
汽车空调维修毕业论文摘要:随着汽车工业的迅猛发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,汽车开始走进千家万户。人们在一贯追求汽车的安全性、可靠性的同时,如今也更加注重对舒适性的要求。因而,空调系统作为现代轿车基本配备,也就成为了必然。近年来,环保和能源问题成为世界关注的焦点,也成为影响汽车业发展的关键因素,各种替代能源动力车的出现,为汽车空调业提出了新的课题与挑战。自本世纪20年代汽车空调诞生以来,伴随汽车空调系统的普及与发展,汽车空调的发展大体上经历了五个阶段:单一取暖阶段、单一冷气阶段、冷暖一体化阶段、自动控制阶段、计算机控制阶段。空调的控制方法也经历了由简单到复杂,再由复杂到简单的过程。作为汽车空调系统的电路控制方面也再不段的更新改进,同时,我国汽车空调的安装随着汽车业的发展以达到100%的普及性,空调已成为现代汽车的一向基本配备。给汽车空调的使用与维修问题带来新的挑战。论文最后以汽车空调故障检修的方法,对汽车空调系统的再深入探讨,以达到对汽车空调系统的了解,并运用在实际工作中。关键词:汽车空调 压缩机 检修(一)汽车空调的过去与未来汽车空调是指对汽车座厢内的空气质量进行调节的装置。不管车外天气状况如何变化,它都能把车内的湿度、温度、流速、洁度保持在驾驶人员感觉舒适的范围内。最原始的汽车空调仅是开窗换气式。最早的汽车空调装置始于1927年,它仅由加热器、通风装置和空气过滤器三者组成,且只能对车室供暖。准确地讲,汽车空调的历史,应该从制冷技术应用在车上开始。20世纪30年代末期美国的几部公共汽车上装上了应用制冷技术的冷气装置。直到20世纪60年代,应用制冷技术的汽车空调才开始逐步地普及起来。以后,人们对汽车空调的兴趣逐年增加,汽车空调技术日趋完善,功能也越来越全面。它的发展大体上可以分为如下几个阶段:单一供暖空调装置阶段 始于1927年,目前在寒冷的北欧,亚洲北部地区,汽车空调仍使用单一供暖系统。单一供冷空调装置阶段 始于1939年,美国帕克汽车公司率先在轿车装上机械制冷降温空调器。目前单一降温的汽车空调仍在热带、亚热带部分地区使用。冷暖型汽车空调阶段 始于1954年,原美国汽车公司,首先在轿车安装于冷暖一体化空调器,这样汽车空调才具备了降温、除湿、通风、过滤、除霜等空气的调节功能。该方式目前仍然大量的使用在低档车上,是目前使用量最大的一种方式。自控汽车空调装置阶段 由于前述的冷暖型汽车空调需依靠人工调节,这既增加上司机的工作量,还使控制不理想。通用汽车公司1964年率先在轿车上应用自控汽车空调。自控空调只需预先设定温度装置,便能自动地在设定的温度范围内运行。装置根据传感器随时检测车外温度,自动地调制装置各部件工作,达到控制车外温度和行驶其他功能的目的。目前,大部分的中高级轿车,高级大客车都装备自控空调电脑控制汽车空调阶段 自1977年美国通用汽车公司、日本五十铃汽车公司,同时将自行研制的电脑控制汽车空调系统装上各自的轿车上后,即预示着汽车空调技术已发展到一个新阶段。电脑控制的汽车空调功能增加,显示数字化,冷、暖、通风调控三位一体化。电脑按照车内外的环境所需,实现了调节的精细化。通过电脑控制实现了空调运行与汽车运行的协调,极大地提高了制冷效果,节约了燃料,从而提高了汽车的整体性能和舒适程度。目前电脑控制的空调都装上豪华型轿车上。(二)汽车空调的特点众所周知汽车空调是以采用发动机的动力为代价来完成调节车厢内空气环境的。了解汽车空调的特点,有利于进行汽车空调的使用和维修。与室内空调相比,汽车空调主要有如下特点:1. 汽车空调安装在行驶的车辆上,承受着剧烈频繁的振动和冲击,因此,各部件应有足够的强度和抗振能力,接头应牢固并防漏。不然将会造成汽车空调制冷系统的泄露,结果破坏了整个空调系统的工作条件,严重的会损坏制冷系统的压缩机等部件。使用中要经常检查系统内制冷剂的多少,据统计,由于制冷剂的泄露而引起的空调故障约占全部故障的80%。2. 汽车空调所需的动力均来自发动机。其中轿车、轻型汽车、中小型客车及工程机械,空调所需的动力和驱动汽车的动力均来自一台发动机。这空调称非独立空调系统。大型客车和豪华型大、中客车,由于所需制冷量和暖气量大,一般采用专用发动机驱动制冷压缩机和设立独立的取暖设备,故称之为独立式空调系统。虽然非独立空调系统会影响汽车的动了性,但它相对于独立空调,在设备成本、运行成本上都较经济。据测试,汽车安装了非独立式空调后,耗油量会增加10%到20%(与车速有关)。发动机输出功率减少10%到12%。3. 汽车空调的特定工作环境要求汽车空调的制冷、制热能力尽可能的大。其原因如下:(1)夏天车内的乘客密度大,产热量大,热负荷高;冬天采暖人体所需的热量亦大。(2)为了减轻自重,汽车隔热层一般很薄,加上汽车门窗多,面积大,所以汽车隔热性差,热损大。(3)汽车的工作环境因在野外,直接受阳光、霜雪、风雨等的影响,环境变化剧烈。要使汽车空调在最短的时间里在车厢内达到舒适的环境,就要求其制冷量特别大。对非独立的空调系统来说,由于发动机工况频繁变化,所以制冷系统的制冷机变化大。比如发动机在高速和怠速运行时,转速相差10倍。这必然导致压缩机输送的制冷剂量变化极大。制冷剂流量变化大,轻者引起制冷效果不佳,重者引起压力过高,压缩机出现敲击现象,发生事故。因此,汽车空调制冷系统较室内复杂得多。(4)由于汽车本身的特点,要求汽车空调结构紧凑,质轻、量小,能在所有限的空间进行安装。目前空调的总比重比60年代下降了50%,而制冷能力却提高了50%。(5)汽车空调的供暖方式与室内空调完全不同。对于非独立式汽车空调,一般利用发动机的冷却水或废气余热,而室内空调则是利用一个电磁阀,改变制冷剂量,机组很快起动并转入稳定状况。(三)汽车空调的性能评价指标1.温度指标温度指标是指最重要的一个环节。人感到最舒服的温度是200C到280C,超过280C,人就会觉得燥热。超过400C,即为有害温度,会对人体健康造成损害。低于140C人就会觉得冷。当温度下降到00C时,会造成冻伤。因此,空调应用控制车内温度夏天在250C,冬天在180C,以保证驾驶员正常操作,防止发生事故,保证乘员在舒适的状况下旅行。2.湿度指标湿度的指标用相对湿度来表示。因为人觉得最舒适的相对湿度在50%--70%,所以汽车空调的湿度参数要控制在此范围内。3.空气的清新度由于空间小,乘员密度大,在密闭的空间内极易产生缺氧和二氧化碳浓度过高。汽车发动机废气中的一氧化碳和道路上的粉尖,野外有毒的花粉都容易进入车厢内,造成车内空气浑浊,影响驾驶人员身体健康。这样汽车空调必须具有对车内空气过滤的功能,以保证车内空气清新度。4.除霜功能由于有时汽车内外温度相差很大,会在玻璃上出现雾式霜,影响司机的视线,所以汽车空调必须有除霜功能。5.操作简单、容易、稳定。汽车空调必须作到不增加驾驶员的劳动强度,不影响驾驶员的视线的正常驾驶。第二章汽车空调的组成与原理(一)汽车空调的工作原理压缩机运转时,将蒸发器内产生的低温低压制冷剂蒸气吸入并压缩后,在高温高压(约700C,1471KPa)的状况下排出。这些气态蒸气流入冷凝器,并在此受到散热和冷却风扇的作用强制冷却到500C 左右。这时,制冷剂由气态变为液态。被液化了的制冷剂,进入干燥器,除去了水和杂质后,流入膨胀阀。高压的液态制冷剂从膨胀阀的小空流出,变为低压雾状后流入蒸发器。雾状制冷剂在蒸发器内吸热汽化变为气态制冷剂,从而使蒸发器表面温度下降。从送风机出来的空气,不断流过蒸发器表面,被冷却后送进车厢内降温。气态制冷剂通过蒸发器后又重新被压缩机吸入,这样反复循环即可达到制冷目的。(二)汽车空调主要功能包括以下4大部分: 制冷、制热、通风、除湿制冷系统原理:汽车空调的压缩机依靠汽车发动机的动力提供,汽车在怠速状态下打开空调制冷怠速会明显增大,油耗也会相应的增加,油耗增加的大小与环境温度有最直接的关系,环境温度高制冷剂膨胀的压力大,发动机驱动空调的消耗也相应加大,环境温度低油耗相应减少。制热系统原理:汽车空调制热与压缩机没有丝毫关系,制热的热源不是空调本身获取的,是由汽车的散热水箱(中控台下面的暖风机总成内的副水箱)提供,早晨在热车前空调吹出来的是冷风,待热车后空调热风源源不断的送出来,制热本身基本没有能量消耗,是利用汽车的余热完成的.但在冬季,为了提升水温,加大喷油量,也使耗油量增加。但是只是在启动初期,等发动机运转正常,就是利用发动机的散热来供暖了。(而有的柴油车由于水温上升慢,为了一发动车就能享受到暖风,所以在暖风机里面加有电热丝)。通风:通风分为内循环和外循环, 使用内循环时车内空气基本不与外界交流,使用外循环时位于挡风玻璃下的新风口会将外界的空气源源不断的送进来,以保持车内空气的清新.除湿:空调制冷的过程就是除湿的过程,从制冷时产生的大量冷凝水就可以看出来了,在湿度较大的阴雨天气或是温差太大的时候车内的玻璃上容易起雾,打开空调驱雾就是一个除湿的过程。(三)汽车空调的组成 汽车空调一般主要由压缩机、电控离合器、冷凝器、蒸发器、膨胀阀、贮液干燥器、管道、冷凝风扇等组成。汽车空调分高压管路和低压管路。1.电磁离合器 在非独立式汽车空调制冷系统中,压缩机是由汽车主发动机驱动的。在需要时接通或切断发动机与压缩机之间的动力传递。另外,当压缩机过载时,它还能起到一定的保护作用。