1.引言景观设计是环境设计的组成部分,大到绵延几十公里的风景区规划,小到十几平方米的庭院设计,都属于景观设计的范畴。本文的景观设计定位于城市景观设计的层次上,选择城市景观设计作为切入点,从中研究分析一般的设计要素和方法,是比较适宜的。近年来,我们生活的城市发生了很大的变化,大批的广场绿地、商业步行街、主题公园、街头小品出现在我们的视觉以内,影响着我们的感观和行为方式。而新建的住宅小区都以景观优美的园林作为卖点,影响着人们的思维和购买心理。景观设计已经不知不觉中走到了我们的周围,走近了我们的身边,并对我们施展着潜移默化的作用。你可以不到美术馆去欣赏艺术品,但你不得不在城市环境中行走,不得不在居住小区的环境中活动,它的景观视觉美感、造型形态、色彩、材质、以及在阳光下灯光下呈现出来的效果,时时会刺激你的目光,影响你的行为和心理的变化。一个有良好景观的城市环境、居住环境,为人们提供了物质功能和精神功能双重价值。“诗意的栖居”始终是人们内心的向往,而景观设计正式通过提高生活品质,提升生活品位,以人为主体,以空间环境为客体,构架着现实通向理想的桥梁。2.景观的概念景观(Landscape),什么是景观,无论是在西方还是在东方,都是一个美丽而难以说清的概念。哪怕是同一景象,不同的人都有不同的理解。景观是人类的栖息地,景观是人类的工艺品,景观是需要科学分析方法能被理解的物质系统,景观是有待解决的问题,景观是可以带来财富的资源,景观是反映社会伦理、道德和价值观念的意识形态,景观是历史,景观是美。我们可以从景观与人的物我关系与景观的艺术性、科学性、场所性及符号性入手,来认识景观。2.1 景观的视觉美的含义:外在人眼中的景象景观作为城市景象景观的设计与创造,实际上也就是创造城市、造建筑的城市。景观作为视觉审美对象的含义,经历了一些微妙的变化。第一个变化来源于文艺复兴时期对乡村土地的贪欲,即景观作为城市的延伸;其二则来源于工业革命中后期对城市的恐惧和憎恶,即景观作为对工业城市的对抗。景观作为城市的延伸和附属 人们最早注意到的景观是城市本身,“景观的视野随后从城市扩展到了乡村,是乡村也成为景观”。文艺复兴之前的欧洲封建领主制度将人束缚在君权之下,人被束缚在土地之中,大自然充满神秘和恐怖,且又为人类生活之母,对土地的眷恋和依赖,使得人如母亲襁褓之中的婴儿。城市资本主义的兴起使人从土地中解放出来,土地的价值从生活和生存所必须的使用价值,转变成为可以交换的商品和资源,人与土地第一次分离而成为城里人。新兴的城市贵族通过强大的资本勾画其理想的城市,同时不断的向乡村扩展,将其作为城市的附属。1420年前后发明的ts原理,使理想城市的模式成为一个完全几何、数学的围有围墙的图案。在几何中心是一个大的开放空间,被行政建筑所包围:国王的宫殿,法院的大楼,主教堂,监狱,财务大楼和军事中心。这样的理想城市是为行政办公及法律公正而设立的,是为了城市生活而设计的,是纯粹理想化的。理想城市模式与文艺复兴时期的绘画一样,遵循了严格的比例关系和美学原则。而景观作为城市的延伸,也被同样的审美标准来设计和建造,因此有了凡尔塞为代表的巴洛克造园。景观作为城市的逃避 景观作为视觉美的含义的第二个转变,源于工业化带来的城市环境的恶化。工业化本身是文艺复兴的成果,但是至少从19世纪下半叶开始,在欧洲和美国各大城市,城市环境极度恶化。城市作为文明和高雅的形象被彻底破坏。相反成为了丑陋和恐怖的场所,而自然原野和田园成为了逃避的场所。因此。作为审美对象的景观也从欣赏和赞美城市,转向爱恋和保护田园。因此才有以Olmsted为代表的景观设计师的出现和景观设计学的诞生。一般来说,这个诞生的时间被确认为是1863年5月;因此才有以倡导田园风光为主调的美国城市公园运动,和以保护自然原始美景为主导的美国国家公园体系;因此也才有霍华德那深得人心的田园城市和随后的田园郊区运动。2.2 景观的栖息地含义:内在人的生活体验景观是人与人、人与自然关系在大地上的烙印 每一景观都是人类居住的家,或者说是潜在的家。中国古代山水画把可居性作为画境和意境的最高标准。所谓的“山水有可行者,有可望者,有可居者,有可游者……但可行可望不如可居可游之为得”(郭熙、郭思《林泉高致》)。无论是作画还是赏画,实质上都是一种卜居的过程。也就是场所概念(place)的深层含义。这便又回到哲学家海得歌尔的栖居概念。栖居的过程实际上与自然的力量与过程相互作用,以便取得和谐的过程,大地上的景观是人类为了生存和生活而对自然的适应、改造和创造的结果。同时,栖居的过程也是建立在人与人和谐相处的过程。因此,作为栖息地的景观,是人与人,人与自然关系在大地上的烙印。景观是内在人的生活体验 景观作为人在其中生活的地方,把具体的人和具体的场所联系在一起。景观是由场所构成的,而场所的结构又是通过景观来表达的。与时间和空间的概念一样,场所是无处不在的,人离不开场所,场所是人于地球和宇宙中的立足之处,场所使无变为有,使抽象变具体,是人在冥冥之中有了一个认识和把握外界空间和认识及定位自己的出发点和终点。2.3 景观作为系统的含义:科学、客观的解读在一个景观系统中,至少存在着五个层次以上的生态关系:第一是景观与外部系统的关系,如哈尼族村寨的核心生态流是水。哀劳山中,山有多高,水有多深,高海拔将南太平洋的暖湿气流截而为雨,在被灌溉,饮用和洗涤利用之后,流到干热的红河谷地,而后蒸腾、蒸发回大气,经降雨又回到本景观之中,从而有了经久不衰的元阳梯田和山上茂密的丛林,这是全球及区域生态系统科学研究的对象。根据Lovelock的盖娅理论,大地本来是一个生命体:地表、空气、海洋和地下水等通过各种生物的物理的和化学的过程,维持着一个生命的地球。第二是景观内部各个元素之间的生态关系,即水平生态过程。来自大气的雨、雾,经过村寨上丛林的截流、涵养,成为终年不断的涓涓细流,最先被引入寨中人所共饮的蓄水池;再流经家家户户门前的洗涤池,汇入寨中和寨边的池塘,那里是耕牛沐浴和养鱼的场所,最后富含养分的水流,被引入寨子下方的层层梯田,灌溉着他们的主要作物——水稻。这种水平生态过程,包括水流、物种流、营养流与景观空间格局的关系,正是景观生态学的主要研究对象。第三种生态关系,是景观元素内部的结构与功能的关系,如丛林作为一个森林生态系统,水塘作为一个水域生态系统,梯田本身作为一个农田系统,其内部结构与物质和能量流的关系,这是一种在系统边界明确情况下的垂直生态关系,其结构是食物链和营养阶,功能是物质循环和能量流动,这是生态系统生态学的研究对象。第四种生态关系则存在于生命和环境之间,包括植物与植物个体之间与群体之间的竞争、共生关系,是生物对环境的适应,及个体与群体的进化和演替过程,这便是植物生态、动物生态、个体生态、种群生态所研究的对象。第五种生态关系则存在于人类与其环境之间的物质、营养及能量的关系,这是人类生态学所要讨论的。