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2023-12-10 03:54 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知


The wunderkind gas trader

John Arnold has made billions as an energy-trading phenom. But the rules of his game are about to change.


约翰-阿落德已经在天然气交易中赚到将近10亿. 但是他们的游戏规则正在发生改变.

(Fortune Magazine) -- You could hear John Arnold trying to choose his words carefully. Seated at a conference table inside a drab government building in Washington, D.C., in August, Arnold hardly fit the stereotype of a swaggering, 35-year-old billionaire natural-gas trader.

翻译: (财富杂志)--- 你可以听到约翰-阿罗德小心翼翼的选择自己的用词. 他正在参加一个会议,这个会议在位于美国华盛顿的一个土褐色的政府大楼里召开. 在8月, 约翰-阿罗德几乎成为一个35岁进行天然气贸易的亿万富翁.

He wrung his hands as he waited to speak and twisted his wedding band. He filled, and refilled, and re-refilled his water glass. Then he stuttered a bit before he gained momentum and politely advocated rules that would restrict others while allowing him to keep doing what he does.

翻译:他扭动着他的手和他的领结,正在等待着发言. 他几次用水加满了他的杯子,接着,他结结巴巴的说了一些话,客气的提倡着一些规则,这些规则是限制其他人,从而允许他继续他的工作.

It was a rare public appearance for one of the least-known billionaires in the U.S. But the stakes were high. Arnold was testifying at a hearing of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).


Commodity prices have been especially volatile in recent years -- skyrocketing and then crashing to earth -- and the federal regulator is considering dramatic rule changes to rein in speculators, whom many blame for the gyrating prices.


Arnold would tell you -- if he were inclined to tell you anything (and he rarely is) -- that he's a speculator. He might say, though, that that's not a bad thing to be. But call him what you want -- nobody has profited more when it comes to natural-gas trading in recent years.

翻译:阿罗德会告诉你---他会倾向于告诉你一些事情---他是一个投机者. 他可能会说,会想做一个投机者不是一件坏的事情. 但是在最近几年没有人再能获得更多的利益当天然气贸易变成了国家天然气贸易.

His Houston-based hedge fund, Centaurus Energy, which manages more than $5 billion in assets, has never returned less than 50% in seven years of business.


Arnold's wealth reportedly constitutes a large chunk of the fund, which would make him the second-youngest self-made multibillionaire in the U.S. -- behind Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg (assuming you believe the social-networking company's theoretical valuation).


Arnold has the brain of an economist, the experience of a veteran gas man, and the iron stomach of a riverboat gambler. Perhaps most notable, though, is his uncanny ability to extract colossal profits from catastrophic circumstances.

翻译:阿罗德拥有经济学家的大脑,老道的天然气贸易商的经验,以及赌徒般巨大的胃口. 也许最值得关注的是,他让人吃惊的能力,这个能力能在灾难的环境中吸收财富.

He began his career as a wunderkind twentysomething trader at Enron -- and escaped that disaster not only with his reputation intact but also with the biggest bonus given to any employee, which he used to seed a new fund.


A few years later he earned $1 billion betting that natural-gas prices would go down just as a reputedly brilliant gas trader at Amaranth made a spectacularly disastrous bet in the opposite direction. More recently, as the commodities bubble burst in 2008, taking even more fund managers with it, Arnold foresaw the looming collapse and once again nearly doubled his money.


But now he faces the biggest test of his career. His mojo relies on his ability to make enormous bets. The CFTC, however, has vowed to impose trading limits that would target the industry's largest players. That, say observers, could be a dose of kryptonite for the supertrader.



riches 有钱,富有,也可以比喻为艺术丰富,土壤肥沃等.
wealth 主要是指对金钱或房产的占有
treasure 指对金银珠宝的占有也比喻有价值的东西,珍爱 的东西等.美国影星 尼古拉斯·凯奇 曾经主演一部影片,名为《National Treasure》,中文名为《国家宝藏》。片中尼古拉斯·凯奇和友人于国家档案馆门前的石阶上盗走《国家宪法》。被保存到国家档案馆的美国国家宪法当然是极有价值的东西啦。
fortune 指对大量金钱的占有,及机会,命运等。


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