因此,通过控制电磁离合器的结合与分离,就可接通与断开压缩机。 当空调开关接通时,电流通过电磁离合器的电磁线圈,电磁线圈产生电磁吸力,使压缩机的压力板与皮带轮结合,将发动机的扭矩传递给压缩机主轴,使压缩机主轴旋转。当断开空调开关时,电磁线圈的吸力消失。在弹簧作用下,压力板和皮带轮脱离,压缩机便停止工作。2.压缩机作用是使制冷剂完成从气态到液态的转变过程,达到制冷剂散热凝露的目的。同时在整个空调系统,压缩机还是管路内介质运转的压力源,没有它,系统不仅不制冷而且还失去了运行的动力。 (1)用于汽车制冷系统的压缩机按运动型式可分为:往复活塞式 曲轴连杆式径向活塞式轴向活塞式 翘板式斜板式旋转式 旋叶式 圆形汽缸椭圆形汽缸转子式 滚动活塞式三角转子式螺杆式涡旋式1)曲轴连杆式压缩机 图(1)曲轴连杆式压缩机曲轴连杆式压缩机如图(1)它是一种应用较为广泛的制冷压缩机。压缩机的活塞在汽缸内不断地运动,改变了汽缸的容积,从而在制冷系统中起到了压缩和输送制冷剂的作用。压缩机的工作,可分为压缩、排气、膨胀、吸气等四个过程 2) 斜板式压缩机图(2)斜板式压缩机斜板式压缩机如图(2)它的润滑方式有两种,一种是采用强制润滑,用由主轴驱动的油泵供油到各润滑部位及轴封处。主要用于豪华型轿车或小型客车较大制冷量的压缩机。另一种是采用飞溅润滑,我国上海内燃机油泵厂生产的斜板式压缩机即是采用飞溅润滑。斜板式压缩机结构紧凑,效率高,性能可靠,因而适用于汽车空调。3)旋叶式压缩机图(3)旋叶式压缩机旋转叶片式压缩机如图(3)由于旋转叶片式压缩机的体积和重量可以做到很小 ,易于在狭小的发动机舱内进行布置 ,加之噪声和振动小以及容积效率高等优点 ,在汽车空调系统中也得到了一定的应用 。但是旋转叶片式压缩机对加工精度要求很高 ,制造成本较高 。4)滚动活塞式压缩机滚动活塞式压缩机具有质量小、体积小、零部件少、效率高、可靠性好以及适宜于大批量生产等优点。3.冷凝器 汽车空调制冷系统中的冷凝器是一种由管子与散热片组合起来的热交换器。其作用是:将压缩机排出的高温、高压制冷剂蒸气进行冷却,使其凝结为高压制冷剂液体。 汽车空调系统冷凝器均采用风冷式结构,其冷凝原理是:让外界空气强制通过冷凝器的散热片,将高温的制冷剂蒸气的热量带走,使之成为液态制冷剂。制冷剂蒸气所放出的热量,被周围空气带走,排到大气中。汽车空调系统冷凝器的结构形式主要有管片式、管带式和鳝片式三种。(1) 管带式它是由多孔扁管与S形散热带焊接而成,如图 12所示。管带式冷凝器的散热效果比管片式冷凝器好一些(一般可高10%左右〉,但工艺复杂,焊接难度大,且材料要求高。一般用在小型汽车的制冷装置上。(2) 鳝片式它是在扁平的多通管道表面直接锐出鳝片状散热片,然后装配成冷凝器,如图 13所示。由于散热鳝片与管子为一个整体,因而不存在接触热阻,故散热性能好;另外,管、片之间无需复杂的焊接工艺,加工性好,节省材料,而且抗振性也特别好。所以,是目前较先进的汽车空调冷凝器。4.蒸发器 也是一种热交换器,也称冷却器,是制冷循环中获得冷气的直接器件。其作用是将来自热力膨胀阀的低温、低压液态制冷剂在其管道中蒸发,使蒸发器和周围空气的温度降低。同时对空气起减湿作用。5.膨胀阀膨胀阀也称节流阀,是组成汽车空调制冷系统的主要部件,安装在蒸发器入口处,是汽车空调制冷系统的高压与低压的分界点。其功用是:把来自贮液干燥器的高压液态制冷剂节流减压,调节和控制进入蒸发器中的液态制冷剂量,使之适应制冷负荷的变化,同时可防止压缩机发生液击现象(即未蒸发的液态制冷剂进入压缩机后被压缩,极易引起压缩机阀片的损坏)和蒸发器出口蒸气异常过热。 6.贮液干燥器贮液干燥器简称贮液器。安装在冷凝器和膨胀阀之间,如图 20所示,其作用是临时贮存从冷凝器流出的液态制冷剂,以便制冷负荷变动和系统中有微漏时,能及时补充和调整供给热力膨胀阀的液态制冷剂量,以保证制冷剂流动的连续和稳定性。同时,可防止过多的液态制冷剂贮存在冷凝器里,使冷凝器的传热面积减少而使散热效率降低。而且,还可滤除制冷剂中的杂质,吸收制冷剂中的水分,以防止制冷系统管路脏堵和冰塞,保护设备部件不受侵蚀,从而保证制冷系统的正常工作。贮液器出口端旁边装有一只安全熔塞,也称易熔螺塞,它是制冷系统的一种安全保护装置。其中心有一轴向通孔,孔内装填有焊锡之类的易熔材料,这些易熔材料的熔点一般为85℃-95℃。7.孔管孔管是固定孔口节流装置。两端都装有滤网,以防止系统堵塞。和膨胀阀一样,孔管也装在系统高压侧,但是取消了贮液干燥器,因为孔管直接连通冷凝器出口和蒸发器进口。孔管不能改变制冷剂流量,液态制冷剂有可能流出蒸发器出口。因此,装有孔管的系统,必须同时在蒸发器出口和压缩机进口之间,安装一个积累器,实行气液分离,以防液击压缩机。 孔管是一根细钢管,它装在一根塑料套管内。在塑料套管外环形槽内,装有密封圈。有的还有两个外环形槽,每槽各装一个密封圈。把塑料套管连同孔管都插入蒸发器进口管中,密封圈就是密封塑料套管外径和蒸发器进口管内径间的配合间隙用的。安装使用后,系统内的污染物集聚在密封圈后面,使堵塞情况更加恶化。就是这种系统内的污染物,堵塞了孔管及其滤网。这种孔管不能修,如需维护,只能清理滤网。坏了只有更换,孔管内孔的积垢,也不能清理。 8.积累器 用孔管代替膨胀阀时,汽车空调制冷系统要在低压侧安装积累器。积累器是一种特殊形式的贮液干燥器,用于回气管路中的气液分离,滤网设计有特殊要求,只许润滑油从中通过,而不允许液态制冷剂从中通过。使用孔管的汽车空调制冷系统,总是存在一种可能性:制冷剂离开蒸发器时,还是液体。为了防止液态制冷剂损坏压缩机,必须在蒸发器出口和压缩机进口之间设置积累器,以防止液态制冷剂通过。液态制冷剂在积累器中蒸发,然后以气态形式进入压缩机。9.风机 汽车空调制冷系统采用的风机,大部分是靠电机带动的气体输送机械,它对空气进行较小的增压,以便将冷空气送到所需要的车室内,或将冷凝器四周的热空气吹到车外,因而风机在空调制冷系统中是十分重要的设备。 风机按其气体流向与风机主轴的相互关系,可分为离心式风机和轴流式风机两种。10.电磁旁通阀电磁旁通阀多用于大、中型客车的独立式空调制冷系统,其作用是控制蒸发器的蒸发压力和蒸发温度,防止蒸发器因温度过低而结霜。电磁旁通阀一般安装在贮液干燥器与压缩机吸入阀之间。11.主轴油封 主轴油封损坏,会引起雪种和润滑油泄漏。一般可以从有关的油迹来确定泄漏的地方。也可将压缩机拆下,浸入水中,以进出、口不没入水中为度。将排气口堵住,再从进气口加气压。从有关冒气泡的地方很容易确诊是不是主轴油封泄漏。 (四)汽车空调系统分类(按动力源分) 1.独立式空调:有专门的动力源(如第二台内燃机)驱动整个空调系统的运行。一般用于长途货运、高地板大中巴等车上。独立式空调由于需要两台发动机,燃油消耗高,同时造成较高的成本,并且其维修及维护十分困难,需要十分熟练的发动机维修人员,而且发动机配件不易获得,尤其是进口发动机;另外设计和安装更容易导致系统质量问题的发生,而额外的驱动发动机更增加了发生故障的概率。 2.非独立式空调:直接利用汽车的行驶动力(发动机)来运转的空调系统。非独立式空调由主发动机带动压缩机运转,并由电磁离合器进行控制。接通电源时,离合器断开,压缩机停机,从而调节冷气的供给,达到控制车厢内温度的目的。其优点是结构简单、便于安装布置、噪音小。由于需要消耗主发动机10%-15%的动力,直接影响汽车的加速性能和爬坡能力。同时其制冷量受汽车行驶速度影响,如果汽车停止运行,其空调系统也停止运行。尽管如此,非独立式空调由于其较低的成本(相对独立式空调),已逐渐成为市场的主导产品。目前,绝大部分轿车、面包车、小巴都使用这种空调。 (五)汽车自动空调系统汽车自动空调系统指的是根据设置在车内外的各种温度传感器的输出信号,由ECU中的微机进行平衡温度的演算,对进气转换风扇、送气转换风门、混合风门、水阀、加热继电器、压缩机和鼓风机等进行自动控制,按照乘客的要求,使车厢内的温度和温度等小气候保持在使人体感觉最舒适的状态。自动空调控制系统的传感器一般有车厢内温度传感器、车厢外温度传感器、蒸发器温度传感器、太阳能传感器、水温传感器等。其中水温传感器位于发动机出水口,它将冷却水温度反馈至ECU,当水温过高时ECU能够断开压缩机离合器而保护发动机,同时也使ECU依据水温控制冷却水通往加热芯的阀门。各个传感器将温度信息反馈到ECU,ECU通过“混合风档”的冷暖风比例而控制空气流的温度,例如当温度过低时ECU指令冷气流经加热芯升温,当温度过高时则增大冷气,当车厢内温度达到预定值时,ECU会发出指令停止“混合风档”伺服电动机运转。同时,ECU还通过“方式风档”伺服电动机控制气流流向,确定出风口的吹风角度。第三章汽车空调的检修一、汽车空调检修的基本工具1.修理空调器的常用工具(1)活板手(2)开口扳手(3)套筒扳手(4)内六角扳手(5)钢丝钳(6)尖嘴钳(7)十字螺丝刀(8)一字螺丝刀(9)锉刀:圆(10)手弓钢锯(11)手枪钻(12)钻头(13)冲击钻(14)刀子(15)剪刀(16)锤子:铁锤、木锤、橡皮锤各1把 (17)卡钳(18)小镜子(19)钢卷尺(20)酒精灯(21)温度计(22)电烙铁(23)万用表(24)低压测电笔2.