1:啤酒花(Hops)是直到公元九世纪才被引入德国的。而在此之前,啤酒被称作Ale,早期的啤酒酿造者曾一度抵制使用啤酒花。最终,啤酒花成为啤酒酿造不可缺少的部分和重要属性。由于地理和文化差异,啤酒在历史上有很多名字。那个时期,啤酒在家里或者在寺院里酿造。啤酒在欧洲成为商品还是中世纪的事。今天,世界上几乎所有工业国家都生产啤酒,尤其是英国、德国、捷克和美国等等。在历史上,啤酒的酿造可谓是水到渠成。古罗马皇帝查尔斯五世就曾经非常支持啤酒酿造业;精通医术的鲁道夫二世也认为啤酒是一种有益于健康的饮料。从那时期起,啤酒的酿造工艺就开始大步向前发展了。在中世纪,僧侣们对啤酒的酿造更是煞费苦心,因为他们希望有一种味道好、营养丰富的饮料来佐餐。在斋月里饮用啤酒对于崇尚简朴的僧侣们来说更为重要。僧侣们是允许饮用啤酒的,这在当时并不违反戒律。僧侣们通常把啤酒卖给寺院的酒馆,然后用卖啤酒的钱来扩建寺院。当时的啤酒工艺基本都是僧侣们在黑暗中摸索提高的。随着时间的流逝,啤酒出口成了大产业,出现了一些啤酒酿造中心。十四世纪汉堡成为辐射荷兰、英国和德国的啤酒酿造中心,那里有大约1500家啤酒厂。德国的啤酒行会(Hansa)甚至把啤酒销售到了印度。在哥伦布发现美洲大陆之前,啤酒的酿造工艺是由当地的印地安土著人来探索的。欧洲人建造的第一家啤酒厂始于1587年,当时的殖民地法律也鼓励销售啤酒而限制蒸馏酒消费。为了保证啤酒的质量和信誉,德国巴伐利亚公爵维尔逊五世在1516年颁布了《德国啤酒纯净法》(German Beer Purity Law)。这是有史以来第一部食品法规,在这个法案中规定啤酒的酿造只能使用大麦、啤酒花和纯净水。 法国的化学家巴斯特(Louis Pasteur)是微生物科学的创始人。他出生于法国的多尔(Dole),巴斯特在巴黎接受的科学教育,从1854年开始担任两所大学的化学教授。巴斯特认为不同种群的微生物可以根据不同的营养要求和易感染程度通过特殊的技术加以分离。他发明了一种低温消毒方法,即巴氏消毒法。采用这种方法可以在短时间内对一些不耐高温的液体食品以不高的温度进行杀菌,这种方法只针对于无芽孢的肠道细菌。它的主要依据是无芽孢细菌在60到65摄氏度的情况下只需15到30分钟就可以灭活。这种方法广泛应用于牛奶、啤酒和葡萄酒的杀菌。啤酒在这个温度下可以杀灭细菌而营养不会被破坏,采用这种方法生产的啤酒又叫做“熟”啤酒。可以说巴斯特对于欧洲的啤酒酿造产生了巨大的影响和贡献。另外,对啤酒酿造起到革命性作用的还有两项发明,即瓦特(James Watt)的蒸汽机和卡尔(Carl von Linde)的人工降温。在当时就有科学家证明了要想酿造好啤酒就必须很好地控制温度,而有些温度只有在冬天才产生,但自从卡尔的发明以后,啤酒也可以在夏天酿造了。 总之,啤酒作为一种发酵酒在人类发展史上扮演了非常重要的角色,啤酒的多样性是其最具魅力的地方。从美国和欧洲的啤酒发展史来看,啤酒作为低酒精发酵酒将与葡萄酒一样重新回到人们的生活中并占有前所未有的重要位置。在中国,啤酒厂的小型化或者说啤酒品种的多样化也是非常重要的发展方向。2:北欧以前的传统是由女性酿造啤酒的,那些女性就是传说中的“女武神”(北欧神话中决定谁该阵亡并将阵亡将士引至英烈祠的女神),她们酿造出的酒被视为“不死之水”。这种习俗也流传到了德国北部,年轻女人出嫁时会带着不同的酿造嚣具到夫家。这种传统直到公元8世纪葡萄酒文化的涌入才有所改变。由于德国地处北欧,气候严寒,啤酒不仅可以御寒,还跟洋葱一样被当成药物,用来医治坏血病,加上严寒不能种植葡萄,啤酒便成了德国的饮料之王。 德国人都以自己的啤酒文化的精纯而自豪,这是有史可考的。公元1516年,巴伐利亚公爵威廉四世为了保持啤酒的精纯,编纂了一部严苛的法典“精纯戒律”,明确规定只能用大麦(以及后来的大麦芽汁)、水及啤酒花生产啤酒,这是人类历史上最古老的食品法律文献。 19世纪工业革命开始后,蒸汽机的出现大大提高了啤酒的产量,冷却器的发明使啤酒可以整年贮存,铁路、海运、航空运输的开拓和发展,使啤酒在更短时间内运往世界各地,复杂的电子设备完成配制、酿造过程,而不再靠人的“灵魂和感觉”了,这使啤酒的品质更加稳定,品种更加多样。 啤酒中含有许多有价值的矿物质和维生素,其低酒精度和高二氧化碳也有助于放松身体,同时能冲刷掉对身体有害的物质,洗净肾脏等。德国人对啤酒的狂热很大部分的原因应该是缘于此。啤酒,从历史走向未来,将一直渗透德国文化中,成为它的一部分。
查到两篇,如果需要发邮件到我邮箱,,我把全文发给你[1] Kitagawa, S., et al., Effect of soy peptide on brewing beer. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2008. 105(4): p. 360-366.[2] Wolf-Hall, C., Mold and mycotoxin problems encountered during malting and brewing. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2007. 119(1-2): p. 89-94.
