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Editorial for Wiley's IJSCN Special Issue “Satellite networks integration with International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking ( IF 1.617) Pub Date : …
International Journal of Economics and Business Research. 630. Browse. IJECB. International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics. 79. Browse.
顶级的:ICC,每年6月,一般上一年9月截稿,注册费FULL:US$1340 ICC 2016,2016.5.23-27,马来西亚,吉隆坡,截稿2015.10.16Globecom,每年12月,一般4月截稿 2015在加州圣迭戈,每次都在北美开。WCNC,每年3、4月,一般9月 ...
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking2020-2021最新影响因子是1.652。更多影响因子排名分区、趋势分析、实时预测!
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International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking期刊最新论文,,顶级期刊最新论文图文内容,出版社网站每日同步更新,点击标题直达论文原文,自定义关注的期刊,覆盖PubMed的论文库,快速方便精准的找到您想要的论文
Editorial for Wiley's IJSCN Special Issue “Satellite networks integration with International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking ( IF 1.617) Pub Date : …
International Journal of Economics and Business Research. 630. Browse. IJECB. International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics. 79. Browse.
顶级的:ICC,每年6月,一般上一年9月截稿,注册费FULL:US$1340 ICC 2016,2016.5.23-27,马来西亚,吉隆坡,截稿2015.10.16Globecom,每年12月,一般4月截稿 2015在加州圣迭戈,每次都在北美开。WCNC,每年3、4月,一般9月 ...
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking2020-2021最新影响因子是1.652。更多影响因子排名分区、趋势分析、实时预测!
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