维修用大设备 (1)真空泵:一般选用排气量为2L/s,真空度达到5×10-4mmHg的真空泵;(2)气焊设备:氧气瓶、乙炔瓶、减压阀、乙炔单向阀及配套输气管及焊具共1套; (3)电焊设备:电焊机、输入和输出电缆线、焊把及2.5mm、3.5mm焊条共1套;(4)制冷器钢瓶:用来存放制冷剂,一般选用3kg~40kg不等,按实定; (5)定量加液器:可以准确地比空调器充注制冷剂 1套; (6)台秤:以确保小钢瓶的充灌制冷剂不超过额定量,避免意外发生 1台; (7)氮气瓶:存放氮气,可对空调器进行试压、检漏,以及对制冷系统进行冲洗 1套及配套;(8)卤素检漏灯或电子卤素检漏仪:对制冷系统进行检漏 1套;(9)兆欧表:测导线绝缘程度 500V直流的1套; (10)数字温度表:1套 测量空调器的进、出风温度; (11)功率表:测量空调器的输入功率1套;(12)可移动配电盘:供维修接临时电源用;3.维修专用工具(1)胀管器和扩口器:1套 (2)割管刀:切割铜管 1套 (3)弯管器:滚轮式弯管器和弹簧管式弯管器各1套 (4)修理阀:三通修理阀或复式修理阀1套(常用) (5)封口钳:将压缩机充气管封死,然后才可以焊封充气管 1套 (6)力矩扳手:空调配管之间的连接螺母一定要用相应的力矩扳手来坚固 (7)电动空心钻:用以打墙孔(小孔径可用冲击钻)、钻头选用70mm、80mm两种规格二、汽车空调制冷系统检修的基本操作1.制冷系统工作压力的检测 (1)将歧管压力计正确连接到制冷系统相应的检修阀上,如果手动阀,应使阀处于中位。 (2)关闭歧管压力计上的两个手动阀。 (3)用手拧紧歧管压力计上的高低压注入软管的联接螺母,让系统内侧的制冷剂将高低压注入软管内的空气排出,然后再将联接螺母拧紧。 (4)起动发动机并使发动机转速保持在1000~1500r/min,然后打开空调A/C开关和鼓风机开关,设置到空调最大制冷状态,鼓风机高速运转,温度调节在最冷。(5)关闭车门、车窗和舱盖,发动机预热。(6)把温度计插进中间出风口并观察空气温度,在外界温度为270C时,运行5min后出风口温度应接近70C.(7)观察高低压侧压力,压缩机的吸气压力应为207pa~24kpa,排气压力应为1103~1633kpa 。应注意,外界高温高湿将造成高温高压的条件。如果离合器工作,在离合器分离之前记录下数值。2.从制冷系统内放出制冷剂具体方法如下(1)关闭歧管压力计上的手动高低压阀,并将其高低压软管分别接在压缩机高低压检修阀上,将中间软管的自由端放在干净的软布上。(2)慢慢打开手动高压阀,让制冷剂从中间软布上排出,阀门不能开的太大,否则压缩机内的冷冻油会随制冷剂流出。(3)当压力表读数降到0.35Mpa以下时,再慢慢打开手动低压阀,使制冷剂从高低两侧流出。(4)观察压力表读数,随着压力的下降,逐渐打开手动高低压阀,直至低压表读数到零为止。3.制冷剂充注程序 抽真空作业从高压侧充注200g液态制冷剂 第四章 总结随着我国汽车工业的高速发展,作为汽车技术现代化标志之一的汽车空调技术在我国蓬勃发展。汽车空调大大改善了乘坐环境,提高了成员的舒适性。近年来,各种完善的多功能型空调装置的应用,受到用户的普遍欢迎。但对于汽车空调维修人员来说将面临新的挑战!本论文对汽车空调的原理、结构以及必备的工具等知识做了一般性的介绍。重点对修理、维护做了详尽的介绍。这样做的原因,主要是考虑本论文所面对是汽车空调维修人员,并由此希望能帮助学习动手解决一般汽车空调故障的技能。第五章 参考文献【1】冯玉琪《实用空调制冷设备维修大全》电子工业出版社1994【2】张蕾 《汽车空调》机械工业出版社2007【3】夏云铧 齐红《汽车空调应用与维修—从入门到精通》机械工业出版社
There will always be that when you own something when you do not think it would be valuable, but also do not see the value of it, but when you lose it when it come to repentance, but that at the moment when the lateness of the hour, too late for regrets and. I now have such a similar feel. A week-long automotive engine disassembly internship is over, memories of this time, he reluctantly are true. Wanted to be back in a week ago, then put in every day practice as seven hours to 27 hours use. This is true, this internship opportunities for me are too precious a true. In this internship, I learned about auto engines knowledge, are ever at a lesson on what can not be compared. And I once again felt the profound theoretical and practical combination of the need. Teacher because of the arrangement to the engine of our components are Santana 2000 engine. First of all, for the automotive engine theory of knowledge, I understand that: Santana in Germany Volkswagen Ltd. 1982 products. The company entered Shanghai in 1983, to cooperate with the development of our country has been the development of three generations - four generations of production lines, and in 95 years will be Santana 2000 Electronic Fuel injection system into the market. The main parameters of motor vehicles including technical parameters, the basic parameters, engine and chassis parameters parameters. Structure for the JV type engine, the combustion chamber for the ball flat, so that the function of strong squeezing gas area, to reduce fuel consumption and air pollution Valve for overhead camshaft type, camshaft push rod directly. Advantages of simple structure, the inertia of small parts, the system stiffness, and improve the effective engine speed. Valve for the hydraulic rod to mention, the automatic
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Guide the future development of the concept of automotive vehicles Summary of high-tech popularization and application makes the pace of replacement automotive products faster and faster, also makes the Chinese automotive industry independent research and development level and technical level with the international on the growing gap in the development of the concept car is even more the difference between the very poor. WTO accession for China car alarm sounded, but also tremendous opportunity, our government, as well as automotive companies must increase their