eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that encourages and recognises the most responsible behaviours in science. eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd is a limited liability non-profit non-stock corporation incorporated in the State of Delaware ...
2018年9月5日,生命科学学院宋艳研究组题为The retromer complex safeguards against neural progenitor-derived tumorigenesis by regulating Notch receptor trafficking的最新研究成果在线发表于国际知名学术期刊 《eLife》。
该研究成果在线发表在生命科学顶级期刊《 eLife 》上。同时,该论文被遴选为“ eLife digest ”特别报道。博士后贺志雄为第一作者,邰发道教授为通讯作者,所有实验均在我院完成,陕西师范大学为第一署名单位。论文的详细内容可见以下链接:
一本生命科学顶级杂志eLIFE. 为了打破CNS的垄断地位,最近由英国著名的基金会Wellcome Trust,美国HHMI和德国马普学会联合资助的新的Open Access杂志eLIFE破茧而出!. 该杂志定位顶级杂志,现已经发表了4篇论文,我们有1篇于上个星期投给了该杂志。.
eLife is a non-profit organisation inspired by research funders and led by scientists. Our mission is to help scientists accelerate discovery by operating a platform for research communication that encourages and recognises the most responsible behaviours in science. eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd is a limited liability non-profit non-stock corporation incorporated in the State of Delaware ...
2018年9月5日,生命科学学院宋艳研究组题为The retromer complex safeguards against neural progenitor-derived tumorigenesis by regulating Notch receptor trafficking的最新研究成果在线发表于国际知名学术期刊 《eLife》。
该研究成果在线发表在生命科学顶级期刊《 eLife 》上。同时,该论文被遴选为“ eLife digest ”特别报道。博士后贺志雄为第一作者,邰发道教授为通讯作者,所有实验均在我院完成,陕西师范大学为第一署名单位。论文的详细内容可见以下链接:
一本生命科学顶级杂志eLIFE. 为了打破CNS的垄断地位,最近由英国著名的基金会Wellcome Trust,美国HHMI和德国马普学会联合资助的新的Open Access杂志eLIFE破茧而出!. 该杂志定位顶级杂志,现已经发表了4篇论文,我们有1篇于上个星期投给了该杂志。.