With the booming development of inter,the puter has brought us the greatest convenience than ever before and make the mankind's lives easier.However,every coin has o sides.Computer crime has also bee a social problem that cannot be ignored.
There are many forms of puter crimes,such as online gamble,obscene movies,theft and attacks by hackers,inter fraud and so on.These crimes caused huge loss to people's property and health.
Those who are addicted into the gamble,not only lose every penny earned in the past but also lose love from their family.Divorce is inevitable in the end.Obscene movies,as a kind of spirit drug,have brought health damage to many young people and lead them to actual crimes such as rape and robbery even murder.
In order to strike the puter crimes,the laws should be made by our nation to return severe penalty to those who open online gambling club,post blue films and inter thieves.And those who disclose the puter crimes should be rewarded.
Cyber Crimes With the popularization of Inter, cyber crimes have bee a serious problem facing us. Nowadays cyber criminals seem to be everywhere on the Inter. To illustrate, some mit fraud or lift intellectual property, others snatch passwords or disrupt e-merce, and still others unleash viruses to crash puters. As a result, these crimes destroy neork security greatly and make puter users suffer great losses. However, we shouldn't tolerate these cyber criminals any more. It's high time for us to take effective measures to fight against cyber crimes. First, we should reinforce the cyber laws to punish cyber criminals strictly. Moreover, we should develop high techniques as soon as possible to improve intrusion detection and prevent cyber crimes. Besides, more talented people should be trained and more effective firewalls should be built up so as to make the immune to all kinds of viruses. As college students, we have responsibility to join the battle against cyber crimes. For one thing, we should not use others' puters unless we get permission. For another, we should be honest to others on the Inter and not release or spread unreal information. In a word, it takes our mon efforts to defeat cyber crimes.Of the Means of preventing Crimes. It is better to prevent crimes than to punish them. This is the fundamental principle of good legislation, which is the art of conducting men to the maximum of happiness, and to the minimum of misery, if we may apply this mathematical expression to the good and evil of life. But the means hitherto employed for that purpose are generally inadequate, or contrary to the end proposed. It is impossible to reduce the tumultuous activity of mankind to absolute regularity; for, amidst the various and opposite attractions of pleasure and pain, human laws are not sufficient entirely to prevent disorders in society. Such, however is the chimera of weak men, when invested with authority. To prohibit a number of indifferent actions is not to prevent the crimes which they may produce, but to create new ones, it is to change at will the ideas of virtue and vice, which, at other times, we are told, are eternal and immutable. To what a situation should we be reduced if every thing were to be forbidden that might possibly lead to,a crime? We must be deprived of the use of our senses: for one motive that induces a man to mit a real crime, there are a thousand which excitehim to those indifferent actions which are called crimes by bad laws. If then the probability that a crime will be mitted be in proportion to the number of motives, to extend the sphere of crimes will be to increase that probability. The generality of laws are only exclusive privileges,the tribute of all to the advantages of a few.it is known to all that crime rate is on the rise. the means of mitting a crime is numerous and varied. murder and robbery, not to speak of theft, are often seen. what causes crime rate to rise? i think the reasons are as follows: first, there exists the unfaisness in distribution. more work does not result in more pay. the tycoons are not hard-working people but profiteers. some government officials abuse power and make public money their own.second, the influence of violence and horror films on young people has a negative effect. the films and songs about love and revenge and friendship teach young people to give kiadness for kindness, hatred for hatred and tit for tat.third, people tend to lose faith and belief. the traditional revolutionaly education has somewhat been abandoned. people talk less about patrioti *** but more about making money. the money-oriented people are cold and indifferent to each other. there are many social and economical reasons that cause crime rate to rise. the above mentioned are just a few. they are the dark side of human society. by the joint efforts of people both of rank and file we are sure to make a better world in which to live.Computer crime can broadly be defined as criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public tran *** issions of puter data to, from or within a puter system), data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of puter data), systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a puter system by inputting, tran *** itting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing puter data), misuse of devices, fery (ID theft), and electronic fraud.Inter enables person-to-person munication is closer, faster. ...