research and automotive design input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle design . Keywords concept car designed to develop science, technology and culture Technology start-ups PIONEERINGWITHSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYMONTHLY The 21st century, in order to lead and performance of the new century, the development of future automotive trends, a number of international auto companies, one after another at the major auto show in the world to launch its own concept car and new car. There is, however, must be caused by a phenomenon we are concerned about: As a car big country, but few Chinese car makers to launch its own development and design concept cars. Are one of the main reasons for China's automotive design concepts and methods, as well as the lack of research and development of concept cars do not pay enough attention. It can be said that a self-designed and self-development capacity of the automobile industry, it is difficult to say that is a complete auto industry. Thus we must intensify the study of automotive design and input, to establish a positive right car design concept, the concept of extensive vehicle design. 1 "concept car" is defined The so-called "concept cars" that have not yet begun to enter the market with a design unique and must advance the awareness of the new models. Its main characteristics are: it must give people are to consider that can guide the new concept cars. It has just the design in general at the time, people's aesthetic ideas, the purchasing power and even the level of motor vehicle manufacturing industry is also unbearable. Generally it will be it avant-garde design, innovative materials, bold use of a more perfect performance, the new car interior design indicates that the direction of development of the automobile industry. Some of the world's largest car company every year to spend many human and material resources to design their own concept car, and in some large auto exposition on display. It can be said that with the continuous introduction of concept cars, the near future may occur on some concept cars have today, some features or functions of the car. But not necessarily a concept car will each eventually evolve into mass production cars to enter the market, the majority of concept cars are finally only a "concept" for people to discuss the matter. 2 concept car, in reality the meaning of 2.1 concept car design and development of automotive products reflected the development trend of 2.1.1 the performance of the highest scientific level and the most sophisticated technology in concept car At the International Motor Show the previous, and the major automotive companies and the introduction of the concept of lot of cars, concept cars to remove these sleek, but also more integrated into a large number of high-tech and modern means of the introduction of the concept car to become Motor Company takes pride in the idea of the concept of automotive research and development are often accompanied by new technologies and the use of new materials with certain forward-looking, herald a new stage of development and the beginning for this reason that car companies the development of the concept car has invested great human and material resources, with its show car the company's strong momentum of development. Various high-tech applications, making car slowly evolved into information, communications, entertainment centers and the exchange of information with the outside world, the computer functions and Internet all-round involvement, in-car information and entertainment equipment, advanced navigation equipment, real-time traffic information function of the growing popularity of the inevitable demand of these high-tech automotive designers transcend time and space to establish a new value system, the emergence of various new technologies for the automotive design freely given