期刊简介:主管单位:中国科学技术协会 主办单位:大众科技报社 国内刊号:CN 11-5986/N 国际刊号:ISSN 2095-1043 邮发代号:2-213 刊期:半月刊;
1、 稿件应具有科学性、先进性和实用性,论点明确、论据可靠、数据准确、逻辑严谨、文字通顺。
2、 计量单位以国家法定计量单位为准;统计学符号按国家标准《统计学名词及符号》的规定书写。
3、 所有文章标题字数在20字以内。
4、 参考文献应引自正式出版物,在稿件的正文中依其出现的先后顺序用阿拉伯数字加方括号在段末上角标出。
5、 参考文献按引用的先后顺序列于文末。
6、 正确使用标点符号,表格设计要合理,推荐使用三线表。
7、 图片要清晰,注明图号。
Submission requirements
1, the section should have a scientific, advanced and practical, point clear, rigorous argument data is reliable, accurate, logical, text good.
2, the unit of measurement is subject to national legal units of measurement; symbols in statistics according to national standards provisions of the statistical terms and symbols to write.
3, all the title of the article word count in 20 words or less.
4, references should be cited in official publications, under which it appears in the body of the manuscript with Arabic numerals in the order marked corner square brackets at the end.
5, reference the columns in the order by reference at the end of the text.
6, the correct use of punctuation, the table design to be reasonable, three-line tables are recommended.
7, picture should be clear, indicating the drawing number.