The coefficient of varation(CV) of Pb and Cd in bulbs was higher than others' and the variation of microelement is larger than that of macroelement. P, S and Mg were the enriched elements for their absorption coefficient over 100%, while those of B, Fe and Al below 1% were absorbed less, which indicated that element P, S and Mg enrichening in the soil might be beneficial to the growth of F ...
中文科技期刊数据库收录期刊 国际刊号:1004-6801 国内刊号:32-1361/V ... Then, based on the idea of milling microelement, the transient milling force model for ball-end milling cutter of the convex curved surface and double hardness stitching mold is The ...
期刊 发现 社区 招聘老师 当前位置: 首页 > 地学 > trace element & minor element 的区别 trace element & minor element 的区别 作者 ontheroadzlq 来源: 小木虫 850 17 举报帖子 ...
中国农学通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 49-55. doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2020-00005 • 林学·园艺·园林 • 上一篇 下一篇 镁和微量矿质元素对黑皮冬瓜外观和品质的影响 李灿 1, 2 (), 陈晓东 1, 2, 郑卓越 1, 焦嘉斌 1, 李强 3, 张福锁 2, 谢大森 1, 何裕志 1, 张白鸽 1 ()
Influence of microelement Hf on microstructure, mechanical properties and shielding effect of W-Ni-Fe Journal of Alloys and Compounds ( IF 5.316) Pub Date : 2017-11-01, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom Tang Dewen, Shuliang Zou, Yan Liang
核心期刊 2012-03-10 19 山莓的多倍体诱导 汤访评等 安徽农业科学 核心期刊 2012-10-10 20 喷施 6-糠氨基嘌呤对铝胁迫大麦幼苗的缓解效应 郭天荣, 潘伟槐 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 核心期刊 2012-11-16 21 紫杉醇的薄层层析显色反应与应用 臧威 22
境外期刊 2013/4/22 20 Microelement absorption and metals accumulation in barley seedlings under the combined toxicity of cadmium and aluminum 郭天荣 Advanced Materials Rearch 境外期刊 2012/12/28 21 铝、镉胁迫下不同大麦品种根际铝、镉形态分析 郭天
Increased permeability and coal and gas outburst prevention using hydraulic flushing technology with cross-seam borehole. 期刊: JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2020; 73 () Gas and coal outbursts seriously threaten the safe and effective production of coal mines with low-permeability and high-gas coal seams.
维普期中文期刊服务平台,由维普资讯有限公司出品,通过对国内出版发行的14000余种科技期刊、5600万篇期刊全文进行内容分析和引文分析,为专业用户提供一站式文献服务:全文保障,文献引证关系,文献计量分析;并以期刊产品为主线、其它衍生产品或服务做补充,方便专业用户、机构用户在 ...
The coefficient of varation(CV) of Pb and Cd in bulbs was higher than others' and the variation of microelement is larger than that of macroelement. P, S and Mg were the enriched elements for their absorption coefficient over 100%, while those of B, Fe and Al below 1% were absorbed less, which indicated that element P, S and Mg enrichening in the soil might be beneficial to the growth of F ...
中文科技期刊数据库收录期刊 国际刊号:1004-6801 国内刊号:32-1361/V ... Then, based on the idea of milling microelement, the transient milling force model for ball-end milling cutter of the convex curved surface and double hardness stitching mold is The ...
期刊 发现 社区 招聘老师 当前位置: 首页 > 地学 > trace element & minor element 的区别 trace element & minor element 的区别 作者 ontheroadzlq 来源: 小木虫 850 17 举报帖子 ...
中国农学通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 49-55. doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2020-00005 • 林学·园艺·园林 • 上一篇 下一篇 镁和微量矿质元素对黑皮冬瓜外观和品质的影响 李灿 1, 2 (), 陈晓东 1, 2, 郑卓越 1, 焦嘉斌 1, 李强 3, 张福锁 2, 谢大森 1, 何裕志 1, 张白鸽 1 ()
Influence of microelement Hf on microstructure, mechanical properties and shielding effect of W-Ni-Fe Journal of Alloys and Compounds ( IF 5.316) Pub Date : 2017-11-01, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom Tang Dewen, Shuliang Zou, Yan Liang
核心期刊 2012-03-10 19 山莓的多倍体诱导 汤访评等 安徽农业科学 核心期刊 2012-10-10 20 喷施 6-糠氨基嘌呤对铝胁迫大麦幼苗的缓解效应 郭天荣, 潘伟槐 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 核心期刊 2012-11-16 21 紫杉醇的薄层层析显色反应与应用 臧威 22
境外期刊 2013/4/22 20 Microelement absorption and metals accumulation in barley seedlings under the combined toxicity of cadmium and aluminum 郭天荣 Advanced Materials Rearch 境外期刊 2012/12/28 21 铝、镉胁迫下不同大麦品种根际铝、镉形态分析 郭天
Increased permeability and coal and gas outburst prevention using hydraulic flushing technology with cross-seam borehole. 期刊: JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2020; 73 () Gas and coal outbursts seriously threaten the safe and effective production of coal mines with low-permeability and high-gas coal seams.
维普期中文期刊服务平台,由维普资讯有限公司出品,通过对国内出版发行的14000余种科技期刊、5600万篇期刊全文进行内容分析和引文分析,为专业用户提供一站式文献服务:全文保障,文献引证关系,文献计量分析;并以期刊产品为主线、其它衍生产品或服务做补充,方便专业用户、机构用户在 ...