1.阅读书报的人 2.指书籍、报纸、杂志或其他类似的宣传工具所能影响到的公众
《读者》是1981年甘肃人民出版社出版的杂志。《读者》杂志发掘人性中的真、善、美,体现人文关怀。《读者》在刊物内容及形式方面与时俱进,追求高品位、高质量,力求精品,并以其形式和内容的丰富性及多样性,赢得了各个年龄段和不同阶层读者的喜爱与拥护。发行量稳居中国期刊排名第一,亚洲期刊排名第一,世界综合性期刊排名第四。被誉为“中国人的心灵读本”、“中国期刊第一品牌”。 更多→ 读者
audience; reader; the reading public
READERS is a integrated abstract magazine published by Gansu People’s Press. Its used name is Reader's Digest. It regards carrying forward the human outstanding culture as its own responsibility. The magazine adheres to its tenet of gathering Chinese and foreign culture's best features and awakening people's thought and broadening people's outlook. Its aim is maintaining high grade and hgh quality .The great magazine attracts all kinds of different people.