to a wider space. Function of motor vehicles for further expansion and development of the concept car, the car gradually from the cold machinery into human information exchange platform, if the concept car has its own way of expressing their emotions with pregnant, anger, sadness and joy, such as facial expression make the concept car than in high volume production cars, become a new symbol of time. Concept Car Design of automotive products have greater and greater impact, it represents the development direction of the automobile industry and the basic idea of the automobile company design standards and a symbol of scientific and technological level. 2.1.2 human physiological needs and psychological needs of the largest Satisfied --- Automotive Engineering in the Ergonomics Ergonomics are 50 in the early 20th century with the rapid development of a new subject with the aim of research, design and engineering technology to solve the relationship between the human body. Car body design in ergonomics, it is to people (drivers and passengers) as the center, from the body's physiology, psychology, and exercise the human body, the research body design, layout and equipment in terms of how to adapt to people need to create a manipulation convenient, safe, reliable, beautiful and comfortable driving environment and take the environment, that is the best person to design a - vehicle - environment system. References 1尹定邦. Introduction to Study Design [M]. Hunan: Hunan Science and Technology Press, 1999 2张洪欣. Auto Design [M]. Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 1997 3 Tang Jia-Ti, Han Xiao Jian had denitrification. --- Product conceptual design theory, methods and techniques [M]. Beijing: Mechanical Industry Press, 2002 Tang Shu-Min 4. Concept cars and car design development and innovation [J]. Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Journal, 2002 (6)参考资料:
沃尔沃车标历史:In June 1915, "Volvo" name first appeared in a ball on the SFK, and formally at the Royal Swedish Patent and Trademark Registration Board registered as trade marks. Since that date, SKF companies produce go each group of automotive side of ball and roller bearings, are marked with a new Volvo logo.In Latin, "Volvere" is the verb "roll" (rolling) and infinitives, for example, a pistol with a runner is called "revolver". In the use of first person singular form, the verb "volvere" becomes "volvo", "I roll" is "I go forward" means. Therefore, Volvo means "rolling forward." At present the Chinese name of unification as "Volvo", in the past have also had the "rich" in Chinese name.Volvo cars marked by a graph composed of three parts: the first part of the circles represent the Roman god of war Mars, which is the ancient chemical symbol for iron - an arrow inside the circle, the arrow pointing diagonally upwards to the upper right corner. In Western civilization, this can be regarded as the oldest and most common of a trademark, which originated in the Roman Empire, is Mars, the Roman god of war and men masculine symbol of the concept of three different qualities, thus also embodies Mars and then to use to make the majority of weapons between the initial source of iron. Because of this, the flag has long been the world including Switzerland, as a symbol of the steel industry. The reason why the car on the use of the brand logo on behalf of iron is to allow people to recall the glorious tradition of the Swedish iron and steel industry, as well as a strong steely strength.The second part is diagonal, set in the radiator from the upper left to lower right in favor of a diagonal ribbons. This band was originally out of technical considerations, is used to sign fixed to the grille on Mars, then it has gradually evolved into a decorative sign and become the most obvious sign of Volvo cars.The third part is a registered trademark of Volvo company, is the font used for writing the ancient Egyptian word VOLVO.In 1927 was successfully manufactured the first cars on display on the integrity of all of the company logo. This car marked the beginning since the first one has been in use since Volvo cars, Volvo's car as a clear sign of unusual. In addition, Volvo the center of the steering wheel can be seen the iron symbol.够吗? 不够我再发,我已经打给你的邮箱了! 给我分吧!
