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Journal of Nanophotonics. The Journal of Nanophotonics (JNP) is an online journal focusing on the fabrication and application of nanostructures that facilitate the generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet regimes. The scope extends to theory, modeling and simulation, experimentation ...
Photonics Journal (PJ) IEEE Photonics Journal is an open access, online-only rapid publication archival journal of top quality research at the fore-front of photonics. Contributions addressing issues ranging from fundamental understanding to emerging technologies and applications are within the scope of the Journal.
Photonics Research杂志创建于2013年,已经有多年历史,是中国新闻出版总署批准,具有双刊号的期刊。主办单位是中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所。
In article number 2100057, John E. Bowers, Yating Wan, Chao Xiang, and co-workers report record-setting quantum dot (QD) distributed feedback lasers on Si with a 3-dB modulation bandwidth of 13 GHz, a threshold current of 4 mA, a side-mode …
Nature Photonics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Nature Publishing Group. The journal covers research related to optoelectronics, laser …
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Journal of Nanophotonics. The Journal of Nanophotonics (JNP) is an online journal focusing on the fabrication and application of nanostructures that facilitate the generation, propagation, manipulation, and detection of light from the infrared to the ultraviolet regimes. The scope extends to theory, modeling and simulation, experimentation ...
Photonics Journal (PJ) IEEE Photonics Journal is an open access, online-only rapid publication archival journal of top quality research at the fore-front of photonics. Contributions addressing issues ranging from fundamental understanding to emerging technologies and applications are within the scope of the Journal.
Photonics Research杂志创建于2013年,已经有多年历史,是中国新闻出版总署批准,具有双刊号的期刊。主办单位是中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所。
In article number 2100057, John E. Bowers, Yating Wan, Chao Xiang, and co-workers report record-setting quantum dot (QD) distributed feedback lasers on Si with a 3-dB modulation bandwidth of 13 GHz, a threshold current of 4 mA, a side-mode …
Nature Photonics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Nature Publishing Group. The journal covers research related to optoelectronics, laser …