will never forget it.


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