Automotive Air Conditioning Systemsby Chris BedeToday, as we drive our automobiles, a great many of us, can enjoy the same comfort levels that we are accustomed to at home and at work. With the push of a button or the slide of a lever, we make the seamless transition from heating to cooling and back again without ever wondering how this change occurs. That is, unless something goes awry.(Article Continues below)Since the advent of the automotive air conditioning system in the 1940's, many things have undergone extensive change. Improvements, such as computerized automatic temperature control (which allow you to set the desired temperature and have the system adjust automatically) and improvements to overall durability, have added complexity to today's modern air conditioning system. Unfortunately, the days of "do-it-yourself" repair to these systems, is almost a thing of the past.To add to the complications, we now have tough environmental regulations that govern the very simplest of tasks, such as recharging the system with refrigerant R12 commonly referred to as Freon. (Freon is the trade name for the refrigerant R-12, that was manufactured by DuPont). Extensive scientific studies have proven the damaging effects of this refrigerant to our ozone layer, and its manufacture has been banned by the U.S. and many other countries that have joined together to sign the Montreal Protocol, a landmark agreement that was introduced in the 1980's to limit the production and use of chemicals known to deplete the ozone layer.Now more than ever, your auto mechanic is at the mercy of this new environmental legislation. Not only is he required to be certified to purchase refrigerant and repair your air conditioner, his shop must also incur the cost of purchasing expensive dedicated equipment that insures the capture of these ozone depleting chemicals, should the system be opened up for repair. Simply put, if your mechanic has to spend more to repair your vehicle - he will have to charge you more. Basic knowledge of your air conditioning system is important, as this will allow you to make a more informed decision on your repair options.Should a major problem arise from your air conditioner, you may encounter new terminology. Words like "retrofit" and "alternative refrigerant" are now in your mechanics glossary. You may be given an option of "retrofitting", as opposed to merely repairing and recharging with Freon. Retrofitting involves making the necessary changes to your system, which will allow it to use the new industry accepted, "environmentally friendly" refrigerant, R-134a. This new refrigerant has a higher operating pressure, therefore, your system, dependant on age, may require larger or more robust parts to counter its inherent high pressure characteristics. This, in some cases, will add significantly to the final cost of the repair. And if not performed properly, may reduce cooling efficiency which equates to higher operating costs and reduced comfort.Vehicles are found to have primarily three different types of air conditioning systems. While each of the three types differ, the concept and design are very similar to one another. The most common components which make up these automotive systems are the following: COMPRESSOR, CONDENSER, EVAPORATOR, ORIFICE TUBE, THERMAL EXPANSION VALVE , RECEIVER-DRIER, ACCUMULATOR. Note: if your car has an Orifice tube, it will not have a Thermal Expansion Valve as these two devices serve the same purpose. Also, you will either have a Receiver-Dryer or an Accumulator, but