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2023-12-08 03:50 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


人人皆知:树木能吸收二氧化碳,排放氧气,净化空气,是我们人类生存的必要的条件。但是有一些人为了金钱去乱砍滥伐树木,造成了过度的水土流失,使大地的植被受到严重的破坏,绿洲和城市也荒漠化,我们人类的生存受到了威胁。就我们平时用的一次性筷子,每天都要耗费数十亩的森林,在那些人眼中,树木除了可以做家具和建筑材料外,似乎没有任何价值。难道还有人不懂树木对我们意味着什么吗 我们居住面积已经很小了,如果再这样下去,可能连我们唯一的土地都失去。还有,我们的母亲河——黄河近年来河床和含沙量不断增高,成为全国污染最严重的几条江河之一。我们不能眼睁睁地看着黄河从我们手中枯竭,因而有许多环境学者纷纷研究治理黄河污染的方案,试图改善黄河的水质。但如果没有我们的共同参与,我们这个生命的摇篮——黄河将会走向衰竭和死亡。
让我们善待人类、善待自然吧!不知大家是否看过《保护环境可做的100件事》这篇文章。其实,我们能做的事很多很多。如,在植树节栽一盆花、种一棵树;保护野生动物,是生态得到平衡;珍惜水资源,不要向江河倾倒垃圾;当环保小卫士,利用每个绿色纪念日宣传环保意识,让青山常在、绿水长流、泥土永芬芳…… 这都是我们力所能及的事情,我们为何不愿意实践呢?




覆盖地球陆地面积曾达三分之二的森林,呵护、哺育了成千上万的生命,其中就有人类的祖先。 在远古时期;人类祖先栖居森林之中,以森林抵御寒风,树叶为衣,野果饱腹,积木为巢,钻木取火,木棍猎兽,依靠森林发展了人类文明。





环境科学 (这篇很适合演讲,主要讲的是全球温室效应的社会认可性的问题,观点是有吸烟有害的认可度谈起,观点由浅入深,你可以重新组合的进行口试)
Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain? That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.
There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves. The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel's report “Science never has all the answers But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that out nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.”
Just as on smoking voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. this is a dangerous game: by the 100 percent of the evidence is in, it may be too late. With the risks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.
Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention. But it's obvious that a majority of the president's advisers still don't take global warming seriously. Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research-a classic case of “paralysis by analysis”.
To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research But research alone is inadequate. If the Administration won't take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin
fashioning conservation measures A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry is a promising start Many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs. If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.

作为对地球负责任的管理者,我们应当进一步对大气层和海洋的状况做出更深入的研究,但是,仅仅停留于研究是不够的。如果现政府不采取法律行动,国会应该帮助着手制定保护措施。西弗吉尼亚州的民主党参议员Robert Byrd提出了一项法案,该法案提议将为私营企业提供经济刺激,这是一个良好的开端。许多人看到,我们国家正准备建设许多新的发电厂来满足我们的能源需求,如果我们还想保护大气层,这些新电站必须要具备有利于环境的条件。


In the last half of the nineteenth century “capital” and “labour” were enlarging and perfecting their rival organizations on modern lines. Many an old firm was replaced by a limited liability company with a bureaucracy of salaried managers. The change met the technical requirements of the new age by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders. It was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and municipal and state-owned business. The railway companies, though still private business managed for the benefit of shareholders, were very unlike old family business. At the same time the great municipalities went into business to supply lighting, trams and other services to the taxpayers .
The growth of the limited liability company and municipal business had important consequences. Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from the responsible management of business. All through the nineteenth century, America, Africa, India, Australia and parts of Europe were being developed by British capital, and British shareholders were thus enriched by the world’s movement towards industrialisation. Towns like Bournemouth and Eastboume sprang up to house large. “comfortable” classes who had retired on their incomes, and who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders’ meeting to dictate their orders to the management. On the other hand "shareholding" meant leisure and freedom which was used by many of the later Victorians for the highest purpose of a great civilisation.
The “shareholders” as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital and labour was not good. The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away. Indeed the mere size of operations and the numbers of workmen involved rendered such personal relations impossible. Fortunately, however, the increasing power and organization of the trade unions, at least in all skilled trades, enabled the workmen to meet on equal terms the managers of the companies who employed them. The cruel discipline of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each other’ s strength and understand the value of fair negotiation.


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