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2023-12-06 01:43 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


problems with the education system

With the development of the time and the society, china’s higher education system is becoming more and more flawless, and China has benefited much from this. But, we can’t deny, there are also many problems still exist in china’s higher education.
In china, the higher education over focus on the knowledge itself, but ignore to cultivate students’ abilities, qualities, and even more important, the sense of responsibility to the society. Maybe this is because Chinese people reverence knowledge, love knowledge more than other things. This is not bad, but it must be under the precondition of not ignoring other things. We must admit, in the past ten years, with the development of china’s higher education system, this phenomenon has changed a lot, but this is still a very common problem in today’s higher education.
In my mind, the aim of university education should not confine its views in knowledge teaching, but it should help the students to increase their abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society. That’s to say, it is training the good members of society.
In the article “The Aim of a University Education” the famous English educationist John Henry Newman expresses his opinion about the higher education: “it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste ……and refining the intercourse of private life.” “It prepare him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility.” Here, John Henry Newman raises the abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society to more important position.
In the reality, after graduation the students will become the average members of the society. At that time, the importance of their abilities, qualities, and the sense of responsibility to the society will be all shown. No matter how much knowledge one owns, if he can’t adapt the society, and contribute to the society, he will be washed out by the society. It is a waste of education recourses.
In our life, we can see a lot of examples. Every year, we can hear news that many university students or the persons who have higher academic qualification kill themselves. They have accepted the high education and have a lot of knowledge, but their qualities and the sense of responsibility to the society may not reach the level which they should have. At the same time, many university campuses in China are so dirty that makes people feel they are not in the campus but in the street outside, and we can see many students throw rubbish to everywhere they want. This may indicate there is something wrong with students’ qualities.
There must be a lot of other problems exist in china’s higher education, for example, the high tuition fee, the improper system, the ruleless manage, and so on. But because china’s higher education is in the process of change from “elite education” to “popular education”, the cultivation of students’ abilities, qualities, and even more important, the sense of responsibility to the society is becoming more and more important. This will affect china’s future society in a large extent. So we must do our best, and overcome all the difficulties to solve this problem firstly.