not both.For more information on Air Conditioning, check out The Automotive Air Conditioning Information ServerCOMPRESSORCommonly referred to as the heart of the system, the compressor is a belt driven pump that is fastened to the engine. It is responsible for compressing and transferring refrigerant gas.The A/C system is split into two sides, a high pressure side and a low pressure side; defined as discharge and suction. Since the compressor is basically a pump, it must have an intake side and a discharge side. The intake, or suction side, draws in refrigerant gas from the outlet of the evaporator. In some cases it does this via the accumulator.Once the refrigerant is drawn into the suction side, it is compressed and sent to the condenser, where it can then transfer the heat that is absorbed from the inside of the vehicle. ReturnCONDENSERThis is the area in which heat dissipation occurs. The condenser, in many cases, will have much the same appearance as the radiator in you car as the two have very similar functions. The condenser is designed to radiate heat. Its location is usually in front of the radiator, but in some cases, due to aerodynamic improvements to the body of a vehicle, its location may differ. Condensers must have good air flow anytime the system is in operation. On rear wheel drive vehicles, this is usually accomplished by taking advantage of your existing engine's cooling fan. On front wheel drive vehicles, condenser air flow is supplemented with one or more electric cooling fan(s).As hot compressed gasses are introduced into the top of the condenser, they are cooled off. As the gas cools, it condenses and exits the bottom of the condenser as a high pressure liquid. . ReturnEVAPORATORLocated inside the vehicle, the evaporator serves as the heat absorption component. The evaporator provides several functions. Its primary duty is to remove heat from the inside of your vehicle. A secondary benefit is dehumidification. As warmer air travels through the aluminum fins of the cooler evaporator coil, the moisture contained in the air condenses on its surface. Dust and pollen passing through stick to its wet surfaces and drain off to the outside. On humid days you may have seen this as water dripping from the bottom of your vehicle. Rest assured this is perfectly normal.The ideal temperature of the evaporator is 320 Fahrenheit or 00 Celsius. Refrigerant enters the bottom of the evaporator as a low pressure liquid. The warm air passing through the evaporator fins causes the refrigerant to boil (refrigerants have very low boiling points). As the refrigerant begins to boil, it can absorb large amounts of heat. This heat is then carried off with the refrigerant to the outside of the vehicle. Several other components work in conjunction with the evaporator. As mentioned above, the ideal temperature for an evaporator coil is 320 F. Temperature and pressure regulating devices must be used to control its temperature. While there are many variations of devices used, their main functions are the same; keeping pressure in the evaporator low and keeping the evaporator from freezing; A frozen evaporator coil will not absorb as much heat. ReturnPRESSURE REGULATING DEVICESControlling the evaporator temperature can be accomplished by controlling refrigerant pressure and flow into the evaporator. Many variations of pressure regulators have been introduced since the 1940's. Listed below, are the most commonly found. ReturnORIFICE TUBEThe orifice tube, probably the most commonly used, can be found in most GM and Ford models. It is located in the inlet tube of the evaporator, or in the liquid line, somewhere between the outlet of the condenser and the inlet of the evaporator. This point can be found in a properly functioning system by locating the area between the outlet of the condenser and the inlet of the evaporator that suddenly makes the change from hot to