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2023-12-11 04:13 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知




The book describes the mother sky
The existence of this world
What is the difference between day and night
Grey and black change
Mom and dad you leave that day
My tears are not see
Perhaps only in the dream.
Was clearly seen in the face
I tried to open my eyes but not to the end
How to acid rain of love
The poet is no longer up to heaven
The world isn't the petals fall poem
Smog lies
Desire into a nightmare
City sculpture expect to see someone who never comes to you
The old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweet
The world is a paradise
I use the brush copy once Windy Season
But not drawn out tomorrow
The book describes the mother sky
The existence of this world
What is the difference between day and night
Grey and black change
Mom and dad you leave that day
My tears are not see
Perhaps only in the dream.
Was clearly seen in the face
I tried to open my eyes but not to the end
How to acid rain of love
The poet is no longer up to heaven
The world isn't the petals fall poem
Smog lies
Desire into a nightmare
City sculpture expect to see someone who never comes to you
The old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweet
The world is a paradise
I use the brush copy once Windy Season
But not drawn out tomorrow
How to acid rain of love
The poet is no longer up to heaven
The world isn't the petals fall poem
Smog lies
Desire into a nightmare
City sculpture expect to see someone who never comes to you
The old pictures of blue sky seems to smell the sweet
The world is a paradise
I use the brush copy once Windy Season
But not drawn out tomorrow

The summary of Oliver Twist(《雾都孤儿》的简介)

Jean Valjean was an honest man who, through force of desperate circumstance committed the relatively minor crime of stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family, and paid a price out of all proportion with the severity of his crime.

Captured and sentenced to a term of five years’ imprisonment, Valjean spends nineteen years doing hard labour as a result of four failed escape attempts. He emerges from prison on parole, a hardened and bitter man, having encountered little kindness in the course of these nineteen years, and having adapted to the company he was forced to keep.

Because of his criminal record he encounters problems in finding employment, lodgings, and indeed any place in society. Exhausted and demoralised, he finds comfort and accommodation at the home of the Bishop of Digne who shows Valjean kindness and compassion. However, during the night Valjean surrenders to his experience and degradation of the previous nineteen years which, combined with a sense of hopelessness and worthlessness he has felt since his release, lead him to behave as he has been condemned to do – he steals the Bishop’s silverware.




This work is set in London, a foggy city, and tells the tragic story and experience of an orphan. Oliver, the hero, grew up in an orphanage, experienced apprenticeship, fled hard, strayed into a den of thieves, and was forced to associate with vicious murderers, experiencing countless hardships.

Finally, with the help of good people, he found out his life experience and gained happiness.The book reveals many social problems at that time, such as almshouse, child labor, and gangs absorbing teenagers to participate in crimes. This book has been adapted into movies, television and stage plays many times.





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