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 岩石学报是由中国科协主管,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会和中国科学院地质研究所主办的学术性期刊。其办刊方针是:坚持以创新性、综合性、前沿性、导向性特色,坚持“百花齐放, 百家争鸣”,依靠和团结全国广大 地学工作者, 探索自然奥秘,开展广泛而深入的 基础理论研究,促进我国 地球科学领域研究和发展,发表高水平科研成果,为我国培养和造就大批地学科研人才


Qian Q and Hermann J. 2010. Formation of high-Mg diorites through assimilation of peridotite by monzodiorite magma at crustal depths. Journal of PetrologyQian Q, O’Neill, HStC, Hermann J. 2010. Comparative diffusion coefficients of major and trace elements in olivine at ~950℃ from a xenocryst included in dioritic magma. GeologyQian Q, Gao J, Klemd R, He GQ, Xiong XM, Long LL, Song B, Liu DY and Xu RH. 2009. Early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Chinese South Tianshan Orogen: constraints from SHRIMP zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of basaltic and dioritic rocks from Xiate, NW China. International Journal of Earth SciencesGao J, Klemd R, Qian Q, Zhang X, Li JL, Jiang T, Yang YQ. 2011. The collision between the Yili and Tarim blocks of the Southwestern Altaids: Geochemical and age constraints of a leucogranite dike crosscutting the HP-LT metamorphic belt in the Chinese Tianshan Orogen. TectonophysicsLong LL, Gao J, Klemd R, Beier C, Qian Q, Zhang X, Wang JB, Jiang T. 2011. Geochemical and geochronological studies of granitoid rocks from the Western Tianshan Orogen: Implications for continental growth in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Lithos,王艳玲,钱青,焦淑娟. 2011. 纯橄岩捕虏体在闪长质岩浆中的存留时间尺度:Mg-Fe扩散剖面模拟研究. 岩石学报张喜,高俊,董连慧,李继磊,江拓,钱青,苏文. 2011. 新疆中天山乔霍特铜矿区I型花岗岩锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄及其地质意义. 岩石学报张喜,高俊,董连慧,李继磊,刘新,钱青,江拓. 2011. 伊什基里克山切特木斯铜矿区火山岩地球化学特征与成矿背景探讨. 新疆地质李继磊,钱青,高俊,苏文,张喜,刘新,江拓. 2010. 西天山昭苏东南部阿登套地区大哈拉军山组火山岩及花岗岩侵入体的地球化学特征、时代和构造环境. 岩石学报Qian, Q., Gao, J., Wang, Y.L., He, G.Q., Klemd, R., Xiong, X.M. 2009. Juxtaposition of Cambrian-Ordovician ophiolite and adakites at the southern margin of the Yili plate, NW China: implications on early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Chinese Tianshan Orogen. International Excursion and Workshop: Tectonic Evolution and Crustal Structure of the Tien Shan Belt and Related Terrains in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, 8-17 June, 2009, Bishek, Kyrguzstan,Wang, Y.L., Qian, Q., Gao, J., Xiong, X.M., He, G.Q., Klemd, R., 2009. Ordovician adakites from the northern part of the Nalati Mountains, Xinjiang (NW China). 2009年全国岩石学与地球动力学研讨会Gao, J., Long, L.L., Klemd, R., Qian, Q., Liu, D.Y., Xiong, X.M., Su, W., Liu, W., Wang, Y.T., Yang, F.Q. 2009. Tectonic evolution of the South Tianshan Orogen, NW China: geochemical and age constraints of granitoid rocks. International Journal of Earth Sciences,Gao J, Klemd R, Long LL, Xiong XM, Qian Q. 2009. Adakitic signature formed by fractional crystallization: An interpretation for the Neo-Proterozoic meta-plagiogranites of the NE Jiangxi ophiolitic mélange belt, South China. LithosLee HY, Chung SL, Lo CH, Ji JQ, Lee TY, Qian Q, Zhang Q. 2009. Eocene Neotethyan slab breakoff in southern Tibet inferred from the Linzizong volcanic record. Tectonophysics高俊,钱青,龙灵利,张喜,李继磊,苏文. 2009. 