1楼: Originally posted by linwanfeng at 2011-08-20 15:15:08: 请教各位达人,elsevier期刊接受后多长时间proof,多长时间available online。我的文章已经接受一个月了,但还未有动静。看了下期刊的其他文章,有的比我的接受的迟,但已经上线了。
国外杂志期刊中的中国参考文献怎么填啊. 本人第一次尝试给国外的杂志投稿,想起各位大侠帮忙指点一下!. 1. Author 1, A.B.; Author 2, C.D. Title of the article. Abbreviated Journal Name Year, Volume, page range, DOI or other identifier. Available online: URL (accessed on Day Month Year) 如果我引用的 ...
Immunity publishes papers that report the most important advances in immunology research. The range of subjects includes, but is not limited to, immune cell development and senescence, signal transduction, gene regulation, innate and adaptive immunity, autoimmunity, …
Vacuum is an international rapid publications journal with a focus on short communication. All papers are peer-reviewed, with the review process for short communication geared towards very fast turnaround times. The journal also published full research papers, thematic issues and …
看SD上面的期刊文章时,经常看到Received 4 April 2004. Available online 20 June 2005. 这里的Availabe online 表示什么意思呢? 不是表示可以在网上看到的时间吧,因为即使是最新出的一期,比如 Jun.2006 的,很多文章也是 Available online June 2005
The Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (JAAP) is devoted to the publication of papers dealing with innovative applications of pyrolysis processes, the characterization of products related to pyrolysis reactions, and investigations of reaction mechanism. To be considered by JAAP, a ….
Omega reports on developments in management, including the latest research results and applications. Original contributions and review articles describe the state of the art in specific fields or functions of management, while there are shorter critical assessments of …
文章被SCI期刊接收后,大家会高兴、激动一阵子,然后就是等待版权协议书、proof之类的事儿了。从接受到寄proof,各个期刊出版社效率不一。但个人了解的,大多数期刊而言,短则在accept后一周有proof到了,长的可达1-3月,少数就需要更长的时间了。再后面的在线online一般就很快了,当然纸质版的 ...
1楼: Originally posted by linwanfeng at 2011-08-20 15:15:08: 请教各位达人,elsevier期刊接受后多长时间proof,多长时间available online。我的文章已经接受一个月了,但还未有动静。看了下期刊的其他文章,有的比我的接受的迟,但已经上线了。
国外杂志期刊中的中国参考文献怎么填啊. 本人第一次尝试给国外的杂志投稿,想起各位大侠帮忙指点一下!. 1. Author 1, A.B.; Author 2, C.D. Title of the article. Abbreviated Journal Name Year, Volume, page range, DOI or other identifier. Available online: URL (accessed on Day Month Year) 如果我引用的 ...
Immunity publishes papers that report the most important advances in immunology research. The range of subjects includes, but is not limited to, immune cell development and senescence, signal transduction, gene regulation, innate and adaptive immunity, autoimmunity, …
Vacuum is an international rapid publications journal with a focus on short communication. All papers are peer-reviewed, with the review process for short communication geared towards very fast turnaround times. The journal also published full research papers, thematic issues and …
看SD上面的期刊文章时,经常看到Received 4 April 2004. Available online 20 June 2005. 这里的Availabe online 表示什么意思呢? 不是表示可以在网上看到的时间吧,因为即使是最新出的一期,比如 Jun.2006 的,很多文章也是 Available online June 2005
The Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (JAAP) is devoted to the publication of papers dealing with innovative applications of pyrolysis processes, the characterization of products related to pyrolysis reactions, and investigations of reaction mechanism. To be considered by JAAP, a ….
Omega reports on developments in management, including the latest research results and applications. Original contributions and review articles describe the state of the art in specific fields or functions of management, while there are shorter critical assessments of …
文章被SCI期刊接收后,大家会高兴、激动一阵子,然后就是等待版权协议书、proof之类的事儿了。从接受到寄proof,各个期刊出版社效率不一。但个人了解的,大多数期刊而言,短则在accept后一周有proof到了,长的可达1-3月,少数就需要更长的时间了。再后面的在线online一般就很快了,当然纸质版的 ...