我国风险投资运行机制研究内 容 提 要风险投资是一种高新技术与金融相结合的创新投资机制,它结合资金、技术、管理与创业精神,支持创新活动与高科技产业的发展。风险投资以承担高风险为代价追求高收益的特征,与以传统产业为投资对象的投资行为相比,在投资技术成熟程度和产品生命周期、管理水平要求等诸多方面都有明显的差别。本文以风险投资的运行机制为切入点,从风险资本筹集机制、风险投资机构组织形式、风险投资的风险监控机制、风险投资退出机制四个方面入手,分析我国风险投资机制的现状,并针对我国风险投资实践中的不足提出完善我国风险投资机制的对策,从而建立、健全我国风险投资运行机制,进一步推动我国风险投资业的发展。随着近期一系列法律法规的出台以及资本市场的改革,我国风险投资业遇到了新的机遇。本文认为,今后发展我国的风险投资,需要建立以大型企业投资及各类基金为主体的多元化资金筹集机制,以有限合伙制为组织模式的风险投资机构,完善的风险监控机制,建立二板市场,构筑我国风险投资的退出机制。关键词:风险投资 运行机制 资本筹集 组织模式 风险监控 退出机制AbstractThe venture capital has become a novel financial industry. Today, companied with the development of high-tech industries, the venture capital also becomes a kind of important motivation to high-tech and economic development in developed country, which mostly owes to its fresh operating mode and effective innovating achievement.This paper consists of four parts of the operation mechanism of the venture capital as follow: the financing mechanism, organizational form, control the risk and the mechanism of withdrawal. Through analysis the operation mechanism of the venture capital, this paper advises to take the measures to develop venture capital.In order to build a perfect the operation mechanism of the venture capital. Firstly, establishing a financing mechanism in which nongovernmental investors play a principal role. Secondly, establishing the right organizing pattern for our venture capital institutions. Thirdly, establishing a effective mechanism to control the risk during the investment. Fourthly, establishing the multi- level capital system including second-tier market so as to provide a way for systematic withdrawal.Key words: the venture capital the operation mechanism the financing mechanism organizational form control the risk the mechanism of withdrawal目 录一、 风险投资运行机制分析.(一)风险资本的筹集机制.(二)风险投资机构的组织形式.(三)风险投资的风险监控机制.(四)风险投资企业的退出机制.二、 我国风险投资机制存在的主要问题.(一) 我国风险投资的筹资障碍.(二) 我国风险投资机构组织形式的制约因素.(三) 我国风险投资面临的主要风险.(四) 我国风险投资退出机制的缺陷.三、 完善我国风险投资运行机制的对策选择.(一)建立多元化的风险投资资金筹集机制.(二)有限合伙制是我国风险投资机构组织形式的必然选择.(三)我国风险投资风险的监督与防范措施.(四)推动建立二板市场以完善我国风险投资退出机制