Journal Description. Language Teaching Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research within the area of second or foreign language teaching. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with the teaching of languages other than English as well. The journal is a venue for studies that demonstrate ...
15.Language Teaching Research 1.741 美国;ISSN:13621688, 14770954;2005年首刊;研究领域:外语或二语语言教学方面。对定量和定性(包括民族志)取向的研究很感兴趣;期刊出版的工作不限语英语,可以与任何第二语言的教学有关。
这个期刊虽然不如Natural Language Semantics、 Semprag 那么有名,历史上还是发了很多很有影响力的语义学方向的文章的。语音学和音系学(Phonetics & Phonology) 语音学和音系学方向我个人了解不多,语言学里面的各个子分支真的是隔行如隔山。下面 ...
当前位置: 首页 > 论文投稿 > 外文期刊也有核心期刊 一说么? 外文期刊也有核心期刊一说么? 作者 wkl1989117 来源: 小木虫 550 11 举报帖子 +关注 返回小木虫查看更多 分享至: 更多 今日热帖 JACS投稿 …
Language Teaching Surveys and Studies. Bookmark added. Go to My account to manage bookmarked content. Add bookmark; Alert added. Go to My account > My alerts to manage your alert preferences.
Language Learning accepts ‘Methods Showcase Articles’. For more details, see the Editorial and Reviewer Guidelines. For the first MSA, on conducting Mixed Effects Models, see Gries (2021), (Generalized Linear) Mixed‐Effects Modeling: A Learner …
English Language Teaching2020-2021最新影响因子还在统计中。更多影响因子排名分区、趋势分析、实时预测!
Journal Description. Language Teaching Research is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research within the area of second or foreign language teaching. Although articles are written in English, the journal welcomes studies dealing with the teaching of languages other than English as well. The journal is a venue for studies that demonstrate ...
15.Language Teaching Research 1.741 美国;ISSN:13621688, 14770954;2005年首刊;研究领域:外语或二语语言教学方面。对定量和定性(包括民族志)取向的研究很感兴趣;期刊出版的工作不限语英语,可以与任何第二语言的教学有关。
这个期刊虽然不如Natural Language Semantics、 Semprag 那么有名,历史上还是发了很多很有影响力的语义学方向的文章的。语音学和音系学(Phonetics & Phonology) 语音学和音系学方向我个人了解不多,语言学里面的各个子分支真的是隔行如隔山。下面 ...
当前位置: 首页 > 论文投稿 > 外文期刊也有核心期刊 一说么? 外文期刊也有核心期刊一说么? 作者 wkl1989117 来源: 小木虫 550 11 举报帖子 +关注 返回小木虫查看更多 分享至: 更多 今日热帖 JACS投稿 …
Language Teaching Surveys and Studies. Bookmark added. Go to My account to manage bookmarked content. Add bookmark; Alert added. Go to My account > My alerts to manage your alert preferences.
Language Learning accepts ‘Methods Showcase Articles’. For more details, see the Editorial and Reviewer Guidelines. For the first MSA, on conducting Mixed Effects Models, see Gries (2021), (Generalized Linear) Mixed‐Effects Modeling: A Learner …
English Language Teaching2020-2021最新影响因子还在统计中。更多影响因子排名分区、趋势分析、实时预测!