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2023-12-07 19:54 来源:学术参考网 作者:未知



驳论文大致分为两个部分,即“驳”与“立”,在驳斥对方错误观点的基础上,建立起自己正确的观点。“驳” 是“立”的前提,批驳对方的要点在于抓住“突破口”。寻找对方论点,论据或论证过程中的薄弱环节,揭示谬误,从而立论。“立”是“驳”水到渠成的结果,也是“驳”的必然要求,它也可以在驳论的过程中渐渐形成,但是立论的观点-定要鲜明。驳论文批驳对方观点的方式有三种: -是直接批驳对方的论点;二是通过批驳对方的论据来驳倒对方的论点;三是通过批驳对方的论证来驳倒对方的论点。所有批驳的方式的最终目的都是驳倒对方的论点。从正确的论点出发或者以正确的论点为指导揭露、驳斥错误的见解和主张的文章称为驳论性议论文。驳论性议论文中,批驳是文章的主体。

批驳对方的论点-般有三种方法:(1)驳论点。论点、论据、论证这三者中,论点的错误是要害,论据和论证是为错误的论点服务的。反驳错误的论点,是写驳论文的主要的一种反驳方法。(2) 驳论据。错误的论点总是依靠站不住脚的或荒谬的理论、虚假的事例作为论据来支撑的。只要把这些论据推翻驳倒,论点就失掉了它的支撑,也就会不攻自破了。(3) 驳论证。错误的论点不仅依靠荒谬不实的论据来支撑,而且常常利用论点与论据之间的错误论证、推理来作诡辩。驳论证就是要揭露错误论点和论据之间的不合理联系,指出两者之间的逻辑关系的混乱和荒谬。







第二步 作分析:分析危害




  1、 观点鲜明的开头;
  2、 紧扣主题的结尾;
  3、 有主题句并且衔接自然的中间段落。




   (二) 中心统一



求高级英语写作 驳论文 写法及模板一份

In any academic area or professional field, it is just as important to recognize the limits of our knowledge and understanding as it is to acquire new facts and information.“

Personally, I hold that knowledge knows no bounds, therefore, on realizing this awkwardness, the only thing man should do is to absorb as much new knowledge as he can for the sake of not lagging behind the pacing steps of our world.

Does recognizing the limits of our knowledge and understanding serve us equally well as acquiring new facts and information, as the speaker asserts?注意这一句经典的反问式开头了,这是最引人注目的。While our everyday experience might lend credence to this assertion, further reflection reveals its fundamental inconsistency with our Western view of how we acquire knowledge. Nevertheless,虽然是原则上不尽同意但还是提出妥协的办法,从而显出作者是critical thinking的,这一点很重要,也是拿分的重头戏也。a careful and thoughtful definition of knowledge can serve to reconcile the two.

让我们记一记一些好词好句:lend credence to this assertion (有足够的证据)证明这一观点的正确性;further reflection reveals its fundamental inconsistency with…;Nevertheless, a careful and thoughtful definition of knowledge can serve to reconcile the two.

On the one hand, the speaker"s assertion accords with the everyday experience of working professionals. For example, the sort of "book”knowledge that medical, law, and business students acquire, no matter how extensive, is of little use unless these students also learn to accept the uncertainties and risks inherent in professional practice and in the business world.

Any successful doctor, lawyer, or entrepreneur would undoubtedly agree that new precedents and challenges in their fields compel them to acknowledge the limitations of their knowledge, and that learning to accommodate these limitations is just as important in their professional success as knowledge itself.


Moreover, the additional knowledge we gain by collecting more information often diminishes-sometimes to the point where marginal gains turn to marginal losses. Consider, for instance, the collection of financial- investment information. No amount of knowledge can eliminate the uncertainty and risk inherent in financial investing. Also, information overload can result in confusion, which in turn can diminish one"s ability to assimilate information and apply it usefully. Thus, by recognizing the limits of their knowledge, and by accounting for those limits when making decisions, investment advisors can more effectively serve their clients.


On the other hand, the speaker"s assertion seems self-contradictory, for how can we know the limits of our knowledge until we"ve thoroughly tested those limits through exhaustive empirical observation--that is, by acquiring facts and information. For example, it would be tempting to concede that we can never understand the basic forces that govern all matter in the universe. Yet due to increasingly precise and extensive fact- finding efforts of scientists, we might now be within striking distance of understanding the key laws by which all physical matter behaves. Put another way, the speaker"s assertion flies in the face of悍然不顾,公然违抗the scientific method, whose fundamental tenet is that we humans can truly know only that which we observe. Thus Francis Bacon, who first formulated the method, might assert that the speaker is fundamentally incorrect.


How can we reconcile our experience in everyday endeavors with the basic assumption underlying the scientific method? Perhaps the answer lies in a distinction between two types of knowledge--one which amounts to a mere collection of observations (i.e., facts and information), the other which is deeper and includes a realization of principles and truths underlying those observations. At this deeper level "knowledge" equals "under- standing": how we interpret, make sense of, and find meaning in the information we collect by way of observation.


In the final analysis, evaluating the speaker"s assertion requires that we define "knowledge,"which in turn requires that we address complex epistemological issues best left to philosophers and theologians. Yet perhaps this is the speaker"s point: that we can never truly know either ourselves or the world, and that by recognizing this limitation we set ourselves free to accomplish what no amount of mere information could ever permit.




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