近五年以第一或第二作者发表的学术论文有:[1] Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima, Toshiharu Kagawa:Power Assessment of Flowing Compressed Air, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol.128, No.2, pp.402-405, 2006[2] Maolin Cai, Toshiharu Kagawa: Energy Quantification of Compressed Air in Pneumatic Actuating Systems including Compressor, Compressors & Pneumatics of Russia, pp.24-28, December, 2002[3] 蔡茂林,藤田??,香川利春:空??シリンダの作?における有?エネルギ??支,日本フル?ドパワ?システム学会?文 集,Vol.33,No.4,pp.91-98,2002[4] 蔡茂林,藤田??,香川利春:空????システムにおけるエネルギ?消?とその??,日本油空?学会?文 集,Vol.32,No.5,pp.118-123,2001[5] 王涛,蔡茂林,川?健嗣,香川利春:流量??表示式を用いた等温化放出法による空??要素の流量特性の??,日本フル?ドパワ?システム学会?文 集,Vol.36,No.4,pp.102-108,2005[6] Harus L.Guntur, Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima, Toshiharu Kagawa: Increasing Accuracy of Differential Pressure based Air Leak Detector by Well-Predicting the Required Temperature Recovery Time, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.17, No.2, pp411-418, 2006[7] リシン,蔡茂林,川?健嗣,香川利春:旋回流を用いた非接触搬送系に?する研究(第1?ボルテックス?チャックの基?特性),日本フル?ドパワ?システ ム学会?文集,Vol.38,No.1,2007[8] 王涛,蔡茂林,川?健嗣,香川利春:?等温化?力容器を用いた空???器の流量特性??に?する研究-???を考?した等温化放出法の温度??の提案,日 本フル?ドパワ?システム学会?文集,Vol.37, No.2, 2006[9] Tao Wang, Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima and Toshiharu Kagawa: Modeling of a Nozzle-flapper Type Pneumatic Servo Valve Including the Influence of Flow Force, International Journal of Fluid Power, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 33-43, 2005[10] CAI Maolin and Toshiharu KAGAWA: Simulation for Energy Savings in Pneumatic System, Asian Simulation Conference 2006, pp.258-261, 2006[11] Maolin Cai, Toshiharu Kagawa:Power Distributions in Pneumatic System, Proceedings of First BIT-TIT Joint Workshop on Mechanical Engineering, Beijing, China, 2005[12] Maolin Cai, Toshiharu Kagawa:Design and Application of Air Power Meter in Compressed Air Systems, EcoDesign 2001: Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, Tokyo, Japan, pp.208-212, 2001[13] Maolin Cai, Toshiharu Kagawa:Energy Consumption Assessment of Pneumatic Actuating Systems including Compressor, International Conference on Compressors and their Systems, London, UK, pp.381-390, 2001[14] L.G. Harus, CAI Maolin, Kenji KAWASHIMA and Toshiharu KAGAWA: Dynamic Model of Leak Measurement by Pneumatic Pressure Change, Asian Simulation Conference 2006, pp.253-256, 2006[15] Toshiharu Kagawa, Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima:Energy Assessment in Pneumatic Systems and Air Power Meter, Bath Workshop on Power Transmission & Motion Control, Bath, UK, pp.377-387, 2002[16] Toshiharu Kagawa, Maolin Cai, Hirotaka Kameya: Overall Efficiency Consideration in Pneumatic Systems with Compressor, Dryer, Pipe and Actuators, The 5th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, Kyoto, Japan, pp.383-388, 2002[17] Toshiharu Kagawa, Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima, Tatsuya Funaki:Energy Conversion Mechanics and Evaluation of Compressible Fluid in Pneumatic Actuator Systems, IECEC Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, US, CD-ROM, 