我们在进行英文学术论文写作的时候,使用类似于“sound good.”的短语和术语可能感觉会不错。然而,最终这些短语并不是必要的,甚至会产生更糟糕的效果(模糊论文的内容,让读者难以理解作者想要表达的意思)。
《On Writing Well》一书的作者威廉·津瑟(William Zinsser)将“clutter”定义为任何没有必要传达的意思。威廉·津瑟认为:好的英语写作的首要规则之一是不惜一切代价避免clutter。通过减少clutter,才能确保作者的信息传达给读者(无论是同行、导师,还是期刊编辑)。
1. Due to the fact of/that…
Due to the fact of/that…就是一个典型的冗长短语,“Because”通常可以用来代替这个冗长的短语。
修改前: Due to the fact that more people are hiking in the Adirondacks, there have been more bear encounters.
修改后: Because more people are hiking in the Adirondacks, there have been more bear encounters.
2. It should be noted that…
It should be noted that…可以删掉,直接进入主题,丝毫不会影响句子的内容。
修改前: It should be noted that there were only 15 subjects in the study.
修改后: The study consisted of 15 subjects.
3. In consequence of this fact…
In consequence of this fact…可以直接替换成because of,并给出this fact具体指的是什么,方便读者阅读理解!
修改前: In consequence of this fact, we really do not know how much of an impact daily exercise has on a person's BMI.
修改后: Because of unreliable reporting and other factors, we really do not know how much of an impact daily exercise has on a person's BMI.
4. It's worth mentioning/it’s worth considering…
你是不是经常使用“It's worth mentioning/it's worth considering…”,这个句式非常文学化,并不适合我们严谨的学术论文。
修改前: It's worth considering whether the recent storm patterns are connected to glacier melt.
修改后: Recent storm patterns may be connected to glacier melt.
5. Further research is needed…
is needed to ...是不是你经常用到句型?删掉它,将被动句子改成主动句,效果更好。
修改前: Further research is needed to determine how extensive the damage to the intestinal wall is.
修改后: Future studies will gauge the extent to which intestinal walls are damaged.
6. In this essay/paper/study, we will…
你是不是经常会在论文introduction部分使用“In this essay/paper/study, we will… ”?
删掉“In this essay/paper/study, we will… ”的内容,你会发现,这对于你的论文没有任何影响。
7. End result
“End result”短语是多余的。 在大多数情况下,你可以简单地使用“result”或“results”,也可以用"... caused by..."。
修改前: The end result of more run-off is higher levels of bacteria in the water.
修改后: Higher levels of bacteria are caused by increased run-off.
8. On average
On average是一个不精确的术语,我们应该避免使用它。
修改前: Our results demonstrated that, on average, birds returned to the nest X number of times.
修改后: According to our results, birds returned to the nest an average number of X times.
陈旧的术语是一些曾经新鲜、新颖的短语,但由于使用了太多次,它们已经失去了影响力。 这种术语一般是研究领域的一些专业术语,也可以是一些过时的用语。
9.Sheds light
Sheds light的意思是使某事容易理解、阐明、揭示,通常用在杂志的封面信或摘要中。Sheds light是不常用、过时的短语,我们应该尽量避免使用它。Sheds light可以替换成suggest、determine。
修改前: This research sheds light on why monkeys engage in these behaviors.
修改后: This research suggests some reasons why monkeys engage in these behaviors.
修改后: This research determined why monkeys engage in these behaviors.
10. Paradigm shift
修改前: Donaldson's experiments resulted in a paradigm shift in current thought.
修改后: Donaldson's experiments have had some influence on current thinking.
虽然在英文学术论文写作中还有很多避免使用的短语,但上面列出的10个短语是最常见的。 删掉那些不必要的和不精确的短语,不要觉得可惜,你会发现你的论文变得更加简洁、清晰、易懂!