序号: 期刊名称: 总被引: 期刊影响因子: 特征因子分值: 分区: 学科类别: 168: BRQ-Business Research Quarterly: 152: 2.41: 0.00021: Q2: BUSINESS: 169
Scientia Horticulturae is an international journal publishing research related to horticultural crops. Articles in the journal deal with open or protected production of vegetables, fruits, edible fungi and ornamentals under temperate, subtropical and tropical conditions. Papers in related areas (biochemistry, micropropagation, soil science ...
Third Tier (第三类):. Applied Economics. Cambridge Journal of Economics. China Economic Review. Contemporary Economic Policy. Econometrics Journal. Econometric Reviews. Economics and Philosophy. Economic Inquiry.
MedSci最新SCI期刊智能查询及投稿分析系统(2019-2020年)整理了最新被SCIE和SSCI收录的所有期刊杂志,包括SCI期刊ISSN号,期刊官方投稿网址,研究方向,SCI期刊分区,中国作者发表的文章,投稿经 …
目录:一、 圈内流传综合排名(78个) 二、 分领域专业排名(52个) 三、 大规模综合排名(150个)引用套路: 1. 若投国内Top3期刊,参考文献需外文期刊占半数以上,引用的中文期刊部分应为国内Top3及领域A+; 2. …
1.凡人大经济论坛-经管之家转载的文章,均出自其它媒体或其他官网介绍,目的在于传递更多的信息,并不代表本站赞同其观点和其真实性负责; 2.转载的文章仅代表原创作者观点,与本站无关。
期刊简介. Economica is an international journal devoted to research in all branches of economics. Theoretical and empirical articles are welcome from all parts of the international research community. Economica is a leading economics journal, appearing high in the published citation rankings. In addition to the main papers which make up ...
序号: 期刊名称: 总被引: 期刊影响因子: 特征因子分值: 分区: 学科类别: 168: BRQ-Business Research Quarterly: 152: 2.41: 0.00021: Q2: BUSINESS: 169
Scientia Horticulturae is an international journal publishing research related to horticultural crops. Articles in the journal deal with open or protected production of vegetables, fruits, edible fungi and ornamentals under temperate, subtropical and tropical conditions. Papers in related areas (biochemistry, micropropagation, soil science ...
Third Tier (第三类):. Applied Economics. Cambridge Journal of Economics. China Economic Review. Contemporary Economic Policy. Econometrics Journal. Econometric Reviews. Economics and Philosophy. Economic Inquiry.
MedSci最新SCI期刊智能查询及投稿分析系统(2019-2020年)整理了最新被SCIE和SSCI收录的所有期刊杂志,包括SCI期刊ISSN号,期刊官方投稿网址,研究方向,SCI期刊分区,中国作者发表的文章,投稿经 …
目录:一、 圈内流传综合排名(78个) 二、 分领域专业排名(52个) 三、 大规模综合排名(150个)引用套路: 1. 若投国内Top3期刊,参考文献需外文期刊占半数以上,引用的中文期刊部分应为国内Top3及领域A+; 2. …
1.凡人大经济论坛-经管之家转载的文章,均出自其它媒体或其他官网介绍,目的在于传递更多的信息,并不代表本站赞同其观点和其真实性负责; 2.转载的文章仅代表原创作者观点,与本站无关。
期刊简介. Economica is an international journal devoted to research in all branches of economics. Theoretical and empirical articles are welcome from all parts of the international research community. Economica is a leading economics journal, appearing high in the published citation rankings. In addition to the main papers which make up ...