1 sci-hub 这里教大家一个小技巧,可以在外网(非教育网和科技网)访问 Web of Science 数据库。注意不要使用 IE 和 Edge 浏览器尝试,我用这两个浏览器都没有成功,推荐使用 Chrome 浏览器。首先找到一个可用的 sci-hub 域名,可以通过 …
AAAS, an international nonprofit scientific association established in 1849, publishes: Science, Science Advances, Science Immunology, Science Robotics, Science Signaling and Science Translational Medicine. Our journals are essential to fulfilling the AAAS mission to 'advance science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people.'
SCI是Science Citation Index的缩写每天有很多人问主任,某某刊是不是SCI期刊? 显然,SCI成为广大科研人员选择期刊的重要参考。 今天,主任就给大家介绍SCI期刊官方查询方法。 Master Journal ListWeb of Science…
ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles.
1 sci-hub 这里教大家一个小技巧,可以在外网(非教育网和科技网)访问 Web of Science 数据库。注意不要使用 IE 和 Edge 浏览器尝试,我用这两个浏览器都没有成功,推荐使用 Chrome 浏览器。首先找到一个可用的 sci-hub 域名,可以通过 …
AAAS, an international nonprofit scientific association established in 1849, publishes: Science, Science Advances, Science Immunology, Science Robotics, Science Signaling and Science Translational Medicine. Our journals are essential to fulfilling the AAAS mission to 'advance science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people.'
SCI是Science Citation Index的缩写每天有很多人问主任,某某刊是不是SCI期刊? 显然,SCI成为广大科研人员选择期刊的重要参考。 今天,主任就给大家介绍SCI期刊官方查询方法。 Master Journal ListWeb of Science…
ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research. Explore journals, books and articles.