西天山的增生造山过程. 地质通报Zhang Q, Wang CY, Liu DY, Jian P, Qian Q, Zhou GQ, Robinson PT. 2008. A brief review of ophiolites in China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences龙灵利,高俊,钱青,熊贤明,王京彬,王玉往,高立明. 2008. 西天山伊犁地区石炭纪火山岩地球化学特征及构造环境. 岩石学报钱青,徐守礼,何国琦,Klemd, R., 熊贤明,龙灵利,高俊. 2007. 那拉提山北缘寒武纪玄武岩的元素地球化学特征及构造意义. 岩石学报龙灵利,高俊,熊贤明,钱青. 2007. 新疆中天山南缘比开(地区)花岗岩地球化学特征及年代学研究. 岩石学报钱青,高俊,熊贤明,龙灵利,黄德志. 2006.西天山昭苏北部石炭纪火山岩的岩石地球化学特征、成因及形成环境.岩石学报高俊,龙灵利,钱青,黄德志,苏文,Reiner Klemd. 2006. 南天山:晚古生代还是三叠纪碰撞造山带?岩石学报龙灵利,高俊,熊贤明,钱青.2006. 南天山库勒湖蛇绿岩地球化学特征及其年龄. 岩石学报Wang Y, Zhang Q, Qian Q, Zhou MF. 2005. Geochemistry of the Early Paleozoic Baiyin volcanic rocks (NW China): Implications for the tectonic evolution of the North Qilian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Geology简平,张旗,刘敦一,金维浚,贾秀勤,钱青. 2005. 内蒙古固阳晚太古代赞岐岩(sanukite)-角闪花岗岩的SHRIMP定年及其意义. 岩石学报张旗,钱青,翟明国,金维浚,王焰,简平,王元龙. 2005. Sanukite(赞岐岩)的地球化学特征、成因及其地球动力学意义. 岩石矿物学杂志张旗,王焰,钱青,翟明国,金惟浚,王元龙,简平,2004. 晚太古代Sanukite(赞歧岩)与地球早期演化. 岩石学报Zhang Q, Wang Y, Zhou GQ, Qian Q, Robinson PT. 2004. Ophiolites in China: their distribution, ages and tectonic settings. In: Dilek Y & Robinson PT (eds). Ophiolites in Earth History. Geological Society, London, Special PublicatioQian Q, Chung SL, Lee TY, and Wen DJ. 2003. Mesozoic high Ba-Sr granitoids from North China: Geochemical characteristics and geological implications. Terra NovaQian Q, Chu MF, Chung SL, Lee TY, Xiong XM. 2003. Was Triassic continental subduction solely responsible for the generation of Mesozoic mafic magmas and mantle source enrichment in the Dabie-Sulu orogen? International Geology ReviewChung SL, Liu DY, Ji JQ, Chu MF, Lee HY, Wen DJ, Lo CH, Lee TY, Qian Q, Zhang Q. 2003. Adakites from continental collision zones: melting of thickened lower crust beneath southern Tibet. Geology张旗,简平,刘敦一,王元龙,钱青,王焰,薛怀民. 2003. 宁芜火山岩的锆石SHRIMP定年及其意义. 中国科学(D辑)钱青,钟孙霖,李通艺,温大任. 2002. 八达岭基性岩和高Ba-Sr花岗岩地球化学特征及成因探讨:华北和大别-苏鲁造山带中生代岩浆岩的对比. 岩石学报刘文斌,钱青,岳国利,李秋生,张旗,周美夫. 2002. 西藏丁青弧前蛇绿岩的地球化学特征. 岩石学报Qian Q and Zhang Q. 2001. Geochemical characteristics and tectonic setting of the Laohushan basalts, North Qilian Mountains. Acta Geologica SinicaQian Q, Zhang Q, and Wang Y. 2001. Early Palaeozoic North Qilian Oceanic Basin, an Analogue to Modern West Pacific: Evidence from Geochemical Characteristics of Ophiolites. InterRidge News钱青. 2001. Adakite的地球化学特征和成因. 岩石地球化学钱青,张旗,孙晓猛. 2001. 北祁连九个泉玄武岩的形成环境及地幔源区特征:微量元素和Nd同位素地球化学制约. 岩石学报钱青,张旗,孙晓猛,王岳明. 2001. 北祁连老虎山玄武岩和硅岩的地球化学特征及形成环境. 地质科学张旗,钱青,王二七,王焰,赵太平,郝杰,郭光军,2001,燕山中晚期的中国东部高原: 埃达克岩的启示. 地质科学张旗,王焰,钱青,杨进辉,王元龙,赵太平,郭光军,2001. 中国东部燕山期埃达克岩的特征及其构造-成矿意义. 岩石学报王焰,张旗,许荣华,钱青. 2001. 