当然,人类本身的复杂性,包括其社会、文化、政治性以及心理因素都使得人与人、人与自然的关系变得十分复杂。已远非人类生态本身所能解决,因此又必须借助社会学、文化生态、心理学、行为学等学科对景观进行研究。城市景观作为一个生态系统,几乎包含了所有上诉生态过程,而成为城市生态学的研究对象。2.4 景观作为符号的含义:人类理想和历史的书人类是符号动物,景观是一个符号传播的媒体,是有含义的,它记载着一个地方的历史,包括自然和社会历史;讲述着动人的故事,包括美丽的或者是凄惨的故事;讲述着土地的归属,也讲述着人与土地,人与人,以及人与社会的关系,因此行万里路,如读万卷书。这本书是由符号和语言写成的,“景观具有语言的所有特征,它包含着话语中的单词和构成——形状图案、结构、材料、形态和功能。所有景观都是由这些组成的。如同单词的含义一样,景观组成的含义是潜在的,只存在于上下文中才能显示。景观语言也有方言,它可以是实用的,也可以是诗意的。海得歌尔把语言比喻成人们栖居的房子。景观语言是人类最早的语言,是人类文字及数字语言的源泉。“河出图,洛出书”固然是一个神话传说,但它却生动的说明了中国文字与数字起源于对自然景观中自然物及现象的观察和启示的过程。同文字语言一样,景观语言可以用来说,读和书写,为了生存和生活——吃、住、行、求偶和生殖,人类发明了景观语言,如同文字语言一样,景观语言是社会的产物。景观语言是为了交流信息和情感的,同时也是为了庇护和隔离的,景观语言所表达的含义只能部分地为外来者所读懂,而有很大部分只能为自己族群的人所共享,从而在交流中维护了族群内部的认同,而有效的抵御外来者的攻击。景观中的基本名词是石头、水、植物、动物和人工构筑物,他们的形态、颜色、线条和质地是形容词和状语。这些元素在空间上的不同组合,便构成了句子、文章和充满意味的书。一本关于自然的书,关于这个地方的书,以及关于景观中人的书。当然,要读懂,读者就必须要有相应的知识和文化。不同的社会文化背景的人,如同上下文关系中的景观语言一样,是有多重含义的,这都是因为人是符号的动物;而景观符号,是人类文化和理想的载体。3.景观设计的概念景观设计是指通过对环境的设计使人与自然相互协调,和谐共存。她是大工业时代的产物、科学与艺术的结晶,融合了工程和艺术、自然与人文科学的精髓,创造一个高品质的生活居住环境,帮助人们塑造一种新的生活意识,更是社会发展的趋势。3.1 景观设计所涵盖的领域景观设计具有广泛的领域,大到国土与区域规划设计,小到庭院,甚至室内的绿色空间设计;从纯自然的生态保护和恢复,到城市中心地段的空间设计,都是景观设计多涵盖的领域。以下就初步的谈一下景观设计所涵盖的领域:3.1.1城镇规划景观设计师很早就开始担当城市物质空间的规划角色,城镇规划是城市空间的中心规划。城镇规划是针对城市与乡镇的规划与设计。规划者运用区域规划技术与法规、常规规划、概念规划、土地使用研究和其他方法来确定城市地域内的布局与组织。城镇规划也涉及到“城市设计”内容,如广场、街道景观等开放空间与公共空间的发展。3.1.2场地和社区规划环境设计是景观设计专业的核心问题。涉及到居住区、商业、工业、各机构的室内空间以及公共空间等室外空间的细部设计。它把场地作为艺术研究的对象来看待,综合平衡室内与室外的软、硬表面,建筑物与植物的材料选择以及灌溉、栽培等基础设施建设和详细的构筑物的规划说明与准备等。场地规划以某一地块内的建筑和自然元素的协调与安排为基础,场地规划项目涉及单幢建筑的土地设计、办公区公园设计、购物中心或整个居住社区的地块设计等。从更大的职业范围讲,基地设计还包括基地内自然元素与人工元素的秩序性、效率性、审美性以及生态等敏感性的组织与整合。其中,基地的自然环境包括地形、植物、水系、野生动物和气候。敏感性的设计有利于减少环境压力与消耗,从而提高基地的价值。(接下面!)
1\Designing your own panorama, could be each exciting and challenging. If you are contemplating such a mission, listed here are some practical ideas and suggestions. Planning the ProjectPlanning your landscape design is the first and most vital step. Take the time to assemble the data you will want to make your decisions on the weather you wish to include in your landscape design. Will you want a deck, patio, foot paths, walkways, a pond? What sort of plants, timber, flowers, and ground cover will you want to use? You need to research books, articles, and landscape design magazines that will help you make these decisions. It will pay off in the end by saving you cash, time, and frustration, enabeling you find yourself with a beautifully completed mission to be proud of.The DesignThe landscape design is your subsequent step. You will need to make a structure of the realm to be landscaped, as close to scale as possible, and with accurate measurements. Many landscape design planning guides that provides you with step-by-step instructions can be found on the internet without spending a dime, and books or eBooks are abundant. As soon as your panorama design structure is done you’ll be able to started to position your components on the layout pad. This