Nanoparticle-Protein Corona Neural Interfaces In article number 2100694, Po-Chun Chen, Wei-Chen Huang, and co-workers develop a smart biotic-abiotic nano-assembly neural interface to provide controllable topographical, electrical, and chemical stimuli that can enhance neuronal activity.In the nanoparticle (NP)-protein corona structures, the soft NP-corona leads to repeated burst-to-zero-to ...
以AM为首,形成了一个子刊体系: 一档子刊:advanced functional materials,advanced energy materials,advanced science,这里AFM,AEnM,AS高于或等于“传统明星期刊”(这个词感觉有些怪呢?!) nano letters,a…
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Advanced Materials是工程与计算大学科、材料与化学大领域(包含材料化学,材料物理,生物材料,纳米材料,光电材料,金属材料,无机非金属材料,电子材料等等非常多的子学科,以及非常大量与材料相关的研究领域)的顶尖期刊,在国际材料领域科研界上享誉盛名。
Ionic Liquid Skinny Gels In article number 2103850, Sang-Young Lee and co-workers present ionic liquid (IL) skinny gels as a water-repellent ion-conducting protective layer customized for aqueous Zn-ion battery anodes.The IL-gel-skinned Zn anode allows sustainable Zn plating/stripping behavior without suffering from water-triggered interfacial parasitic reactions, thus enabling an …
小木虫论坛-SCI期刊点评专栏:拥有来自国内各大院校、科研院所的博硕士研究生和企业研发人员对期刊的专业点评,覆盖了8000+ SCI期刊杂志的专业点评信息,为国内外学术科研人员论文投稿、期刊选择等提供了专业的建议。小木虫论坛秉承“为中国学术科研免费提供动力”宗旨,已成为千万硕博 ...
如何评价期刊《Advanced Materials》?. 自从发现AM不怎么刊发金属类的论文后,就对这刊无感了. 后来零零碎碎的看到一些金属大类的文章,感觉金属方向的刊文越来越水. 蹭时代脉动,撇开金属材料这一支,是要放下包袱轻装简行,自然让做金属的觉得这刊有点内 ...如何看待RSC新推出的open access期刊Materials Advance ...2020-12-5如何评价Wiley旗下期刊Advanced Materials系列?2018-5-13查看更多结果
Researches on highly reversible lithium storage behavior in crystalline C 60 nanoparticles as anode material of lithium-ion batteries are demonstrated systematically for the first time. The involved new phase generation and transformation of Li x C 60 during lithiation/de-lithiation process are monitored unprecedently and proved through the advanced in situ X-ray diffraction, high-resolution ...
在很多人看来,AdvancedMaterials(大家口中的AM)无疑是材料领域的顶尖期刊。投稿到底有多难?看期刊点评上说,非大牛们发AM难如登天。浏览AM上的文章,确实如此。发AM,到底得需要多大的创新性呢?昨天看到AM的一篇关于柔性超级电容器的 ...
Nanoparticle-Protein Corona Neural Interfaces In article number 2100694, Po-Chun Chen, Wei-Chen Huang, and co-workers develop a smart biotic-abiotic nano-assembly neural interface to provide controllable topographical, electrical, and chemical stimuli that can enhance neuronal activity.In the nanoparticle (NP)-protein corona structures, the soft NP-corona leads to repeated burst-to-zero-to ...
以AM为首,形成了一个子刊体系: 一档子刊:advanced functional materials,advanced energy materials,advanced science,这里AFM,AEnM,AS高于或等于“传统明星期刊”(这个词感觉有些怪呢?!) nano letters,a…
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Advanced Materials是工程与计算大学科、材料与化学大领域(包含材料化学,材料物理,生物材料,纳米材料,光电材料,金属材料,无机非金属材料,电子材料等等非常多的子学科,以及非常大量与材料相关的研究领域)的顶尖期刊,在国际材料领域科研界上享誉盛名。
Ionic Liquid Skinny Gels In article number 2103850, Sang-Young Lee and co-workers present ionic liquid (IL) skinny gels as a water-repellent ion-conducting protective layer customized for aqueous Zn-ion battery anodes.The IL-gel-skinned Zn anode allows sustainable Zn plating/stripping behavior without suffering from water-triggered interfacial parasitic reactions, thus enabling an …
小木虫论坛-SCI期刊点评专栏:拥有来自国内各大院校、科研院所的博硕士研究生和企业研发人员对期刊的专业点评,覆盖了8000+ SCI期刊杂志的专业点评信息,为国内外学术科研人员论文投稿、期刊选择等提供了专业的建议。小木虫论坛秉承“为中国学术科研免费提供动力”宗旨,已成为千万硕博 ...
如何评价期刊《Advanced Materials》?. 自从发现AM不怎么刊发金属类的论文后,就对这刊无感了. 后来零零碎碎的看到一些金属大类的文章,感觉金属方向的刊文越来越水. 蹭时代脉动,撇开金属材料这一支,是要放下包袱轻装简行,自然让做金属的觉得这刊有点内 ...如何看待RSC新推出的open access期刊Materials Advance ...2020-12-5如何评价Wiley旗下期刊Advanced Materials系列?2018-5-13查看更多结果
Researches on highly reversible lithium storage behavior in crystalline C 60 nanoparticles as anode material of lithium-ion batteries are demonstrated systematically for the first time. The involved new phase generation and transformation of Li x C 60 during lithiation/de-lithiation process are monitored unprecedently and proved through the advanced in situ X-ray diffraction, high-resolution ...
在很多人看来,AdvancedMaterials(大家口中的AM)无疑是材料领域的顶尖期刊。投稿到底有多难?看期刊点评上说,非大牛们发AM难如登天。浏览AM上的文章,确实如此。发AM,到底得需要多大的创新性呢?昨天看到AM的一篇关于柔性超级电容器的 ...