跪求 : 600字以上800字以下的适合大学生读的英语文章

Story of Regret(悲情罗曼史)
There was this guy who believed very much in true love and decided to take his time to wait for his right girl to appear.He believed that here would definitely be someone special out there for him,but none came.
Every year at Christmas,his ex-girlfriend would return from Vancouver to look him up.He was aware that she still held some hope of rekindling[1] the past romance with him.He did not wish to mislead her in any way.So he would always get one of his girl friends to pose as his steady whenever she came back.
That went on for several years and each year,the guy would get a different girl to pose as his romantic interest.So whenever the ex-girlfriend came to visit him,she would be led into believing that it was all over between her and the guy.
The girl took all those rather well,often trying to casually tease[2] him about his different girl friends,or so,as it seemed!In fact,the girl often wept in secret whenever she saw him with another girl,but she was too pround to admit it.Still,every Christmas,she returned,hoping to rekindle some form of romance.But each time,she returned to Vancouver feeling disappointed.
Finally she decided that she could not play that game any longer.Therefore,she confronted him and professed[3] that after all those years,he was still the only man that she has ever loved.Although the guy knew of her feelings for him,he was still taken aback and had never expected her to react that way.He always thought that she would slowly forget about him over time and come to terms that it was all over between them.Although he was touched by her undying love for him and wanted so much to accept her again,he remembered why he rejected her in the first place---she was not the one he wanted.So he hardened his heart and turned her down cruelly.Since then,three years had passed and the girl never returned anymore.They never even wrote to each other.The guy went on with his life... still searching for the one but somehow deep inside him he missed the girl.
On the Christmas of 1995,he went to his friend's party alone."Hey,how come all alone this year?Where are all your girl friends?What happened to that Vancouver babe who joins you every Christmas?"asked one of his friends.He felt warm and comforted by his friend's queries[4] about her,still he just surged[5] on.
Then,he came upon one of his many girl friends whom he once requested to pose as his steady.He wanted so much to ignore her...not that he was impolite,but because at that moment,he just didn't feel comfortable with those girl friends anymore.It was alomst like he was being judged by them.The girl saw him and shouted across the floor for him.Unable to avoid her,he went up to acknowledge her.
"Hi...how are you?Enjoying the party?" the girl asked.
"Sure...yeah!" he replied.
She was slightly tipsy[6]... must be from the whiskey on her hand.She continued,"why...?Don't you need someone to pose as your girlfriend this year?" Then he answered,"No,there is no need for that anymore..."
Before he could continue,he was interrupted,"oh yes!Must have found a girlfriend!You haven't been searching for one for the past years,right?" The man looked up,as if he has struck gold,his face beamed and looked directly at the drunken girl.He replied,"Yes...you are right!I haven't been looking for anyone for the past years."
With that,the man darted[7] across the floor and out the door,leaving the lady in much bewilderment[8].He finally realized that he had already found his dream girl,and she was...the Vancouver girl all along!The drunken lady has said something that awoken him.
All along he had found his girl.That was why he did not bother to look further when he realized she was not coming back.It was not any special girl he was seeking!It was perfection that he wanted,and yes...perfection!
Realizing that he had let away someone so important in his life,he decided to call her immediately.His whole mind was flooded with fear.He was afraid that she might have found someone new or no longer had the same feelings anymore...For once,he felt the fear of losing someone.
As it was Christmas eve,the line was quite hard to get through,especially an overseas call.He tried again and again,never giving up.Finally,he got through...precisely at 12:00 midnight.He confessed his love for her and the girl was moved to tears.It seemed that she never got over him!Even after so long,she was still waiting for him,never giving up.
He was so excited to meet her and to begin his new chapter of their lives.He decided to fly to Vancouver to join her.It was the happiest time of their lives!But their happy time was short-lived.Two days before he was supposed to fly to Vancouver,he received a call from her father.She had a head-on[9] car collision[10] with a drunk driver.She passed away after 6 hours in a coma[11].
The guy was devastated[12],as it was a complete loss.Why did fate play such cruel games with him?He curses the heaven for taking her away from him,denying even one last look at her!How cruel he cursed!How he hated himself...for taking so long to realize his mistake!!That was in 1996.

[1]、rekindle V. 重新点燃
[2]、tease V.取笑,欺负
[3]、profess V.表示
[4]、queries n.查询
[5]、surge V.汹涌,澎湃
[6]、tipsy adj.喝醉的
[7]、dart V.飞奔
[8]、bewilderment n.困惑,慌张
[9]、head-on adj.正面的
[10]、collision n.碰撞,冲突
[11]、coma n.昏迷
[12]、devastate V.毁坏



After the final examination, I received a letter from my uncle and aunt who invited me to stay with them for a fortnight. They live in the countryside near a beautiful mountain. The news brought me a restless night. Next morning, after almost a day‘s ride on the bus I reached their home and I was kindly received by them. They prepared a very nice and airy room for me, Just coming inside, on a small table I found a vase of roses----my favorite flower. I thanked them for their kindness. When they left me to take a rest, I really could not do it. My attention was taken away by the charming and picturesque scenery outside the window. If I were an artist, I would have drawn a wonderful picture of it.
Every morning we took a walk in the neighboring hills where we could enjoy the fresh air and sweet songs by the birds. We gathered wild flowers here and there among the bushes, I found it full of fun.
In the afternoon, I mostly sent my time reading and writing, for I was shut in the house by the terrible heat. The evening was shut in the house by the terrible heat. The evening was the only time we could go to swim together. I improved my swimming greatly during those two weeks.
Though the fortnight passed away at lightening speed, the memory of it will last forever.



有时她十分严厉,不允许别人犯任何错误,但又时常给人一些美丽的安慰,使这些要求显得更加苛刻。她喜爱生气,总会时不时冒出一股莫名其妙的气来,朝身旁的人吼两句,不论我做的好不好。 在我们每个人的成长过程中,妈妈的关爱是永远不可缺少的,正是妈妈无微不至的关爱,才让我们健康快乐的成长,也希望你能把你这份孝心化作前进的动力,来回报你的母亲,谁言寸草心,报得三春晖,可令天下父母心。


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