写一篇介绍雅鲁藏布大峡谷的英语作文Known as the "roof of the world" of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, there are two of the world: one is the highest mountain in the world -- a world of Mount Qomolangma, isthe deepest and longest river valley -- the Yarlung Zangbo Grand canyon. Peak and valley close to the terrain, strong contrast of 10000 meters, constitutes a magnificentlandscape is the world's first.The Yarlung Zangbo River at an average altitude of 3000 meters, is the world'shighest river. Its downstream around Himalaya Shandong peak end, forming a uniquelarge horseshoe bend, cut out a huge gorge is 504 kilometers long in the Qinghai Tibet plateau. The average depth of 2268 meters of the canyon, the depths of 6009 meters, is the world's largest canyon allow all doubt. America Colorado Grand Canyon and Korka Canyon in Peru, have been listed as the world, but they are unable to compete with the Yarlung Zangbo Grand canyon.The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, silhouetted against the mountain glaciers andstrongly fragrant primitive forests, cloud cover fog Chung, mysterious. The Grand Canyon from the water, solid million years ice to boiling springs, from a trickle, curtainwaterfall to the surging river, it is in different poses and with different expressions. The Grand Canyon of the mountain, from all over the tropical rain forest in the mountains to the straight into the sky in the snow, let a person feel as an inspired passage.Singular landscape of the Grand Canyon is also reflected in the biological diversity, in the same slope, from high to low was formed by nine vertical natural zone. Different heights of the natural zone showed a different landscape, like a magical beautiful picture volley expansion. Here, you can see from the cold of the Arctic to the hot equatorial distribution of animals and plants. Many rare trees and flowers grow in thefew people tread place, various kinds of wild animal climbing across it, really deserves to be called "plant type Museum" and "animal kingdom" reputation.The Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, is one of the most important events in humangeography of the last century. Can be expected, in this century, the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon will become a focus of world attention.在号称“世界屋脊”的青藏高原,有两个世界之最:一个是世界最高的山峰——珠穆朗玛峰,一个是世界最深最长的河流峡谷——雅鲁藏布大峡谷。高峰与深谷咫尺为邻,近万米的强烈地形反差,构成了堪称世界第一的壮丽景观。雅鲁藏布江河床平均海拔在3000米以上,是世界上最高的大河。它的下游围绕喜马拉雅山东端的最高峰,形成一个奇特的马蹄形大拐弯,在青藏高原上切割出一条长504千米的巨大峡谷。峡谷平均深度2268米,最深处达6009米,是不容置疑的世界第一大峡谷。美国的科罗拉多大峡谷和秘鲁的科尔卡大峡谷,曾被列为世界之最,但他们都不能与雅鲁藏布大峡谷一争高下。雅鲁藏布大峡谷,映衬着雪山冰川和郁郁苍苍的原始林海,云遮雾涌,神秘莫测。大峡谷的水,从固态的万年冰雪到沸腾的温泉,从涓涓细流、帘帘飞瀑到滔滔江水,真是千姿百态。大峡谷的山,从遍布热带雨林的山脉到直入云天的皑皑雪山,让人感觉如神来之笔。大峡谷的奇异景观还体现在生物的多样性上,在同一坡面上,从高到低形成了九个垂直自然带。不同高度的自然带呈现出不同的自然景观,犹如凌空展开的一幅神奇美丽的画卷。在这里,可以见到从寒冷的北极到炎热的赤道分布的动植物。许多珍贵的林木和花卉生长在人迹罕至的地方,各种野生动物攀援穿梭其间,真不愧“植物类型博物馆”和“动物王国”的美誉。雅鲁藏布大峡谷的发现,是上个世纪人类最重要的地理事件之一。可以预料,在本世纪,雅鲁藏布大峡谷必将成为世界人民关注的一个热点。