The ISSN International Centre completes a pilot project with Springer Nature . The ISSN International Centre, with academic publisher Springer Nature, has just completed constructing a new, centralized process for the assignment of ISSN to periodicals and books series published by this publisher.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Print ISSN 0973-4562. Online ISSN 0973-9769 . Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Eng. Ali MERDJI,
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP) is a quality publication of peer reviewed and refereed international journals from diverse fields in sciences, engineering and technologies that emphasizes new research, development …
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) is an interdisciplinary journal and issued regularly every month. It is a fully refereed open access international journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in various branches of engineering and relevant researches in the field of Social work, Management ...
敛财期刊最新一览表诸平Jeffrey BeallBeall in 2005NationalityAmericanAlma materCalifornia State University, Northridge, Oklahoma State Un ... ,科学网 2013年曾经写过类似的博文——“ 敛财性OA期刊知多少? “5年过去了,美国丹佛科罗拉多大学( University of Colorado Denver)Auraria图书馆(Auraria Library) 杰弗里·比尔( Jeffrey Beall ...
2020年掠夺性期刊一览表 诸平 现将2020年7月份给出的掠夺性期刊(predatory journals)一览表摘引于下,仅供参考,防止上当。 A – predatory journalsAcademic Exchange Quarterly Academic Research Reviews Academy of Contemporary
The ISSN International Centre completes a pilot project with Springer Nature . The ISSN International Centre, with academic publisher Springer Nature, has just completed constructing a new, centralized process for the assignment of ISSN to periodicals and books series published by this publisher.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Print ISSN 0973-4562. Online ISSN 0973-9769 . Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Eng. Ali MERDJI,
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication (IJSRP) is a quality publication of peer reviewed and refereed international journals from diverse fields in sciences, engineering and technologies that emphasizes new research, development …
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) is an interdisciplinary journal and issued regularly every month. It is a fully refereed open access international journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in various branches of engineering and relevant researches in the field of Social work, Management ...
敛财期刊最新一览表诸平Jeffrey BeallBeall in 2005NationalityAmericanAlma materCalifornia State University, Northridge, Oklahoma State Un ... ,科学网 2013年曾经写过类似的博文——“ 敛财性OA期刊知多少? “5年过去了,美国丹佛科罗拉多大学( University of Colorado Denver)Auraria图书馆(Auraria Library) 杰弗里·比尔( Jeffrey Beall ...
2020年掠夺性期刊一览表 诸平 现将2020年7月份给出的掠夺性期刊(predatory journals)一览表摘引于下,仅供参考,防止上当。 A – predatory journalsAcademic Exchange Quarterly Academic Research Reviews Academy of Contemporary