《Marine Biodiversity》评估说明 《MAR BIODIVERS》发布于爱科学网 ,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《MAR BIODIVERS》" 的杂志可信度。 杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。
Cover Picture.Diosgenin is a commercially viable aglycone molecule and is therapeutically valuable as it is key precursor in corticosteroid synthesis at industrial scale. The preferred natural source of Diosgenin, worldwide is Dioscorea spp., and the species is continuously facing threat of biodiversity loss due to over exploitation. Alternatively, the yield of diosgenin from natural resources ...
Diversity. Diversity is a peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science of biodiversity from molecules, genes, populations, and species, to ecosystems. Diversity is published monthly online by MDPI. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
今天给大家介绍一本化学和分子生物学领域的“毕业神刊”:《Chemistry & Biodiversity》。 该期刊往年影响因子比较低,今年的影响因子首次超过2分,接受率高,审稿速度快,从投稿到接受大概一两个月,着急毕业…
BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 期刊CiteScore评价数据 最新CiteScore 值 2.77 = 引文计数(2018) 文献(2015-2017) = 1681次引用 607篇文献 文献总数(2014-2016) 607 被引用比率 79% SJR 1.243 SNIP 1.16 CiteScore排名 序号 类别(学科 ...
BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 出版年份:1992 年文章数:206 投稿命中率:暂无数据 出版周期:Monthly 自引率:4.8% 审稿周期:暂无数据 前往期刊 ...
《Marine Biodiversity》评估说明 《MAR BIODIVERS》发布于爱科学网 ,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《MAR BIODIVERS》" 的杂志可信度。 杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。
Cover Picture.Diosgenin is a commercially viable aglycone molecule and is therapeutically valuable as it is key precursor in corticosteroid synthesis at industrial scale. The preferred natural source of Diosgenin, worldwide is Dioscorea spp., and the species is continuously facing threat of biodiversity loss due to over exploitation. Alternatively, the yield of diosgenin from natural resources ...
Diversity. Diversity is a peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science of biodiversity from molecules, genes, populations, and species, to ecosystems. Diversity is published monthly online by MDPI. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
今天给大家介绍一本化学和分子生物学领域的“毕业神刊”:《Chemistry & Biodiversity》。 该期刊往年影响因子比较低,今年的影响因子首次超过2分,接受率高,审稿速度快,从投稿到接受大概一两个月,着急毕业…
BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 期刊CiteScore评价数据 最新CiteScore 值 2.77 = 引文计数(2018) 文献(2015-2017) = 1681次引用 607篇文献 文献总数(2014-2016) 607 被引用比率 79% SJR 1.243 SNIP 1.16 CiteScore排名 序号 类别(学科 ...
BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 出版年份:1992 年文章数:206 投稿命中率:暂无数据 出版周期:Monthly 自引率:4.8% 审稿周期:暂无数据 前往期刊 ...