米兰·昆德拉,捷克小说家,生于捷克布尔诺市。你知道他的什么语录吗?以下是我为你精心整理的米兰昆德拉经典语录中英文,希望你喜欢。米兰昆德拉经典语录中英文精选 当我们不再关心别人看我们的方式时,我们便不再爱他了。 When we don't care about the way people look at us, we don't love him anymore. 爱情一旦公之于众会变得沉重,成为负担。 Once love will reveal to the public becomes heavy, become a burden. 压倒她的不是重,而是不能承受的生命之轻。 She is not heavy, but can not bear the light of life. 你说的都是真的,但有许多真的没说。 You said is true, but there are a lot of really did not say. 当心灵在说话,理智出来高声反对,是不恰当的。 When the mind is speaking, it is not appropriate to speak with reason and to shout aloud. 比喻是一种危险的东西。人是不能和比喻闹着玩的。 Metaphor is a dangerous thing. People are not fun and metaphor. 迷途漫漫,终有一归。 The long lost, one to. 生命中不能承受的,不是存在,而是不能其为自我。 Life can not afford, not exist, but not their own. 生活是棵长满可能的树。 Life is a tree that grows and grows. 比喻是危险的,爱情源于一个比喻。 Metaphor is dangerous, love comes from a metaphor. 米兰昆德拉经典语录中英文最新 当你在我面前时我就开始怀念,因为我知道你即将离去。 I start to miss you when you are in front of me, because I know you're going to leave. 必然者为重,重者才有价值。 It is only the value, or. 人是为了反抗过去才成就未来的。 Man is to fight in the past to achieve the future. 因为一切皆被事先地原谅,一切也就无情地允许了。 Because everything is in advance to forgive, and everything will be mercilessly allowed. 你是你自己掘墓人的杰出同盟者。 You are your own gravedigger of the outstanding alliance. 追求的终极永远是朦胧的。 The ultimate pursuit is always hazy. 媚俗是存在与遗忘之间的中转站。 Kitsch is the existence and transfer between the forgotten station. 媚俗的根源就是对生命的绝对认同。 The root cause is the absolute identity of vulgar life. 我们唯一的自由是在苦涩与快乐之间选择。 The only freedom we have is to choose between bitterness and happiness. 一切谎言的根源来自私人生活领域与社会生活的分界。 The root of all lies comes from the boundary between the field of personal life and the social life. 对伊甸园的怀念,就是人不想成其为人的渴望。 Miss the garden of Eden, that is, people do not want to become the desire of people. 上帝已死在失火的天堂,只有温情的太阳才能照耀大地。 God is dead in the fire of heaven, only the warmth of the sun can shine on the earth. 明日不再来,听众不再有。 Tomorrow never comes, the audience no longer. 真的,有些书是要白天读的,有些书只能晚上读。 Really, some books are to be read during the day, some books can only read at night. 米兰昆德拉经典语录中英文集锦 人们忽视自己的身体,是极容易受其报复的。 People ignore their bodies, they are extremely vulnerable to their revenge. 我寻求的不是快感而是幸福。没有幸福的快感算不上快感。 I am seeking not pleasure but happiness. There is no happiness without pleasure. 承诺在哪里,背叛就在哪里。 Where is the promise, where is the betrayal. 他孤立在过去的一旁,他孤立在未来的一旁。 He isolated in the past, he isolated in the next one side. 生命中有太多事,看似轻如鸿毛,却让人难以承受。 There are so many things in life, seemingly unbearable as light as a feather, but. 对这些岁月的回忆远比它们本身更有魅力。 Memories of these years are more attractive than they are. 当北极近到可以触到南极,地球便消失了。 When the north pole is close enough to reach the south pole, the earth disappears. 惩罚一个不知道自己在做什么的人,是野蛮的行径。 To punish a man who does not know what he is doing is a barbaric act. 对天堂的渴望就是人不愿成为人的渴望。 The longing for heaven is a man's desire to be a human being. 生小孩的前提是,你已经证明了人生是快乐的。 The premise of having a child is that you have proved that life is happy. 只有必然,才能沉重,所以沉重,便有价值。 Only inevitable, can be heavy, so heavy, it is worth. 我不是反对共产主义,我是反对媚俗! I am not against communism, I am opposed to kitsch! 乐趣不论平凡还是不平凡,只属于感觉到的人。 Fun, whether ordinary or extraordinary, only belongs to the feeling of the people. 表面上是明白无误的谎言,底下却透出神秘莫测的真理。 The surface is unmistakable lies beneath it, revealing mysterious truth. 没有任何东西能像嫉妒那样消耗一个人的全部精力。 Nothing can consume all the energy of a man like envy. 噪音可有个好处,淹没了词语。 Noise can be good, and the words are drowned. 人类一思考,上帝就发笑。真正的生活,永远在别处。 As soon as the human thought, God would laugh. Real life, always somewhere else. 谁无感情投入,谁就无权干涉对方的生活和自由。 Who has no emotional involvement, no one has the right to interfere in the other's life and freedom. 死亡与不朽是一对难舍难分的情人。 Death and immortality is a lover of devotion. 清净,就是不被人注视的那种温馨感觉。 Clean, is not the kind of warm feeling that people look at. 卡列宁,他的微笑能持续多久,生活的主题就能持续多久。 Kalenin, his smile can last long, the theme of life can last long. 人们指望不朽,可是忽视了不朽与死亡一起才有意义。 People expect to be immortal, but it is not meaningful to ignore the immortality and death. 我们惟一可做的事,就是反抗不由我们选择的人类处境。 The only thing we can do is to fight against the human situation we choose. 重便真的残酷,而轻便真的美丽? Is it really cruel, and light is really beautiful? 慢慢迷途终有一归! Slowly lost one return! 这是一个流行离开的世界,但是我们都不擅长告别。 It is a fashion to leave the world, but we are not good at goodbye. 就凭他是个陌生人,便超越于所有其他人这上。 He was a stranger, and he went beyond all others. 他站在窗前,目光越过庭院,盯着对面房子的墙,在思忖。 He stood at the window, gazing over the courtyard, staring at the wall of the house opposite, in thought. 忠诚如果不是源于真正的激情,那该多么累人。 Loyalty if not from real passion, how tiring. 表面是清晰明了的谎言,背后却是晦涩难懂的真相。 The surface is a clear and clear lie, but it is a hard truth. 一个女人无法敬重一个爱撒谎的男人。 A woman can't respect a man who's lying. 爱开始于一个女人某句话印在我们诗化记忆中的那一刻。 Love begins with a woman of a sentence in our poetic memory of that moment. 永别生活,生活正带着所有的色彩逝去。 Farewell to life, life is gone with all colors. 在每个角落,都潜藏着诱惑,未来成了一个迷。 In every corner of the temptation, the future has become a mystery. 生活失败者总是对罪人穷追不舍。 The loser is always pursued for sinners life. 只有逃向崇高借以逃避堕落! Escape to the noble to escape the fall!米兰昆德拉经典语录中英文相关 文章 : 1. 米兰昆德拉的经典诗句 2. 米兰昆德拉小说《不朽》经典语录 3. 昆德拉小说《生活在别处》经典语录 4. 英语论文的参考文献大全 5. 经典好书推荐:读后让你受益良多