给你个范本 希望对你有用****大 学本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告(综述)外语外贸 学院 英语 专业 级( 届) 班 学生 题 目:Cultural Similarities and Differences on Implied Meanings of Chinese Zodiac Animals between China and Western Countries本课题来源及研究现状:Source: First, I’m interest in animals and the Chinese Zodiac is our traditional animals’ representation. In addition, I have researched and collected some relative and useful materials or works about implied meanings of twelve symbolic animals in library and internet for writing this paper. At the same time, I have read many materials on China and Western countries culture about Chinese Zodiac. Then form this materials, I find these animals implied meanings similarities and differences. To the paper, I have confidence to get it finished. Present condition:With the development of society, across-cultural communication has become more and more important. The nature except including people, it also including all kinds of animals and have so many words describe animal and use animal words describe the person’s characteristic. Animal words are closely related to human life. From the perspective of cultural differences, I will search the implied meanings about same animal words in both China and Western Countries in the similarities and differences, form different parts search the implied meanings, aims at understand the cultures different between China and Western Countries and attention to the difference when we use animal words. About this theme, I find some authors of different countries research this theme and have some achievements. Research this topic could help people know the similarities and differences between the China and Western Countries. 课题研究目标、内容、方法和手段:Goal of study:My paper’s theme is ‘The Cultures Similarities and Differences on Implied Meanings of Chinese Zodiac between China and Western Countries”. So, first I hope to deeply understand the Twelve Symbolic Animals and then understand those implied meanings. Second, Advance my own abilities of writing and comprehension, and further understanding of cross-cultural. About animal in the Chinese Zodiac, different people have different feelings and expressions, so I thought the paper; I want to know different people’s expression the implied meanings about same animal words in both China and Western Countries in the similarities and differences, form different parts search the implied meanings, aims at understand the cultures different between China and Western Countries and attention to the difference when we use animal words.Contents: 1. Briefly introduce the source and the traditional custom about the Chinese Zodiac, importance of Chinese Zodiac in our life and in the cross-culture communication. 2. Animals Implied Meanings complete correspondence in China and Western Countries3. Animals Implied Meanings is not entirely corresponding in China and Western Countries. 4. Animals Implied Meanings does not correspond in China and Western CountriesThrough analyze the reasons of similarities and differences about implied meanings between China and Western Countries animal words.5. Conclusion.Means and methods: I have researched and collected some relative and useful materials or works about implied meanings of twelve symbolic animals in library and internet for writing this paper, and collected the materials about the twelve animals in Chinese Zodiac, comparing these implied meanings’ similarities and difference in China and Western Countries. 设计(论文)提纲及进度安排:Outline :1. Introduction 2. Briefly introduce the source and the traditional custom about the Chinese Zodiac, importance of Chinese Zodiac in our life and in the cross-culture communication.2.1 Definition of Chinese Zodiac2.2 The Chinese Zodiac traditional usage 3. Classification of the animal words in Chinese Zodiac 3.1 Animals Implied Meanings complete correspondence in the China and Western Countries 3.2 Animals Implied Meanings is not entirely correspond in the China and Western Countries 3.3 Animals Implied Meanings does not correspond in the China and Western Countries 4. ConclusionSchedule :1、during 2008-11-19 to 2008-11-21 complete the title report 2、before 2009-1-10 complete the first draft 3、during 2009-2-16 to 2009-3-10 complete the second draft4、during 2009-3-11 to 2009-5-10 complete the third draft5、during 2009-5-11 to 2009-5-24 complete the real paper ,the outline the abstract, the general idea of the paper ,hand the E-paper6、during 2009-5-25 to 2009-5-31 prepare for the answer to the paper7、during 2009-6-1 to 2009-6-10 answer the questions of the paper主要参考文献和书目:[1]. 储文华. 中西文化差异与词语的联想意义.[J]. 江西社会科学, 2001年第4期 [2]. 冯晴. 鼠年说“鼠”:汉英动物词“鼠”的文化内涵.[J].金华职业技术学院学报. 2008年2月第8卷第1期[3]. 冯珍娟. 英汉动物词语“鸡”的国俗语义对比.[J]. 浙江树人大学学报,2006年1月第6卷第1期[4]. 高丽新,许葵花. 论英汉动物词联想意义异同. 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