北祁连白银矿田火山成因块状硫化物矿床成矿金属来源讨论. 地质科技情报.Wang Y, Qian Q, Zhang Q. 2000. Geochemistry of an early Paleozoic bimodal volcanic suite at Bianmagou area, North Qilian Mountain, NW China. Scientia Geologica Sinica钱青,张旗. 2000. 北祁连老虎山地区玄武岩的地球化学特征和形成环境. 海峡两岸第二次地学研讨会韩松,贾秀琴,钱青,张旗,王焰. 2000. 北祁连大岔大坂两类辉长岩的地质地球化学特征及其构造环境. 岩石矿物学杂志王焰,张旗,钱青. 2000. 埃达克岩(adakite)的地球化学特征及其构造意义. 地质科学王焰,张旗,钱青,刘小明,张洪培. 2000. 白银矿田成矿地质背景和物质来源讨论. 海峡两岸第二次地学研讨会王焰,钱青,刘良,张旗. 2000. 不同构造环境中双峰式火山岩的主要特征. 岩石学报张旗,钱青,王焰. 2000. 蛇绿岩岩石组合及洋脊下岩浆作用. 岩石矿物学杂志张旗,钱青,王焰,韩松,贾秀琴. 2000. 北祁连蛇绿岩的特征及北祁连洋盆的规模. 海峡两岸第二次地学研讨会张旗,王焰,钱青. 2000. 北祁连早古生代洋盆是裂陷槽还是大洋盆-与葛肖虹讨论. 地质科学钱青,孙晓猛,张旗,韩松,贾秀琴. 1999. 北祁连九个泉蛇绿岩及其上覆岩系的岩石地球化学特征和地球动力学意义. 地质论评钱青,王焰. 1999. 不同构造环境中双峰式火山岩的地球化学特征. 地质地球化学徐平,贾秀琴,钱青,韩松,张旗. 1999. 云南金平县镁铁-超镁铁岩岩床群的地球化学特征. 地质科学张旗, 钱青, 王焰. 1999. 造山带火成岩地球化学研究. 地学前缘张旗, 钱青, 王焰,贾秀琴,韩松. 1999. 蛇绿岩地球化学研究. 地质论评, 45(增刊)张旗,钱青,王焰,徐平,韩松,贾秀琴. 1999. 扬子地块西南缘晚古生代基性岩浆岩的性质与古特提斯洋的演化. 岩石学报钱青,王岳明,李惠民等. 1998. 甘肃老虎山闪长岩的地球化学特征及其成因,岩石学报钱青. 1998. 双峰式火山岩套的地球动力学环境. 地学前缘韩松,钱青,徐平,张旗等. 1998. 云南墨江县早石碳世五素火山岩的地球化学特征及其地质意义. 地质力学学报王仁民,钱青,范天立. 1998. 华北古陆块南缘高压麻粒岩的发现,北京大学国际地质科学学术研讨会论文集,地震出版社张旗,钱青,陈雨. 1998. 蛇绿岩、蛇绿岩上覆岩系及其与洋壳的对比,地学前缘张旗,钱青,周德进. 1998. 中国蛇绿岩的主要特征,北京大学国际地质科学学术研讨会论文集,地震出版社张旗,陈雨,钱青. 1998. 两类蛇绿岩剖面及其成因的探讨,自然科学进展Zhang Q, Zhou DJ, Chen Y and Qian Q. 1998. Two types of ophiolite sections and their genesis. Progress in Natural Science.张旗,Chen Yu,周德进,钱青等. 1998. 北祁连大岔大坂蛇绿岩的地球化学特征及其成因,中国科学Zhang Q, Chen Y, Zhou DJ and Qian Q et al. 1998. Geochemical characteristics and genesis of Dachadaban ophiolite in North Qilian area. Science In China (Series D)孙晓猛,张旗,钱青. 1997. 甘肃白泉门地区蛇绿混杂岩地质特征. 地球科学进展张旗,王岳明,钱青等. 1997. 甘肃景泰老虎山地区蛇绿岩及其上覆岩系中枕状熔岩的地球化学特征. 岩石学报张旗,孙晓猛,周德进,钱青等. 1997. 北祁连蛇绿岩特征、形成环境及其构造意义. 地球科学进展张旗,郭原生,王岳明,钱青等. 1996. 祁连山地区镁铁-超镁铁岩的多样性. 地球科学进展


近十年来发表的文章(及会议论文或摘要)SCI 及ISTP论文:1.Wang Yu, Zhou Liyun and Li Jinyi, 2010, Intracontinental superimposed tectonics — A case study in the Western Hills of Beijing, eastern China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, in press.(SCI)2.Wang Yu, Zhou Liyun, Zhao Li Jun,Ji Mo and Gao Honglei,2010, Palaeozoic uplands and unconformity in the North China Block:constraints from zircon LA-ICP-MS dating and geochemical analysis of Bauxite. Terra Nova,22, 264-273.(SCI)3.Wang Yu, Sun Guihua and Li Jinyi,2010,U-Pb (SHRIMP) and 40Ar/39Ar Geochronological Constraints on the Evolution of the Xingxingxia Shear Zone, NW China: A Triassic Segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault System.Geological Society of America Bulletin,122 (3/4),487-505.(SCI)4.Wang Yu, Zhou Su, 2009, 40Ar/39Ar dating constraints on the high-angle normal faulting along the southern segment of the Tan-Lu fault system: An implication for the onset of eastern China rift-systems. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 34, 51-60.