cold. You should then see small dimples placed in the line that keep the orifice tube from moving. Most of the orifice tubes in use today measure approximately three inches in length and consist of a small brass tube, surrounded by plastic, and covered with a filter screen at each end. It is not uncommon for these tubes to become clogged with small debris. While inexpensive, usually between three to five dollars, the labor to replace one involves recovering the refrigerant, opening the system up, replacing the orifice tube, evacuating and then recharging. With this in mind, it might make sense to install a larger pre filter in front of the orifice tube to minimize the risk of of this problem reoccurring. Some Ford models have a permanently affixed orifice tube in the liquid line. These can be cut out and replaced with a combination filter/orifice assembly. ReturnTHERMAL EXPANSION VALVEAnother common refrigerant regulator is the thermal expansion valve, or TXV. Commonly used on import and aftermarket systems. This type of valve can sense both temperature and pressure, and is very efficient at regulating refrigerant flow to the evaporator. Several variations of this valve are commonly found. Another example of a thermal expansion valve is Chrysler's "H block" type. This type of valve is usually located at the firewall, between the evaporator inlet and outlet tubes and the liquid and suction lines. These types of valves, although efficient, have some disadvantages over orifice tube systems. Like orifice tubes these valves can become clogged with debris, but also have small moving parts that may stick and malfunction due to corrosion. ReturnRECEIVER-DRIERThe receiver-drier is used on the high side of systems that use a thermal expansion valve. This type of metering valve requires liquid refrigerant. To ensure that the valve gets liquid refrigerant, a receiver is used. The primary function of the receiver-drier is to separate gas and liquid. The secondary purpose is to remove moisture and filter out dirt. The receiver-drier usually has a sight glass in the top. This sight glass is often used to charge the system. Under normal operating conditions, vapor bubbles should not be visible in the sight glass. The use of the sight glass to charge the system is not recommended in R-134a systems as cloudiness and oil that has separated from the refrigerant can be mistaken for bubbles. This type of mistake can lead to a dangerous overcharged condition. There are variations of receiver-driers and several different desiccant materials are in use. Some of the moisture removing desiccants found within are not compatible with R-134a. The desiccant type is usually identified on a sticker that is affixed to the receiver-drier. Newer receiver-driers use desiccant type XH-7 and are compatible with both R-12 and R-134a refrigerants. ReturnACCUMULATORAccumulators are used on systems that accommodate an orifice tube to meter refrigerants into the evaporator. It is connected directly to the evaporator outlet and stores excess liquid refrigerant. Introduction of liquid refrigerant into a compressor can do serious damage. Compressors are designed to compress gas not liquid. The chief role of the accumulator is to isolate the compressor from any damaging liquid refrigerant. Accumulators, like receiver-driers, also remove debris and moisture from a system. It is a good idea to replace the accumulator each time the system is opened up for major repair and anytime moisture and/or debris is of concern. Moisture is enemy number one for your A/C system. Moisture in a system mixes with refrigerant and forms a corrosive acid. When in doubt, it may be to your advantage to change the Accumulator or receiver in your system. While this may be a temporary discomfort for your wallet, it is of long term benefit to your air conditioning system. 资料来源:
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