The design of the subject 12 for the University of the South Campus student apartment building # construction organization design, the apartment building is located in Xi'an Yangling District, six-storey brick-concrete structure, construction area of about 5000m2, the architectural design of the total high-21.45m, high levels of 3.3 per m, seismic intensity of 7 degrees, the structure of life for 50 years.Its main work is divided into four parts: the project in terms of the design construction, construction site, floor plan design, preparation of construction schedule. Calculated in accordance with engineering drawings, construction pipeline construction program options, taking into account engineering and construction programs, the combination of the overall construction period and part of each project with the number and the number of days the progress of plans to draw Bar chart integrated Factors to consider the venue, transport factors, manpower and equipment with the case of a more reasonable choice of programs to map out the construction site layout plan.Keywords: construction organization design; construction schedule; construction site layout plan; pipeline constructionAdd: