The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology bridges the gap between pure research journals and the more practical publications on advanced manufacturing and systems. It therefore provides an outstanding forum for papers covering applications-based research topics relevant to manufacturing processes, machines and process ...
The International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture is devoted to advances in scientific understanding of essential mechanics of processes and machines applied to the manufacture of engineering components, mainly in metals, but also in composites, ceramics and other structural/functional materials.To this end coverage is given to a range of topics that includes:
Engineering Village takes engineering research to the next level with a comprehensive database that includes the most authoritative engineering resources available to answer today’s most timely questions—from theoretical to applied, and …
International Journal of Molecular Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal providing an advanced forum for biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, molecular biophysics, molecular medicine, and all aspects of molecular research in chemistry, and is published semimonthly online by MDPI.The Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS), Epigenetics Society, European ...
International publishers of academic, scientific and professional journals since 1979.
一般行业内的顶级期刊(中科院top期刊)接受率都在25%以下。IEEE transactions on industrial electronics(工程技术大类怎么分都是一区的顶级期刊,IF=7.5)的接受率大概也是在25%左右。而IJMTM之所以是机械类一哥,是因为它近乎苛刻的接受率——大概6硕士发三篇三区以上SCI是什么水准啊?2020-11-28有没有介绍国外高科技技术和先进制造机械设备的科学期刊 ...2020-2-16大家有什么机械工程领域的顶级期刊及其发表经历? - 知乎2019-12-30如何正确使用 Citavi ? - 知乎2016-6-4查看更多结果
IJTM aims to provide a refereed and authoritative source of information in the field of managing with technology, and the management of engineering, science and technology. It seeks to establish channels of communication between government departments, technology executives in industry, commerce and related business, and academic experts in the field.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology bridges the gap between pure research journals and the more practical publications on advanced manufacturing and systems. It therefore provides an outstanding forum for papers covering applications-based research topics relevant to manufacturing processes, machines and process ...
The International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture is devoted to advances in scientific understanding of essential mechanics of processes and machines applied to the manufacture of engineering components, mainly in metals, but also in composites, ceramics and other structural/functional materials.To this end coverage is given to a range of topics that includes:
Engineering Village takes engineering research to the next level with a comprehensive database that includes the most authoritative engineering resources available to answer today’s most timely questions—from theoretical to applied, and …
International Journal of Molecular Sciences is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal providing an advanced forum for biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, molecular biophysics, molecular medicine, and all aspects of molecular research in chemistry, and is published semimonthly online by MDPI.The Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS), Epigenetics Society, European ...
International publishers of academic, scientific and professional journals since 1979.
一般行业内的顶级期刊(中科院top期刊)接受率都在25%以下。IEEE transactions on industrial electronics(工程技术大类怎么分都是一区的顶级期刊,IF=7.5)的接受率大概也是在25%左右。而IJMTM之所以是机械类一哥,是因为它近乎苛刻的接受率——大概6硕士发三篇三区以上SCI是什么水准啊?2020-11-28有没有介绍国外高科技技术和先进制造机械设备的科学期刊 ...2020-2-16大家有什么机械工程领域的顶级期刊及其发表经历? - 知乎2019-12-30如何正确使用 Citavi ? - 知乎2016-6-4查看更多结果
IJTM aims to provide a refereed and authoritative source of information in the field of managing with technology, and the management of engineering, science and technology. It seeks to establish channels of communication between government departments, technology executives in industry, commerce and related business, and academic experts in the field.