should be your first or preliminary plan and as you progess, modifications will be transfered to your secondary or updated plans. Altering your thoughts usually is simply fine. After all this is just on paper at this point and you haven’t spent any money or performed any labor yet. Experimenting with a few plans is critical before you come up the final landscape design. A properly planned landscape won’t ever look the same in numerous seasons. Plan your panorama design to change with the seasons. You must try to design your landscape as maintenance free as possible. Panorama Design Software programIf it is onerous for you to visualize your finished panorama design by simply taking a look at your format, there is some excellent landscape design software available. A lot of the landscape design software was originally developed for skilled landscapers, however since has been modified for the beginner who needs to do-it-themselves. There are a lot of do-it-yourslef panorama design software program applications out there today. Panorama design software permits you to see a digital picture of the landscape design and allows you to transfer gadgets round and see the changes you make come to life. Some software means that you can import a photograph of your property or constructing and designs the panorama across the photo. Most landscape design software packages offer advise on using and putting the numerous completely different components obtainable right now in your landscape design. A properly designed panorama will all the time change with time, abd a number of the landscape design software program obtainable will mean you can view your panorama because it matures. You may see what it’s going to seem like 5 or 10 years from now when the bushes have grown and the plants matured.GardensMany people prefer to incorparate a garden of their landscape design. Gardens may be tucked away in the nook of an space, or be the point of interest of the entire panorama design. Gardens can even be stragecly positioned among the plants, flowers and trees so they mix in with your entire landscape design. If you like to backyard, dont overlook all of the garden design possiblities when planning your landscape design.If you want extra info with regard to landscape architect los angeles, pay a visit to Demitri Sanromartin’s internet site without delay2\We are all ready to invest large amounts of money on landscaping in order to give a face lift to our homes. But we didn’t prune enough or at all when our lawn needed it, making our prized lawns and gardens looking worse than ever. This is the best time to start getting ready and preparing your lawn for beautiful success. For your garden to have a longer life span, take the following tips into consideration.Plenty of individuals would love to have a garden that has a lot of stunning hydrangeas or