安装方法:在安装Office 2003的时候,要选择“自定义安装”。找到Word树形下的“校对工具”,选择“从本机运行全部程序”。这样就能保证在安装Office 2003的时候将英译汉、汉译英和英-英同义词查找这三个工具安装上了。使用方法:打开Word 2003。点击“工具-信息检索”,在界面的右侧会出现“信息检索”栏,您可以在搜索框中直接输入中英文,点击绿色箭头进行英译汉、汉译英翻译和同义词等翻译查找。译:How to improve the rural students the ability to remember English wordsAbstract: The memory capacity of the English word vocabulary of the number of decisions, decisions vocabulary listening, speaking, reading and writing development of comprehensive ability. Students from rural areas make sure that you remember the words of the actual situation, combined with his own teaching experience, from the creation and guidance of the best state of mind two aspects of memory provides a useful method of in order to attract experts, accompanied by eye towards the vast rural areas of English language teaching .Key words: rural students to the psychological state of the memory word memory method