OPTIK 期刊简介. 英文简介:. Optik publishes articles on all subjects related to light and electron optics and offers a survey on the state of research and technical development within the following fields: Optics: Optics design, geometrical and beam optics, wave optics Optical and micro-optical components, diffractive optics, devices ...
Our Journal Finder Beta can suggest Wiley journals that may be relevant for your research. Simply enter your title and abstract and we’ll create a list of potential journals for you to consider. We also recommend reviewing the journal’s Aims and Scope before deciding where to submit.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING 期刊简介. The imaging of body organs, usually in situ, rather than microscopic biological entities, the associated equipment and techniques, such as instrumentation systems, transducers, computing hardware, and software. 人体器官的成像,通常在原位,而不是微观生物实体,相关的 ...
多普勒畸变声学信号的伪时频分析及其校正 张海滨1,陆思良1,何清波1,孔凡让1 1.中国科学技术大学精密机械与精密仪器系, 安徽 合肥 230027 Fake time-frequency analysis of acoustic signal with Doppler distortion and its correction
晟斯医学整理了INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY期刊影响因子数据,中科院JCR分区与学科排名数据,CiteScore学科排名数据,期刊的基础信息参数与简介,通过页面下方的投稿经验可以了解到偏重的研究方向、审稿 ...
晟斯医学整理了PATTERN RECOGNITION期刊影响因子数据,中科院JCR分区与学科排名数据,CiteScore学科排名数据,期刊的基础信息参数与简介,通过页面下方的投稿经验可以了解到偏重的研究方向、审稿周期等相关信息,以综合的数据为投稿者提供参考。
SOFT COMPUTING 期刊简介. 英文简介:. Soft Computing is dedicated to system solutions based on soft computing techniques. It provides rapid dissemination of important results in soft computing technologies, a fusion of research in evolutionary algorithms and genetic programming, neural science and neural net systems, fuzzy set theory ...
期刊 学者 订阅 收藏 论文查重 优惠 论文查重 开题分析 单篇购买 文献互助 用户中心 ... podobciążeniowe przełączniki zaczepów (PPZ) diagnostyka transformatorów elektroenergetycznych metoda …
OPTIK 期刊简介. 英文简介:. Optik publishes articles on all subjects related to light and electron optics and offers a survey on the state of research and technical development within the following fields: Optics: Optics design, geometrical and beam optics, wave optics Optical and micro-optical components, diffractive optics, devices ...
Our Journal Finder Beta can suggest Wiley journals that may be relevant for your research. Simply enter your title and abstract and we’ll create a list of potential journals for you to consider. We also recommend reviewing the journal’s Aims and Scope before deciding where to submit.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING 期刊简介. The imaging of body organs, usually in situ, rather than microscopic biological entities, the associated equipment and techniques, such as instrumentation systems, transducers, computing hardware, and software. 人体器官的成像,通常在原位,而不是微观生物实体,相关的 ...
多普勒畸变声学信号的伪时频分析及其校正 张海滨1,陆思良1,何清波1,孔凡让1 1.中国科学技术大学精密机械与精密仪器系, 安徽 合肥 230027 Fake time-frequency analysis of acoustic signal with Doppler distortion and its correction
晟斯医学整理了INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY期刊影响因子数据,中科院JCR分区与学科排名数据,CiteScore学科排名数据,期刊的基础信息参数与简介,通过页面下方的投稿经验可以了解到偏重的研究方向、审稿 ...
晟斯医学整理了PATTERN RECOGNITION期刊影响因子数据,中科院JCR分区与学科排名数据,CiteScore学科排名数据,期刊的基础信息参数与简介,通过页面下方的投稿经验可以了解到偏重的研究方向、审稿周期等相关信息,以综合的数据为投稿者提供参考。
SOFT COMPUTING 期刊简介. 英文简介:. Soft Computing is dedicated to system solutions based on soft computing techniques. It provides rapid dissemination of important results in soft computing technologies, a fusion of research in evolutionary algorithms and genetic programming, neural science and neural net systems, fuzzy set theory ...
期刊 学者 订阅 收藏 论文查重 优惠 论文查重 开题分析 单篇购买 文献互助 用户中心 ... podobciążeniowe przełączniki zaczepów (PPZ) diagnostyka transformatorów elektroenergetycznych metoda …