我给你推荐 微型啤酒酿造技术 编 号: 227148 著 作 者: 催云前主编董小雷、周广田副主编 出 版 社: 化学工业出版社 书 号: 9787122028273 出版日期: 2008-8-1 书中有大量的参考文献噢
China's wine culture has 5000 years of history, has a long history of wine in our wine culture, the development of long-term process, making many as the "Shen Pin" 'Qiongjiang "wine treasures. I am the principal of Liquor comparison of Chinese and Western culture, and focus on understanding the culture of wine in China history of the development. I think in a different cultural background and different walks of life, different people, and even different frame of mind which was to understand the extent of different ways. For Chinese and Western culture, a different understanding of wine, the key is to make the best wine culture development, better for our services, which require the integration of Chinese and Western cultures of wine. Today, the West's wine culture to a large extent, the impact of China's wine culture, particularly in the tasting the mood in the West tend to be more, can hope to make more Westerners to understand China's fine tradition of wine culture. Talking about China's fine tradition of wine culture, wine and poetry had mentioned the close relationship between the poetry of wine is given a new interpretation of the source of origin so that the culture of wine in a long, and is deeply rooted. From ancient times people do not know the number of Jie Jiu literati ink to write a good poem passed down until today, to express his or hi or bad feelings, a lot of people describe the beauty away. Such as: "grape wine Remanbar" scenery, "Doujiu 100 poems," the passion, "Jiejiuxiaochou worry even more unhappy" analogy, "When the wine song, geometry of life?" Free and easy, "Do not make Jinzun Air-to-month "spirit,"酒逢知己千杯少"the joy of" non-intoxicating liquor drunk people from "conception," ulterior motives "of the Miao Yu," live for today "no alternative , "Yao Zhi Heng Fa Chuen shepherd boy" sad, "hand-crisp red, yellow wine tie up" suffering "Yizuifangxiu" happy, as well, "Zhu Jiuge" Bold, "The Divine Comedy wine," the rough ... ... Liquor heroes were also given to the extraordinary feat, given the strong cultural flavor of life, Cao Cao Quiz cooking wine, toast the invitation of Li Bai's moon, burning the midnight oil to see Zuili Xin Jian, Su asked the Liquor blue sky, Li Qingzhao sleep of course, very strong residual liquor, Huang Fei determined to swig (Southern Song Dynasty in the early years of anti-gold star, and Yue Fei was drinking too much at fault, Emperor Zhao Gou and his mother have let him quit drinking, he listened to the advice immediately broken wine However, he has made under the vows: "Huang Zhi Dao House (the capital of the Jin), and those who swig ears!" In which "those who swig and ears" Hero is full of pride.), In fact, no matter Beixi, those who drink In the wine in the pursuit of life is freedom, forget the life and death for whom the honor easily, in the wine itself to be a real, I think this is what most people understand the essence of the spirit of wine in it! In Europe, especially in the wine and romance to that of France, drink what kind of wine samples with what the wine glass, is the Yidingzhigui. General with a complete set of wine should include a Jiuzun, a set of glass, a set of red wine, a set of champagne glasses, a