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Online advertisingOnline advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, Rich Media Ads, Social network advertising, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam.Competitive advantage over traditional advertisingOne major benefit of online advertising is the immediate publishing of information and content that is not limited by geography or time. To that end, the emerging area of interactive advertising presents fresh challenges for advertisers who have hitherto adopted an interruptive strategy.Another benefit is the efficiency of advertiser's investment. Online advertising allows for the customization of advertisements, including content and posted websites. For example, AdWords and AdSense enable ads shown on relevant webpages or aside of search results of pre-chosen keywords. Another is the payment method. Whatever purchasing variation is selected, the payment is usually relative with audiences' response.Purchasing variationsThe three most common ways in which online advertising is purchased are CPM, CPC, and CPA.CPM (Cost Per Impression) is where advertisers pay for exposure of their message to a specific audience. CPM costs are priced per thousand impressions, or loads of an advertisement. However, some impressions may not be counted, such as a reload or internal user action. The M in the acronym is the Roman numeral for one thousand. CPV (Cost Per Visitor) or (Cost per View in the case of Pop Ups and Unders) is where advertisers pay for the delivery of a Targeted Visitor to the advertisers website. CPC (Cost Per Click) is also known as Pay per click (PPC). Advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their listing and is redirected to their website. They do not actually pay for the listing, but only when the listing is clicked on. This system allows advertising specialists to refine searches and gain information about their market. Under the Pay per click pricing system, advertisers pay for the right to be listed under a series of target rich words that direct relevant traffic to their website, and pay only when someone clicks on their listing which links directly to their website. CPC differs from CPV in that each click is paid for regardless of whether the user makes it to the target site. CPA (Cost Per Action) or (Cost Per Acquisition) advertising is performance based and is common in the affiliate marketing sector of the business. In this payment scheme, the publisher takes all the risk of running the ad, and the advertiser pays only for the amount of users who complete a transaction, such as a purchase or sign-up. This is the best type of rate to pay for banner advertisements and the worst type of rate to charge. Similarly, CPL (Cost Per Lead) advertising is identical to CPA advertising and is based on the user completing a form, registering for a newsletter or some other action that the merchant feels will lead to a sale. Also common, CPO (Cost Per Order) advertising is based on each time an order is transacted. Cost per conversion Describes the cost of acquiring a customer, typically calculated by dividing the total cost of an ad campaign by the number of conversions. The definition of "Conversion" varies depending on the situation: it is sometimes considered to be a lead, a sale, or a purchase. CPE (Cost Per Engagement) is a form of Cost Per Action pricing first introduced in March 2008. Differing from cost-per-impression or cost-per-click models, a CPE model means advertising impressions are free and advertisers pay only when a user engages with their specific ad unit. Engagement is defined as a user interacting with an ad in any number of ways.[1] Though, as seen above, the large majority of online advertising has a cost that is brought about by usage or interaction of an ad, there are a few other methods of advertising online that only require a one time payment. The Million Dollar Homepage is a very successful example of this. Visitors were able to pay $1 per pixel of advertising space and their advert would remain on the homepage for as long as the website exists with no extra costs.Floating ad: An ad which moves across the user's screen or floats above the content. Expanding ad: An ad which changes size and which may alter the contents of the webpage. Polite ad: A method by which a large ad will be downloaded in smaller pieces to minimize the disruption of the content being viewed Wallpaper ad: An ad which changes the background of the page being viewed. Trick banner: A banner ad that looks like a dialog box with buttons. It simulates an error message or an alert. Pop-up: A new window which opens in front of the current one, displaying an advertisement, or entire webpage. Pop-under: Similar to a Pop-Up except that the window is loaded or sent behind the current window so that the user does not see it until they close one or more active windows. Video ad: similar to a banner ad, except that instead of a static or animated image, actual moving video clips are displayed. Map ad: text or graphics linked from, and appearing in or over, a location on an electronic map such as on Google Maps. Mobile ad: an SMS text or multi-media message sent to a cell phone. In addition, ads containing streaming video or streaming audio