金属所&上海交大《Science》子刊:突破极限!强度高达4GPa 重磅!2021最新影响因子正式公布!中国腐蚀与防护学会2021第八届海洋材料与腐蚀防护大会 第二届高性能耐蚀钢发展与防腐新技术交流会暨2021年高 Science:滑动环水凝胶,20年前老idea也能
He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, fellow of IEEE, IET, AIMBE, IAMBE, MICCAI and CGI. He was a recipient of the Royal Society Research Merit Award and listed in The Times Eureka ‘Top 100’ in British Science. He was honoured CBE (Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in 2017. 上一条: Dr. Xiao-Yun ...
金属所&上海交大《Science》子刊:突破极限!强度高达4GPa 重磅!2021最新影响因子正式公布!中国腐蚀与防护学会2021第八届海洋材料与腐蚀防护大会 第二届高性能耐蚀钢发展与防腐新技术交流会暨2021年高 Science:滑动环水凝胶,20年前老idea也能
He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, fellow of IEEE, IET, AIMBE, IAMBE, MICCAI and CGI. He was a recipient of the Royal Society Research Merit Award and listed in The Times Eureka ‘Top 100’ in British Science. He was honoured CBE (Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in 2017. 上一条: Dr. Xiao-Yun ...