white wine cup, a liquor glasses. In the glass on the table are also placed special attention. From left to right, the largest number in the cup on the left side, the smallest number in the right side of the cup. So far the most popular European wine is still visible pure crystal cup. Each of the different cup mouth and body shape of the Cup, Cup of different thickness and different designs and different floriation family of Crystal Cup, seemed to represent a beautiful feeling. China in the table, we usually drink the wine of beer, such as Hapi, Qingdao beer, beer and so on snow, or white wine, such as Maotai, Wuliangye, Beijing Wotou II, and so on. In the United States, a lot of people who drink beer. However, I see very few Americans have a direct high concentrations of fine drinking wine, and this is very different from China. Also, I see very few Americans are on the table in a toast each other, we usually drink all of the. Only in certain occasions, we will toast together. This time is usually in a person after the speech, we cross a toast, a person wishing for a person something to celebrate. Think carefully, can be found: the Chinese people are drinking seriously, and look who drink to drink is the atmosphere; in the West attaches great importance to drink wine, depends on what wine to drink, it is necessary to the full enjoyment of wine The delicious. China's ceremonial drinking of alcohol reflects the respect for human beings. Masters of the guests have a fixed seat, have a fixed order of toast. When a toast from the beginning of the master King, owner of disrespect End, is not eligible for other people's respect, if the order of the chaos to deserve to be punished. And a toast from some of the most distinguished guests began to King, a toast to wine full time, that the toast was also a respect for human beings. The younger generation of elders, the lower a toast to the higher authorities to take the initiative to propose a toast, but also pay attention to the first King to do. The Hang Jiuling, Hua Quan, such as drinking etiquette, but also to allow people to drink more alcohol and enjoy the came into being. It is clear that the Chinese wine culture by young and old hierarchy of traditional Chinese culture, ethics, in the course of drinking alcohol on the respect for human beings on the most important position. The rituals of wine drinking in the West, reflect the respect for alcohol. Kam goods to wine and watch their color, smell their fragrance, flavor of their products, to mobilize all kinds of sensory enjoyment of wine. Goods in order to drink, pay attention to drink white wine after drinking red wine, the first products of light and then liquor products of the rich wine, to drink young wine to drink in the long years of wine, in accordance with the laws of taste changes gradually and in-depth Enjoy the taste of wine. The wine's choice, but also around how to fight the full enjoyment of those who drink wine to the requirements of choice. Aroma Cup together so that the tulip-mouth goblet, so full of wine-Shu start of the wine decanter, as well as to master the temperature of wine and drink products specially designed for the thermometer, all in the West reflect on the respect for alcohol, and their Ceremonial drinking, drinking culture is better to appreciate the