应对网络犯罪 Deal With Cyber Crimes With the popularity of Inter, cyber crimes are a serious problem, people's puter will be easily attacked, because cyber criminals are everywhere on the Inter. The personal puter is no longer safe pletely, we must take the measures to deal with cyber criminals. The government should reinforce the law to give heavy punishment to the cyber criminals. The people who are talented in puter technology should be trained to improve the puter defense system and more effective firewalls should be built up. What's more, people should pay attention to not click the illegal websites. All these me... people's puter will be easily attacked. The government should reinforce the law to give heavy punishment to the cyber criminals应对网络犯罪 Deal With Cyber Crimes With the popularity of Inter. All these measures are working to protect the security of the Inter. The personal puter is no longer safe pletely, people should pay attention to not click the illegal websites. What's more, cyber crimes are a serious problem, because cyber criminals are everywhere on the Inter. The people who are talented in puter technology should be trained to improve the puter defense system and more effective firewalls should be built up, we must take the measures to deal with cyber criminals, there is still a long way to go
青少年犯罪 On Juvenile Delinquency 青少年是祖国的未来希望,正确引导青少年的人生观和培养造就一批21世纪的栋梁之才是立足当前着眼未来的一件于秋大事。
Young boys and girls are the future of our country. It is an unremmitting task of great significance that we properly guide our youths, educate and train them so that they form a sound outlook of life and bee the pillar of the state in the 21century. 然而,当前青少年违法犯罪率在直线上升,这不仅直接危害了青少年本人和其家庭,给社会治安带来不稳定因素,而且关系到祖国的前途和命运,因此,如何预防青少年违法犯罪刨设良好的社会环境就成为摆在我们面前的一项重大课题。
However, there has been a sharp increase in juvenile delinquency, which means great harm not only to the youngsters and the families concerned but also to the destiny and prospects of our nation. For this reason, it is a topic of great importance as to how we can create a sound social environment for the young, thus preventing them from mitting transgression and crimes. 青少年违法的主要原因有以下四个方面 1社会原因。
What constitutes the four major factors leading to juvenile delinquency the society, families, schools and the psychological phsiological conditions of the youths. 而我们需要做的是1、强化家庭教育功能,明确家庭教育责任。
There is really much we can do.In the first place, we should strengthen the function and responsibility of family education. 2、学校要大力推行素质教育和养成教育,做到教书育人。
Secondly, schools should carry out plans of education for students' all round development with equal attention of teaching and cultivating. 3、加强法制教育,增强自我防范意识。
Thirdly, law education and precautionary alertness should be enhanced. 4、严厉打击浸害未成年人合法权义的犯罪分子,奖励知法、守法的模范。
Last but not least, criminals infringing upon the legal rights of the minors should be severely punished and models knowing and abiding by the law awarded.
Nowadays, more and more college students are being enthusiastic about the healthy development of the society. They even actively participate in the fight against the criminality at the risk of their lives, which has caused a lot of debate among the media. So far as I am concerned, the college students should be very careful in their bat against the criminality foe several reasons.On the other hand, the college students should deal with the criminality with more strategies. In other words, when they meet the criminals in the real life, they can appeal to the authorities like the police for help. Only in this way can they fight effectively and protect themselves in the mean time.
如果 我把托盘里放一盘水,那向日葵不就可以快快生长啦!想到这,我就迫不及待地打开水龙头,装了满满的一盘水进去。
Social environment plex, with higher school of socialization more and more high, the school security department should be aimed at the characteristics of all kinds of fraud, in blow and further strengthen investigation dynamics at the same time, strengthen the education management and safety. On the one hand, to control society are workers into the campus, maintain public order, not the campus to swindlers an advantage; On the other hand, we should carry out special education, widely in the situation of the students was fraud be informed, enable the students to understand promptly fraud molecules trick, learn to self-protection fraud.1: in the daily life don't covet profit College students go out to do... and work-study programs, through the proper way, will indeed situation to clear up to each other, in society of college students to objective recruitment advertisement calmly *** ysis and investigation, especially to those generous treatment, allure extremely strong advertising to ask a few why, to prevent recruitment trap.2: avoid by all means simple fever, avoid to mind feelings instead of reason In advocate help others, love at the same time, to really make clear each other's true identity and intention, more alert, couldn't trust his rhetoric, not by hot heads, blind passion; Making friends, take heed, and emotional munication to sense, and the mere sentiment, constantly "follow feeling", often gullible.3: personal and family of material to notice to keep secret In the university in collective life, avoid and others, but interact with people to make friends to have measured, principle, in not fully understand each other, do not easily and his family's personal data in detail.4: keep highly vigilance, and actively fight with fraud molecules The school shall increase security education of strength, make more college students enhance safety awareness and self-protection ability, positive with crime fighting.
