摘 要本设计为多层住宅楼〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 www.56doc.com〗其现实意义和迫切性不言而喻。本设计结合现代人的生活观念,建立“整合设计”的感念,突出“以人为核心”的设计理论,采用新材料、新技术,充分利用高科技,严格按智能建筑的设计要求进行设计。本结构采用框架结构,平面灵活,使用性强,在满足近期使用功能的同时兼顾今后的改建,从结构上做到为人们创造方便舒适优美的生活空间。关键词:框架结构 ;D值法;反弯点法ABSTRACTThis design is living building. The important mean is very obvious. According to modern people the sense of living .building “the whole designing”. Adopt new materials and new technology, the brain building and the green building are considered. This contracture is frame structure. it is convenience in plain. It can fulfill not only now but also future. It can provide beautiful and comfortable circumstances. Key words: frame structure