delicious have been made. In China, wine is often used as a tool, the so-called ulterior motives. Qingmeizhujiu as to demonstrate who is a hero; Cup Mo Jiang Jinjiu stop in order to eliminate forever the same and Seoul worry; bamboo Poets of the Seven Sages, in order to Jiejiu asylum. Wine in the eyes of the Chinese people more as a communication tool in China's wine culture of wine for their own lack of scientific and systematic analysis and evaluation, but also about drinking after he brought a wonderful role . In the West, often drinking purpose is very simple, in order to enjoy the wine and alcohol, in order to enjoy the wine and alcohol. Of course, wine in the West also has the function of communication, but it's more pursuing is how much of the flavor of wine to enjoy. Comparison of wine culture in the West, can be found, the difference between the culture of wine is actually a way of thinking in the West differences. Whether China is the booze or the West tasting, wine culture can all hope that the next time a relatively more and better wine, wine culture can be developed and inheritance, so that more people understand the culture of wine, Enjoy the wine culture! 中译: 中国的酒文化有着5000多年的历史,悠久的酿酒历史使我国酒文化在长期的发展过程中,酿造出许多被誉为“神品”、‘琼浆”的酒类珍品。我这次主要对中西酒文化进行比较,并侧重理解中国酒文化的发展历史。 我觉得一种文化在不同的时代背景,不同的阶层,不同的人们,甚至不同的心情当中被理解的程度,方式也不同。对于中西酒文化的不同理解,关键在于能够使酒文化得到最充分的发展,更好的为我们服务,这就需要中西酒文化相互融合。如今,西方的酒文化很大程度上影响了中国酒文化,尤其在品酒的意境方面更趋向于西方,希望也可以使更多的西方人了解中国酒文化的优良传统。 说到中国酒文化的优良传统,就不得不提到酒与诗的密切关系,诗赋予酒的是全新的诠释,使酒文化源源流长,根深叶茂。从古至今不知多少文人墨士借酒写出流传至今的好诗篇,抒发了自己或喜或忧的感情,描绘了很多让人流连忘返的美景。如:“葡萄美酒夜光杯”的景色,“斗酒诗百篇”的激情,“借酒消愁愁更愁”的比喻,“对酒当歌,人生几何?”的洒脱,“莫使金樽空对月”的气概,“酒逢知己千杯少”的喜悦,“酒不醉人人自醉”的意境,“醉翁之意不在酒”的妙喻,“今朝有酒今朝醉”的无奈,“牧童遥指杏花村”的悲伤,“红酥手,黄縢酒”的苦痛,“一醉方休”的痛快,还有《祝酒歌》的豪放,《酒神曲》的粗犷…… 酒也赋予英雄豪杰们以不凡的壮举,赐予文化浓厚的生活气息,曹操煮酒论英雄,李白举杯邀明月,辛弃疾醉里挑灯看剑,苏东坡把酒问青天,李清照浓睡不消残酒,岳飞立志痛饮黄龙(南宋初年的抗金名将,岳飞曾因饮酒过多而过失,其母及高宗赵构都让他戒酒,他也听从了劝告,立即断了酒,但他却发下誓愿:“直捣黄龙府(金国的都城),与诸君痛饮耳!”其中“与诸君痛饮耳”充满英雄豪情。),其实无论悲喜,醉酒者在酒中所追求的是生活的自由、忘记生死利禄荣辱的轻松,在酒中做一个真正的自己,我想这也是大多数人对酒精神的精髓理解吧! 在欧洲,尤其是在以美酒和浪漫著称的法国,饮什么样品类的美酒,配用什么样相应的酒杯,是有一定之规的。一般一套完整的酒具应包括一只酒樽,一套水杯,一套红酒杯,一套香槟杯,一套白葡萄酒杯,一套烈性酒酒杯。酒杯在餐桌上的摆放也有特别的讲究。从左到右,最大号杯在最左边,最小号杯在最右边。至今最受欧洲人喜爱的酒杯依然是纯净剔透的水晶杯。每一只不同杯口及杯身形状,不同杯壁厚度,不同花饰及不同设计家族的水晶杯,似乎都代表一份美丽的心情。 在中国的餐桌上,大家喝的酒一般是啤酒,如哈啤,青岛啤酒,雪花啤酒等等,或是白酒,如茅台,五粮液,北京二窝头等等。在美国,喝啤酒的人很多。但是,我很少见到美国人有直接喝酒精浓度很高的白酒,这和中国很不同。还有,我极少见到美国人在餐桌上互相敬酒,大家通常都是各喝各的。只有在某些特定场合,大家才会一同举杯。这样的时刻通常是在某人致辞之后,大家交相举杯,祝福某人,为某人某事庆贺。仔细想想,可以发现:中国人饮酒重视的是人,要看和谁喝,要的是饮酒的气氛;西方人饮酒重视的酒,要看喝什么酒,要的是充分享受酒的美味。 中国的饮酒礼仪体现了对饮酒人的尊重。主人,客人都有固定的座位,都有固定的敬酒次序。敬酒时要从主人开始敬,主人不敬完,别人是没有资格敬的,如果乱了次序是要受罚的。而敬酒一定是从最尊贵的客人开始敬起,敬酒时酒杯要满,表示的也是对被敬酒人的尊重。晚辈对长辈、下级对上级敬酒要主动敬酒,而且讲究的是先干为敬。而行酒令、划拳等饮酒礼仪,也是为了让饮酒人喝的更尽兴而应运而生的。显然,中国酒文化深受中国尊卑长幼传统伦理文化的影响,在饮酒过程中把对饮酒人的尊重摆在最重要的位置上。而西方人饮用葡萄酒的礼仪,则反应出对酒的尊重。品鉴葡萄酒要观其色、闻其香、品其味,调动各种感官享受美酒。在品饮顺序上,讲究先喝白葡萄酒后喝红葡萄酒、先品较淡的酒再品浓郁的酒、先饮年轻的酒在饮较长年份的酒,按照味觉规律的变化,逐渐深入地享受酒中风味的变化。而对葡萄酒器的选择上,也是围绕着如何让拼饮者充分享受葡萄酒的要求来选择的。让香气汇聚杯口的郁金香型高脚杯、让酒体充分舒展开的滗酒器、乃至为掌握葡萄酒温度而为品饮专门设计的温度计,无不体现出西方人对酒的尊重,他们的饮酒礼仪、饮酒文化都是为更好的欣赏美味而制定的。 在中国,酒常常被当做一种工具,所谓醉翁之意不在酒。如青梅煮酒是为了论证谁是英雄;杯莫停的将进酒,为的是与尔同消万古愁;竹林里狂歌的七贤,为的是借酒避难。酒在中国人眼里更多的是当作一种交际的工具,所以在中国的酒文化中缺乏对于酒本身进行科学而系统的理论分析和品评,更在意饮用他后带来的美妙作用。在西方,饮酒的目的往往很简单,为了欣赏酒而饮酒,为了享受美酒而饮酒。当然,在西方葡萄酒也有交际的功能,但人们更多的是追求如何尽情的享受美酒的味道。 比较中西方酒文化,可以发现,酒文化之间的差异其实就是中西方思维方式的差异。 无论是中国的豪饮,还是西方的品酒,都希望酒文化能够在以后的时间里比较出更多更好的酒,也可以是酒文化得到发展和继承,让更多的人了解酒文化,欣赏酒文化!
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