(SCI)5.Wang Yu, Li Jinyi and Sun Guihua, 2008, Post-collision eastward extrusion and tectonic exhumation along the eastern Tianshan orogen, central Asia: constraints from dextral strike-slip motion and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological evidence. Journal of Geology, 116,599-618.(SCI)6.Wang Yu and Li Huimin, 2008, Initial formation and Mesozoic tectonic exhumation of an intracontinental tectonic belt of the northern part of the Taihang Mountain belt, eastern Asia. Journal of Geology, 116, 155-172.(SCI)7.王瑜,李锦轶,2007,北京西山南窖地区南东东110-120度拉伸线理形成时间的年代学制约。岩石学报,23(3),617-624。(SCI)8.Wang, Y., Zhang, X. M., Jiang, C. S., Wei, H. Q. and Wan, J. L., 2007,Tectonic Controls on the Late Miocene-Holocene Volcanic Eruptions of the Tengchong Volcanic Field along the Southeast Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 30,375-389.(SCI)9.Wang, Y., Zhang, X. M., Sun, L. X. and Wan, J. L., 2007,Cooling histories and tectonic exhumation stages of the south-central Tibetan plateau (China): Constrained by 40Ar/39Ar and apatite fission-track thermochronology. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 29,266-282.(SCI)10.Wei, H. Q., Wang, Y.,Jin, J. Y., Gao, L., Yun, S. H.,Jin, B. L., 2007,Timescale and Evolution of the Intracontinental Tianchi Volcanic Shield and Ignimbrite-forming Eruption, Changbaishan, Northeast China. Lithos,96 (1-2),315-324(Wang, Y., corresponding author).(SCI)11.Wang, Y., Li, Q. and Qu, G. S., 2006,40Ar/39Ar Isotopic Constraints on the Cooling and Exhumation History of the Southern Tibetan Detachment System, Nyalam Area, Southern Tibet. In: Law, R.,Searle, M. and Godin, L. (eds), Channel flow, ductile extrusion and exhumation of lower-mid crust in continental collision zone. Geological Society, London, Special Publication 268,327-354 (ISTP, in web).12.Wang, Y., 2006,The Onset of the Tan-Lu Fault movement in Eastern China: Constraints from Zircon (SHRIMP) and 40Ar/39Ar Dating. Terra Nova,18,423-431.(SCI).13.Wang, Y., 2006, Discussion on Mesozoic extensional structures of the Fangshan tectonic dome andtheir subsequent reworking during collisional accretion of the North China Block. Journal of Geological Society, London, 163, 1051-1052.(SCI)14.Wang, Y., Zhang, X. M., Zhang, J. F., Wang, E. C., Li, Q. and Sun, G. H., 2005, 40Ar-39Ar Thermochronological Evidence for Formation and Mesozoic evolution of the Northern-Central Segment of the Altyn Tagh Fault System in northern Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117, 1336-1346.(SCI)15.Wang,Y.and Chen,H.Z., 2005, Tectonic controls on the Pleistocene-Holocene Wudalianchi volcanic field (northeastern China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,24,419-431.(SCI)16.Wang, Y., Li, C. F., Wei, H. Q. and Shan, X. J., 2003, Late Pliocene-recent tectonic setting for the Tianchi volcanic zone, Changbai Mountains, northeast China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 21,1159-1170.(SCI)

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