发表的主要学术论文有:1. Liu Ru, Zhao Siming, Li Dandan, Yang Hong, Xiong Shanbai, Xie Bijun. Comparative study on the stability of fish actomyosin and pork actomyosin. Meat Science, 2011, 88: 234–240 (SCI收录)2. Liu Ru, Zhao Siming, Liu Youming, Yang Hong, Xiong Shanbai, Xie Bijun, Qin Lihong. Effect of pH on the gel properties and secondary structure of fish myosin. Food Chemistry, 2010, 121: 196-202(SCI收录)3. Liu Ru, Zhao Siming, Xiong Shanbai, Xie Bijun, Qin Lihong. Role of secondary structures in the gelation of porcine myosin at different pH values. Meat Science, 2008, 80: 632-639(SCI收录)4. Liu Ru, Zhao Siming, Xiong Shanbai, Qiu Chengguang, Xie Bijun. Rheological properties of fish actomyosin and pork actomyosin solutions. Journal of Food Engineering, 2008, 85(2): 173-179 (SCI、EI收录)5. Liu Ru, Zhao Siming, Liu Haimei, Xie Bijun, Xiong Shanbai. Studies on fish and pork paste gelation by dynamic rheology and circular dichroism. Journal of Food Science, 2007, 72(7): E399-E403(SCI收录)6. Liu Ru, Zhao Siming, Xie Bijun, Xiong Shanbai. Contribution of protein conformation and intermolecular bonds to fish and pork gelation properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.foodhyd.2010.08.016(SCI收录)7. 刘茹, 鲁长新, 熊善柏, 赵思明, 龚婷. 淡水鱼低温相变区热特性参数预测模型的建立. 农业工程学报. 2009, 25(2): 256-260 (EI收录)8. 刘茹,钱曼,雷跃磊,熊善柏. 漂洗方式对鲢鱼鱼糜凝胶劣化性能的影响. 食品科学, 2010, 31(21): 89-939. 刘茹, 熊善柏, 赵思明, 伍金柱, 谢笔钧. 鱼糜冻藏过程中的品质变化动力学研究. 食品工业科技, 2007, 28(2): 78-8510. 刘茹, 钱曼, 熊善柏, 刘畅, 谢笔钧. 白鲢鱼糜凝胶劣化影响因素的研究. 华中农业大学学报. 2007, 26(5): 709-71311. 刘茹, 刘海梅, 熊善柏, 严菁. 提取条件对白鲢肌动球蛋白得率及Ca2+-ATPase活性的影响.食品科学. 2005, 26(6): 39-4312. 刘茹, 汪丽, 熊善柏*. 三种添加剂在鱼肉猪肉复合凝胶中的作用. 食品工业科技, 2010, 已接收13. 刘海梅, 刘茹, 熊善柏, 谢笔钧. 变性淀粉对鱼糜制品凝胶特性的影响. 华中农业大学学报. 2007, 26(1): 116-11914. 王彩霞, 刘茹, 刘友明, 陈加平, 熊善柏. 淡水鱼肌肉中酸性磷酸酶酶学特性研究. 华中农业大学学报, 2010, 29(4): 518-521