这两个单词差异很大. theme: A topic of discourse or discussion. 题目:论文或讨论的题目 A subject of artistic representation. 主题:艺术描写的主题 An implicit or recurrent idea; a motif: 主题:内含的或重现的思想;主题: a theme of powerlessness that runs through the diary; a party with a tropical island theme. 贯穿日记的无力的主题;热带岛屿主题的聚会 A short composition assigned to a student as a writing exercise. 短篇作文:给学生作为写作练习的短篇作文 Music The principal melodic phrase in a composition,especially a melody forming the basis of a set of variations. 【音乐】 主旋律:作品中主要旋律,尤指形成一系列变化的旋律 Linguistics A stem. 【语言学】 词干 topic:The subject of a speech,an essay,a thesis,or a discourse. 主题:一篇讲话,文章、论文或研讨的题目 A subject of discussion or conversation. 话题:讨论或交谈的主题 A subdivision of a theme,a thesis,or an outline.See Synonyms at subject 标题;细目:主题,论文或提纲下面的副标题 最后补充:主题歌只能是theme song,还有主体公园theme park. 英语文章段落往往有主题句,即topic sentence.聊天从唱歌扯到泡扭,这叫不断换话题(change topics).这些地方都不能换用.