2002[18] L.G., Harus, Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima and Toshiharu Kagawa: Characteristics of Leak Detection Based on Differential Measurement, Proc. of the 6th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, Tsukuba, Japan, pp.316-321, 2005[19] Tao Wang, Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima and Toshiharu Kagawa: Determination of Flow Rate Characteristics of Pneumatic Components by Pressure Response Considering Heat Transfer, 8thTriennial International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, CD-ROM, Chengdu, China, Aug., 2005[20] Harus L.G., Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima, Toshiharu Kagawa: Analysis of Differential Pressure based Air Leak Tester, SICE Annual Conference, Kochi, Japan, pp.3059-3063, 2005[21] Harus L.G., Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima, Toshiharu Kagawa: Analysis of Temperature Effect on Differential Pressure Method for Air Leak Detection, SICE Annual Conference, Saporo, Japan, CD-ROM, 2004[22] Toshiharu Kagawa, Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima, Tao Wang: Extended representation of flow-rate characteristics for pneumatic components and its measurement using isothermal chamber, Proceedings of Power Transmission and Motion Control 2004, Bath, UK, pp.271-282, 2004[23] Tao Wang, Maolin Cai, Kenji Kawashima and Toshiharu Kagawa: Model of a Nozzle-flapper Type Pneumatic Servo Valve and Differential Pressure Control System Design, Proc. of the 6th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, Tsukuba, Japan, pp.322-327, 2005[24] Changho YOUN, Maolin CAI, Tatsuya FUNAKI, Kenji KAWASHIMA, Toshiharu KAGAWA: Fundamental Analysis of Super Low Noise Control Restriction for Compressible Fluid, Proceedings of ICHP 2003, pp.387-394, 2003[25] 蔡茂林,香川利春:气动系统的能量消耗评价体系及能量损失分析, 第四届全国流体传动与控制学术会议,大连,中国,2006[26] 蔡茂林,?木?也,川?健嗣,香川利春:省エネのためのエアパワ?メ?タの??,平成15年度春季フル?ドパワ?システム?演会?演?文 集,pp.119-121,2003[27] 蔡茂林,藤田??,香川利春:エアエクセルギによる空??エネルギ???,平成13年度春季フルイドパワ?システム?演会?演?文 集,pp.85-87,2001[28] ハルス グントル,蔡茂林,川?健嗣,?木?也,香川利春:空?漏れ??における差??出法に?する研究,平成17年度春季フル?ドパワ?システム?演会?演?文 集,?京,日本,pp.140-142,2005[29] 王涛,蔡茂林,仙石?治,香川利春:空??小口径接??器の流量特性の??及び考察,平成15年度春季フル?ドパワ?システム?演会?演?文集,?京,日 本,pp.104-106,2003[30] 蔡茂林,藤田??,香川利春:多孔オリフィス形のショックアブソ?バのシミュレ?ション,第19回シミュレ?ション?テクノロジ??コンファレンス?表? 文集,?京,日本,pp.227-230,2001[31] 王涛,蔡茂林,?木?也,川?健嗣,香川利春:ノズルフラッパ型空??サ?ボ弁の?力流量特性の??に?する研究,平成16年度秋季フル?ドパワ?システ ム?演会?演?文集,高知,日本,pp.137-139,2004[32] 王涛,蔡茂林,川?健嗣,香川利春:ノズルフラッパ型空??サ?ボ弁のモデル化,平成16年度春季フル?ドフル?ドパワ??システム?演会?演?文 集,Vol.36,No.4,pp.70-72,2004[33] 王涛,蔡茂林,?木?也,川?健嗣,香川利春:ノズルフラッパ型空??サ?ボ弁の特性解析,??自?制御学会2003 年度???用部?大会,?京,日本,pp.52-55,2003[34] 蔡茂林,川?健嗣,藤田??,香川利春:空??シリンダ??システムの供??力と制御性に?する研究,平成16年度春季フル?ドパワ?システム?演会?演 ?文集,?京,日本,pp.73-75,2004[35] リシン,蔡茂林,川?健嗣,香川利春:ノズルフラッパ型サ?ボ弁と?空??器による?力制御性の比?,平成17年度春季フル?ドパワ?システム?演会?演 ?文集,?京,日本,pp.137-139,2005与多人合作著书一本:[1]《气动系统入门》, 承担其中一章,日本流体动力系统学会创立30周年出版,2003年出版;另外,在日本行业杂志《油空压技术》等上针对企业研发人员发表了20篇技 术解说文章;在气动系统节能,气动元件特性表示方法和试验方法规格化,气动系统高速精密控制特性,气动系统及元件的信赖性方面参与了大量的调查研究工作, 完成调研报告6篇,与相关学术组织、研究机构及日本企业建立起了紧密的联系。