投稿时,杂志给你推荐其他的投稿期刊,该怎么办?? 2020-05-23 12:00 来源:小张聊科研 大家在投稿时候有没有遇到过这样的经历,手稿投出去之后一段时间终于收到了一封邮件,标题明明白白地写着Transfer Suggested,有经验的同学都知道这是 ...
Heliyon is an all-science, open access journal that is part of the Cell Press family. Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which …
Heliyon与其他期刊有何不同? 最大的不同是,Heliyon不限定研究领域,文章评定的标准是:研究价值、有效性、技术上和学术伦理上的完备性。 嗯,你说的不限研究领域的期刊我也听说过,那Heliyon跟它们相比又有何不同? Lupp博士的回答只有两个字:质量!
期刊接受率 & 期刊拒稿率. 最新统计结果. 64.3 %. Write a review. See all reviews. The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Heliyon …
论文投稿被拒,编辑发来如下一段文字,求解. I regret to inform you that the editor of your manuscript has advised against publication, and I must therefore reject it. For your guidance, the …
投稿时,杂志给你推荐其他的投稿期刊,该怎么办?? 2020-05-23 12:00 来源:小张聊科研 大家在投稿时候有没有遇到过这样的经历,手稿投出去之后一段时间终于收到了一封邮件,标题明明白白地写着Transfer Suggested,有经验的同学都知道这是 ...
Heliyon is an all-science, open access journal that is part of the Cell Press family. Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which …
Heliyon与其他期刊有何不同? 最大的不同是,Heliyon不限定研究领域,文章评定的标准是:研究价值、有效性、技术上和学术伦理上的完备性。 嗯,你说的不限研究领域的期刊我也听说过,那Heliyon跟它们相比又有何不同? Lupp博士的回答只有两个字:质量!
期刊接受率 & 期刊拒稿率. 最新统计结果. 64.3 %. Write a review. See all reviews. The definition of journal acceptance rate is the percentage of all articles submitted to Heliyon …
论文投稿被拒,编辑发来如下一段文字,求解. I regret to inform you that the editor of your manuscript has advised against publication, and I must therefore reject it. For your guidance, the …