refering to the reason of street crimes ,i think the following may be good ansers to it first of all it is a sign of disorders of the socity owing to the poverty of the lower class of the society both at home and abroad,you can always discover that the robbers or hooligans are the ones who has lower education,or es from a poor family background ,or thet are even orphans ,all this dues to the poverty of the society secondly i think the street cimes can happen also owning tothe police,nowadays you can see a lot of reports reporting the police is the protection of some of the crimes ,it is really a sad thing in our society ,where is the justice,where is the peace and happiness id such things happens without being stopped the last but not the least reason is this ,lacking ofsense of being a qua;ified citizen within them ,try to inmagine if eveyong has a strong sense to behave themselves ,to help others ,to care for the environment and the poor ,to give lve and help to the ones who lacks of care and lve how can they feel left out and choose the dangerous and wrong way to creat strret crimes reetcrimehappen *** ecauseofthepovertyofthesocietyandthelackoflovebeeeneachother
你不需要劳动合同关系的点《合同法》中明显存在,以便于改变事实上,它是为这个原因,一般发展晚在合同法律制度它不是很晚于罗马法到目前为止,我们的记录中检测一段不合法的历史Romsn时,它是不可能的,一个人将他由一个极其简单的形式来做几乎都可能进入他的脑袋唯一的限制是相类似的,现代法的合同,防止是非法的,不道德的,还是反对公共政策的. 罗马法相比,甚至更自由,现代法没有阻止一个人从销售自己成为奴隶。
Parents, teachers, non-profits, government, and industry have been working hard to protect kids online. However, we also need to think about protecting the Inter from kids who might abuse it.The Department of Justice categorizes puter crime in three ways: 1. The puter as a target - attacking the puters of others (spreading viruses is an example). 2. The puter as a weapon - using a puter to mit "traditional crime" that we see in the physical world (such as fraud or illegal gambling). 3. The puter as an accessory - using a puter as a "fancy filing cabi" to store illegal or stolen information. Reports of alleged puter crime have been a hot news item of late. Especially alarming is the realization that many of the masterminds behind these criminal acts are mere kids. In fact, children no longer need to be highly skilled in order to execute cyber crimes. "Hacker tools" are easily available on the Net and, once downloaded, can be used by even novice puter users. This greatly expands the population of possible wrongdoers. Children (and in some cases - their parents) often think that shutting down or defacing Web sites or releasing neork viruses are amusing pranks. Kids might not even realize that what they are doing is illegal. Still other kids might find themselves hanging out online with skilled hackers who share hacking tools with them and encourage them to do inappropriate things online. Unfortunately, some of these kids don't realize that they are mitting crimes until it is too late. Even more distressing and difficult to bat is the fact that some in the media portray the puter criminal as a modern day Robin Hood. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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Unlike other countries, police in UK do not carry guns. Some think it leaves citizen unprotected, others think it reduce the overall violence in the society. Please discuss.At the mention of a policeman, most people will have in their mind the image of a strong man or woman with a gun on his belt. But it is not the case in UK: police there do not carry guns. People‘s opinions towards this vary.Some people think this contributes to the decrease of violence in society. For one thing, when a robber sees a policeman pointing a gun at him, he may get exasperated and desperate and, out of despair, he may hurt people around him. If the policeman does not carry a gun, nothing of the kind will happen. For another, to err is human and no one can guarantee that a policeman does not mis-shoot the pedestrians when he is hurriedly chasing a criminal. Lastly, some policemen have committed serious crimes with the guns they had.However, other people hold different views: police without guns leave citizens unprotected. To begin with, at critical moments, guns in policemen‘s hands can be essential in fighting against the criminals. Imagine a bank robber pointing a gun at the head of a hostage. A policeman can hardly do anything about it if he does not carry a gun. However, the situation can be totally reversed otherwise. Moreover, policemen are well-trained and thus rarely hurt innocent people with their guns.As far as I am concerned, the latter is more favorable. To my mind, policemen are the very few people on earth who should carry guns, with which they can effectively protect the citizens. (283 words)
Computer crime can broadly be defined as criminal activity involving an information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system), data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data), systems interference (interfering with the functioning of a computer system by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer data), misuse of devices, forgery (ID theft), and electronic fraud.
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