Fashion, tide, or modern, popular, not only embodies in people's clothes style in, but also a more widely occur in People's Daily life and spirit in the field of modern society is a social phenomenon, and the spirit world mass daily life a form of. Simmel has pointed out, "fashion is one of the social form." Fashion, is not only a kind of daily life, the phenomenon of social forms its belong together. Fashionable though not observation and analysis of an era or social culture type, spiritual ethos, moral condition, but it is the only channel is often the most important a substance and text form. Fashion magazines in western 18th century already appeared, besides clothing outside still include beauty, health and other types of body technology. Facing the mixed stimulated culture, many young people into confusion, too late and a bolt digestion, blindly follow the external form and ignore the inner ShenSui. With a successful fashion journals as case, tries to analyze its topics and report on unique, understand fashion magazines to readers of discovering drawback output values, and puts forward some Suggestions.