azaleas growing beautifully. This particular goal takes a good deal of time and effort, nevertheless, so if you’re amongst those individuals who would like to achieve it, you’ll need to work very hard beginning right away.Fundamental Garden LandscapingStarting small is without doubt the method to use, particularly if you happen to be a beginner in this particular craft. One of the things you should focus on to start with will be the choice of plants you want to cultivate, i.e. flowers, trees, or maybe even vegetables. It is clearly sensible to decide on plants that do not need an excessive amount of maintenance but when you are confident enough in relation to your gardening skills, roses, orchids, and bonsai trees offer great options.Getting the soil ready is very important to ensure that you will be able to grow beautiful things in your garden. Using organic fertilizers often is the preferred strategy to use since they will not present any kind of threat to the environment or to human health. Becoming acquainted with different kinds of organic fertilizers such as horse manure or steer manure can enable you to do a good job in preparing the garden soil for great growing conditions.Structures and DecorNaturally, a vibrant and nicely decorated lawn is really what you’ll want which involves various garden landscaping options including water fountains, fencing, and lighting. The strategy is to integrate as much of your own personality into your design so as to make it a little haven that is not just lovely to view but also is a quintessential reflection of you.Outdoor furniture is a very common garden landscaping feature which also happens to be very useful. When you have the area to hold a complete set, you might as well go for it, especially when you want to have a proper place for your guests during the day if the sun is out but it is not too hot.Patio and Garden Lighting FixturesAdequate illumination can be a large part of designing your garden. The patio is where it all begins so you might wish to buy a good set of sconces or wall lights which illuminate the area and highlight its naturally beauty. Garden lighting is encouraged not just for functional purposes but also for displaying the best features of the space even at night.UpkeepTo be able to continue to keep the garden in excellent shape, it is crucial to understand its needs like routine and controlled watering, tilling, mowing, and weed removal. Watering needs to be season and weather appropriate because gardens that are way too dry or too wet will never flourish so make sure that you adjust appropriately.Mark Vaccaro researches and writes extensively on the best practices in online marketing. Some articles that I recommend reading can be found on the topics of path to financial responsibility and learning spanish
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