The name ": the three-level inverter implementing SVPWM modulation system and SHEPWM mixing method - jia-jun[English] : the name of a Hybrid Method SHEPWM applied.first of SVPWM. Adjustable Speed to Three - to Drive System[key] : the three-level inverter, the space vector PWM, selective harmonic elimination PWM inverter, SanDianPingNiBianQi, KongJianShiLiangMaiKuanDiaoZhi, TeDingXiaoXieMaiKuanDiaoZhi, BianPinDiaoSu,,The author] : ZhangYongChang, ZhaoZhengMing, ZhangYingChao, ZhangHaiTao, YuanLiJiang, BaiHua,[zuozhe] : ZhangYongChang, ZhaoZhengMing, ZhangYingChao, ZhangHaiTao, YuanLiQiang, BaiHua,[the] : the tsinghua university electrical engineering department unit of electric power system of state key laboratory, haidian district, Beijing 100084,,[English] : the name of ZHANG Yong - thing, ZHAO Ming ZHANG Ying, the government - chao, ZHANG Hai - - the tao, Li qiang, you will launch, -The title] : jia-jun[English] : A JOURNAL OF science: CHINESE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FOR[page] : 72-77The program] : power system[number] : 15 referencesThe periodical information] : 2007 (27[no] : TM464 classification,[English abstract] :[in] : the three-level inverter in the clamping midpoint voltage inverter in large capacity has been widely used in this study. And the high voltage inverter in three levels, namely SHEPWM and used SVPWM when using low frequency used SVPWM, asynchronous SHEPWM, avoid the high-frequency harmonic characteristic worse when implementing SVPWM SHEPWM and low in the shortcomings of large storage, give full play to the advantages of both, in the work within the scope of frequency can be effectively restrain low-order harmonic, get better. Mix modulation of output waveform is difficult problem, this paper analyzes the impact of smooth transition between the reasons and puts forward specific solutions, ensure the switching voltage and current process without jumping on PSIM software. SHEPWM three-level SVPWM and the simulation and actual three-level inverter control in the experiment on the platform of simulation and experimental results demonstrate that this method in the mix modulation frequency and high frequency harmonics are good, both asked the smooth transition of insurance makes the practicability, mix modulation and has been used in the practical three-level inverter.文章名】:三电平变频调速系统SVPWM和SHEPWM混合调制方法的研究-中国电机工程学报【文章英文名】:Study on a Hybrid Method of SVPWM and SHEPWM Applied to Three-level Adjustable Speed Drive System【关键词】:三电平逆变器,空间矢量脉宽调制,特定消谐脉宽调制,变频调速,SanDianPingNiBianQi,KongJianShiLiangMaiKuanDiaoZhi,TeDingXiaoXieMaiKuanDiaoZhi,BianPinDiaoSu,【作者】:张永昌,赵争鸣,张颖超,张海涛,袁立强,白华,【zuozhe】:ZhangYongChang,ZhaoZhengMing,ZhangYingChao,ZhangHaiTao,YuanLiQiang,BaiHua,【作者单位】:清华大学电机系电力系统国家重点实验室,北京市,海淀区,100084,【作者英文名称】:ZHANG Yong-chang,ZHAO Zheng-ming,ZHANG Ying-chao,ZHANG Hai-tao,YUAN Li-qiang,BAI Hua,【刊名】:中国电机工程学报【英文刊名】:A JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING【页数】:72-77【栏目】:电力系统【参考文献数】:15【期刊信息】:2007年16期27卷【分类号】:TM464,【英文摘要】:【摘要】:三电平中点钳位逆变器在高压大容量变频调速中得到了广泛的研究和应用.该文在三电平高压变频器中同时应用SVPWM和SHEPWM,即低频时采用异步SVPWM,高频时采用SHEPWM,避免了高频时SVPWM谐波特性变差和SHEPWM在低频时存储量大的缺点,充分发挥了二者的优点,使变频器在整个工作范围内都可以有效抑制低次谐波,得到较好的输出波形.混合调制的难点在于衔接问题,文中分析了影响二者之间平滑切换的原因并提出了具体的解决方法,保证了切换过程中电压和电流没有跳变.采用PSIM软件对三电平SVPWM和SHEPWM进行了仿真研究,并在实际三电平变频器控制平台上进行了实验.仿真和实验结果证实了该文的混合调制方法在低频和高频都有较好的谐波特性,二者问的平滑过渡保让了混合调制的实用性,并已用于实际三电平变频器之中.