MedSci entry for meat science (MEAT SCI)。包括SCI杂志主页,投稿指南。 ISSN号 0309-1740 被收录情况 Science Citation Index Science Citation Index Expanded
Meat Science has been the leading journal in its field now for more than 40 years. The qualities of meat – its composition, nutritional value, wholesomeness and consumer acceptability – are largely determined by the events and conditions encountered by the embryo, the live animal and the …. Read more
期刊全称. MEAT SCIENCE. 期刊缩写. MEAT SCI. 期刊介绍. The qualities of meat – its composition, nutritional value, wholesomeness and consumer acceptability – are largely determined by the events and conditions encountered by the embryo, the live animal and the postmortem musculature. The control of these qualities, and their ...
《MEAT SCIENCE》评估说明 《MEAT SCI》发布于爱科学网 ,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《MEAT SCI》" 的杂志可信度。 杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。
MEAT SCI/MEAT SCIENCE ISSN 0309-1740 影响指数话题 影响指数话题 预警等级 MedSci期刊指数 4.205 (MedSci实时期刊指数) | 6.597 (5年期刊指数) CiteScore 值 6.7 h-index 142 h5-median 暂无数据 出版社/管理机构 杂志由 Elsevier BV ...
经验分享:meat science期刊**qq*: 591310876, 期待加入交流。。。。 25 0 共28 条 首页 上一页 下一页 尾页 页码: 1 /3页 10条/页 分享您的投稿经验,提升MI经验值,获取更多积分 偏重的研究方向 审稿速度 1个月内 2个月内 3个月内 ...
投稿期刊的选择对论文能否快速发表至关重要。当期刊编辑收到新稿件,首先考虑的便是文章内容是否符合期刊要求。怎么才能做到有的放矢?SCI投稿板块不定期推送食品相关SCI期刊简介及分析,期望能助力你的论文顺利发表。01基本信息 期刊…
MedSci entry for meat science (MEAT SCI)。包括SCI杂志主页,投稿指南。 ISSN号 0309-1740 被收录情况 Science Citation Index Science Citation Index Expanded
Meat Science has been the leading journal in its field now for more than 40 years. The qualities of meat – its composition, nutritional value, wholesomeness and consumer acceptability – are largely determined by the events and conditions encountered by the embryo, the live animal and the …. Read more
期刊全称. MEAT SCIENCE. 期刊缩写. MEAT SCI. 期刊介绍. The qualities of meat – its composition, nutritional value, wholesomeness and consumer acceptability – are largely determined by the events and conditions encountered by the embryo, the live animal and the postmortem musculature. The control of these qualities, and their ...
《MEAT SCIENCE》评估说明 《MEAT SCI》发布于爱科学网 ,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《MEAT SCI》" 的杂志可信度。 杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。
MEAT SCI/MEAT SCIENCE ISSN 0309-1740 影响指数话题 影响指数话题 预警等级 MedSci期刊指数 4.205 (MedSci实时期刊指数) | 6.597 (5年期刊指数) CiteScore 值 6.7 h-index 142 h5-median 暂无数据 出版社/管理机构 杂志由 Elsevier BV ...
经验分享:meat science期刊**qq*: 591310876, 期待加入交流。。。。 25 0 共28 条 首页 上一页 下一页 尾页 页码: 1 /3页 10条/页 分享您的投稿经验,提升MI经验值,获取更多积分 偏重的研究方向 审稿速度 1个月内 2个月内 3个月内 ...
投稿期刊的选择对论文能否快速发表至关重要。当期刊编辑收到新稿件,首先考虑的便是文章内容是否符合期刊要求。怎么才能做到有的放矢?SCI投稿板块不定期推送食品相关SCI期刊简介及分析,期望能助力你的论文顺利发表。01基本信息 期刊…