1、Effect of pH-neutralized leachate recirculation on a combined hydrolytic–aerobic biopretreatment for municipal solid wasteBioresource Technology, Volume 100, Issue 17, September 2009, Pages 3848-3854Dong-Qing Zhang, Pin-Jing He, Li-Ming Shao2、Relationships between biological and chemical parameters on the composting of a municipal solid wasteBioresource Technology, Volume 100, Issue 17, September 2009, Pages 4062-4065Manuel Tejada, Ana María García-Martínez, Juan Parrado3、Emission reductions potential for energy from municipal solid waste incineration in ChongqingRenewable Energy, Volume 34, Issue 9, September 2009, Pages 2074-2079Li'ao Wang, Gang Hu, Xun Gong, Liang Bao4、Substituting energy crops with organic fraction of municipal solid waste for biogas production at farm level: A full-scale plant studyProcess Biochemistry, Volume 44, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 817-821Michele Pognani, Giuliana D’Imporzano, Barbara Scaglia, Fabrizio Adani5、Searching quality data for municipal solid waste planningWaste Management, Volume 29, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 2240-2247Moe Chowdhury6、An integrated appraisal of energy recovery options in the United Kingdom using solid recovered fuel derived from municipal solid wasteWaste Management, Volume 29, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 2289-2297A. Garg, R. Smith, D. Hill, P.J. Longhurst, S.J.T. Pollard, N.J. Simms7、Management of municipal solid waste in the Three Gorges regionWaste Management, Volume 29, Issue 7, July 2009, Pages 2203-2208Wang Li’ao, Pei Ting’quan, Huang Chuan, Yuan Hui还有一些...但是截图太大了...我觉得够了...