《中国投资》杂志社由国家发展和改革委员会主管,由发改委投资所、中国投资协会、中国国际工程咨询公司主办,是国家投资经济类核心期刊。 中国投资协会投融资协作中心是中国投资协会的投融资项目对接的协作撮合平台,与《中国投资》杂志社一体化运作。主要业务方向是以政策驱动为背景,在全球范围内进行投融资、招商引资、基金、金融及齐衍生品的撮合、对接、交易、合作的推进服务平台,包括政策、情报、撮合、交易、培训、交流、研究、咨询等服务形式,承办“年度全国企业投融资大会”、“全国投资目的地”、“全国投资热度指数”、“区域投资价值榜”的调查、评价、发布、《中国投资地理》、“全国投资地理标志”、“投资课题研究”等有影响力的品牌项目。设有中国投资研究院、中国产业与金融研究室、发展部、行政部等。 我们需要这样的职员: 诚实守信、团队合作精神;良好的沟通和人际协调能力; 富有激情和主动性;乐于学习、敢于创新,追求卓越; 我们能为你提供: 富于开拓性和成就感的岗位; 不断追求创新、追求高绩效的工作氛围; 富有成就感的员工发展和激励体系; 诚邀您的加盟!
《中国投资》杂志社的经营范围是:出版中国投资杂志;零售邮购批发与建设工作有关的图书;设计和制作印刷品广告;利用自有《中国投资》杂志发布广告;投资信息咨询、房地产信息咨询;技术培训、技术服务。(企业依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)。在北京市,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为646550万元,主要资本集中在 5000万以上 规模的企业中,共19家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于良好。
editor-Li Ze : The project exceeding 10 invests in experience. Once held a post Hong Kong becomes the high-grade fund investment manager yuan; In China the western part, the investment company president invests in an assistant; The hundred big (000560) financial affairs directors who invest in the subordinate offspring in China the western part wait for duty. Return back to director of Jin Li Fang investment funds administration company , the fund investing in director post , being in charge of 300 million basic PE managing a total at present holding a post. Have rich getting a job in the respect of fund investment , financial consultant business etc. experience. Main achievement over the years: Puna science and technology Hong Kong starts an undertaking appearing in the market paper of and buys and invests; Hangzhou loves the crude drug job's and Pre-IPO buying restructuring and Hong Kong to be listed invests; Pre-IPO small board to be listed among (002200) invests in Pre-IPO investment , the green earth accomplishing big China science and technology (002236) small and medium board to be listed; Be the accomplish seven grit shares' and buy scheme designing that , important Tang Gao Hong (000851) and big Tang of financial consultant leading factor telecommunication (600198)'s projects financings adviser; Accomplish more than 10 project venture capital; And, the leading factor accomplishes Huanghe River water conservancy committee enterprise being changed to manufacture management consultant business such as scheme , Beidaihe economic development zone strategy plan.
Gao Wei Dong : Switch over to shift the department concerned job exceeding 12 years once in country hair; Once held a post National Planning Commission invests in the research institute research fellow , consult the country in holding a post now grinding the director who invests in a consultancy centre. Successively host the monograph have published 7 with investment of project investment fields such as "yearbook ", the whole nation infrastructure construction assembly " by Chinese". The country gets rich switching over to shift on-period , the leading factor and participation pass through China and USA , countries such as Canada is much cooperation project, have rich cooperations among nations experience, Canada Toronto Stock Exchange , Canada royal bank , Bank of Montreal have been in Chinese sources of energy , mining industry , industry field investment project , 10 has agreed on more than 30 comprehensiveness project by negotiation for many years, in China. Get- - on 2004- the liaison job and business being in charge of Canada Toronto Stock Exchange Chinese make rubbings from the exhibition job during the 2008 years.
Wu Jian Min : The go in for beginning in 1996 throws row of business , successively holds a post a universal , big Yu Shen Yin roc bond , Hua Tai bond, hold the post of throw post such as row of general managers of headquarter , Hua Tai northeast China office chief delegate. And hold the post of Shenzhen and up many family listed company independent directors such as business affairs incorporated company , Sichuan direction photoelectricity incorporated company , Fu Shun City special steel incorporated company. In being engaged in the job investing in banking business, the host and participation more than 10 issue , assets reorganization, is changed to manufacture a project, experience having accumulated comparatively rich business, have thrown into comparatively big energy during the past the past few years studying boundary foreign capital is this the marketplace, hosts the overseas to be listed financing accomplishing much family enterprise. The project includes the overseas to be listed being completed: Meter of high technology Toronto exchange starting an undertaking appearing in the market paper of and increasing and revolution of host stiff business , Wuxi Hua Yang OTCBB to be listed business and so on.
Zhang Han Ya : Consult about an adviser. The country changes the committee investment research institute predecessor bureau chief , China invests in vice president of association; Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science invests in Department of Economics director , Ph.D degree advisor; "China invests " in-chief of periodical office; Obtain the study of science special govermment allowance that State Council issues.