Econometrics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on econometric modeling and forecasting, as well as new advances in econometrics theory, and is published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.; High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), EconLit, EconBiz ...
《Econometric Reviews》评估说明 《ECONOMET REV》发布于爱科学网 ,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《ECONOMET REV》" 的杂志可信度。 杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。
Third Tier (第三类):. Applied Economics. Cambridge Journal of Economics. China Economic Review. Contemporary Economic Policy. Econometrics Journal. Econometric Reviews. Economics and Philosophy. Economic Inquiry.
一流期刊: 1.Journal of Econometrics (JE) 2.Journal of Finincial Econometrics (JFE) 3.Econometric Theory (ET) 以上属于一流杂志,其中JE的文章难度比较大,水平比JFE要高一些;而ET要比JE和JFE低一个档次,但还是属于一流杂志。 精算学: 1. 2.
Econometrica publishes original articles in all branches of economics - theoretical and empirical, abstract and applied, providing wide-ranging coverage across the subject area. It promotes studies that aim at the unification of the theoretical-quantitative and the empirical-quantitative approach to economic problems and that are penetrated by constructive and rigorous thinking.
目录:一、 圈内流传综合排名(78个) 二、 分领域专业排名(52个) 三、 大规模综合排名(150个)引用套路: 1. 若投国内Top3期刊,参考文献需外文期刊占半数以上,引用的中文期刊部分应为国内Top3及领域A+; 2. …
小木虫论坛-SCI期刊点评专栏:拥有来自国内各大院校、科研院所的博硕士研究生和企业研发人员对期刊的专业点评,覆盖了8000+ SCI期刊杂志的专业点评信息,为国内外学术科研人员论文投稿、期刊选择等提供了专业的建议。小木虫论坛秉承“为中国学术科研免费提供动力”宗旨,已成为千万硕博 ...
Econometrics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on econometric modeling and forecasting, as well as new advances in econometrics theory, and is published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.; High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), EconLit, EconBiz ...
《Econometric Reviews》评估说明 《ECONOMET REV》发布于爱科学网 ,并永久归类相关SCI期刊导航类别中,本站只是硬性分析 "《ECONOMET REV》" 的杂志可信度。 杂志真正的价值在于它是否为社会的发展带来积极促进作用。
Third Tier (第三类):. Applied Economics. Cambridge Journal of Economics. China Economic Review. Contemporary Economic Policy. Econometrics Journal. Econometric Reviews. Economics and Philosophy. Economic Inquiry.
一流期刊: 1.Journal of Econometrics (JE) 2.Journal of Finincial Econometrics (JFE) 3.Econometric Theory (ET) 以上属于一流杂志,其中JE的文章难度比较大,水平比JFE要高一些;而ET要比JE和JFE低一个档次,但还是属于一流杂志。 精算学: 1. 2.
Econometrica publishes original articles in all branches of economics - theoretical and empirical, abstract and applied, providing wide-ranging coverage across the subject area. It promotes studies that aim at the unification of the theoretical-quantitative and the empirical-quantitative approach to economic problems and that are penetrated by constructive and rigorous thinking.
目录:一、 圈内流传综合排名(78个) 二、 分领域专业排名(52个) 三、 大规模综合排名(150个)引用套路: 1. 若投国内Top3期刊,参考文献需外文期刊占半数以上,引用的中文期刊部分应为国内Top3及领域A+; 2. …
小木虫论坛-SCI期刊点评专栏:拥有来自国内各大院校、科研院所的博硕士研究生和企业研发人员对期刊的专业点评,覆盖了8000+ SCI期刊杂志的专业点评信息,为国内外学术科研人员论文投稿、期刊选择等提供了专业的建议。小木虫论坛秉承“为中国学术科研免费提供动力”宗旨,已成为千万硕博 ...