are becoming very popular with advertisers.E-mail advertisingLegitimate Email advertising or E-mail marketing is often known as "opt-in e-mail advertising" to distinguish it from spam.Affiliate marketingMain article: Affiliate marketingAffiliate marketing is a form of online advertising where advertisers place campaigns with a potentially large number of small (and large) publishers, whom are only paid media fees when traffic to the advertiser is garnered, and usually upon a specific measurable campaign result (a form, a sale, a sign-up, etc). Today, this is usually accomplished through contracting with an affiliate network.Affiliate marketing was an invention by CDNow.com in 1994 and was excelled by Amazon.com when it launched its Affiliate Program, called Associate Program in 1996. The online retailer used its program to generate low cost brand exposure and provided at the same time small websites a way to earn some supplemental income.Contextual advertisingMany advertising networks display graphical or text-only ads that correspond to the keywords of an Internet search or to the content of the page on which the ad is shown. These ads are believed to have a greater chance of attracting a user, because they tend to share a similar context as the user's search query. For example, a search query for "flowers" might return an advertisement for a florist's website.Another newer technique is embedding keyword hyperlinks in an article which are sponsored by an advertiser. When a user follows the link, they are sent to a sponsor's website.Behavioral targetingIn addition to contextual targeting, online advertising can be targeted based on a user's past clickstream. For example, if a user is known to have recently visited a number of automotive shopping / comparison sites based on clickstream analysis enabled by cookies stored on the user's computer, that user can then be served auto-related ads when they visit other, non-automotive sites.Ads and malwareThere is also class of advertising methods which may be considered unethical and perhaps even illegal. These include external applications which alter system settings (such as a browser's home page), spawn pop-ups, and insert advertisements into non-affiliated webpages. Such applications are usually labeled as spyware or adware. They may mask their questionable activities by performing a simple service, such as displaying the weather or providing a search bar. Some programs are effectively trojans. These applications are commonly designed so as to be difficult to remove or uninstall. The ever-increasing audience of online users, many of whom are not computer-savvy, frequently lack the knowledge and technical ability to protect themselves from these programs.Ad server market structureGiven below is a list of top ad server vendors in 2008 with figures in millions of viewers published in a Attributor survey.Vendor Ad viewers Google 1,118 DoubleClick 1,079 Yahoo 362 MSN 309 AOL 156 Adbrite 73 Total 3,087 It should be noted that Google acquired DoubleClick in 2007 for a consideration of $3,100 million. The above survey was based on a sample of 68 million domains.网络广告维基百科,自由的百科全书跳转到: 导航, 搜索狭义的网络广告又被称为在线广告或者互联网广告;而广义的网络广告除了包括以计算机为核心组成的计算机网络为媒介的广告行为外,还包括其他所有以电子设备相互连接而组成的网络为媒介的广告行为,例如以无线电话网络,电子信息亭网络为载体的广告行为。在一般未做特殊说明的情况下,现在各资料所谈论的网络广告全指狭义网络广告。狭义网络广告与传统广告有很多类似的地方,也分为很多不同广告形式,拥有多种计费方式。常见的广告形式包括:横幅式广告(banner) 通栏式广告 弹出式广告(pop-up ads) 按钮式广告(button) 插播式广告(interstitial ads) 电子邮件广告(E-DirectMarketing,EDM) 赞助式广告(sponsorship) 分类广告(classified ads) 互动游戏式广告(interactive game) 软件端广告 文字链接广告(text ads) 浮动形广告(floting ads) 联播网广告 关键字广告 比对内容广告 常见的记费方式包括:按照千人印象成本(CPM)收费。 按照每点击成本(CPC)收费。 按照每行动成本(CPA)收费。 按照每回应成本(CPR)收费。 按照每购买成本(CPP)收费。 这些都是国际流行的收费模式。在中国和一些网络广告的发展中国家,则时常会采用以时间来购买的模式,如按每日投放成本收费,按每周投放成本收费等。对网络广告的研究显示,50%的网络广告点击是由6%的用户产生的。而且这个点击群体是一个缺乏购买力的群体,也很少进行网络购物[1]。

1 [America] Philip Kotler. Mei Ruhe et al. Marketing management. Beijing: Renmin University of China press, 20022 Zhao Naizhen, editor in chief. Beijing: China Labor and Social Security Publishing House, 20033 [America] Bud Smith et al. Wang Sining et al. Online marketing guide. Beijing: Electronic Industry Press, 20004 [America] Martha McEnally. Yuan Ying et al. A case study of consumer behavior. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, 20045. Edited by Liu Hongqiang DELL marketing. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 20036 Du Minghan ed. marketing knowledge. Beijing: China financial and Economic Publishing House, 20027. Sun Bingshen., editor in chief of enterprise marketing practice. Beijing: Earthquake Press, 19998 Fan Mingming ed. marketing. Beijing: Science Press, 20049 Lan Ling editor. Marketing science. Beijing: The Open University of China press, 200010 Fan Mingming, editor in chief. Marketing and planning. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 200311 Peng Chunxian, editor in chief. Network marketing. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 200312 Mei Shaozu, et al. Network marketing. Beijing: People's Posts and Telecommunications Press, 200113: money etc. editor. Network marketing. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 200414 Liu Guangfeng, et al. Actual network marketing - theory and practice. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, 200015 P - M - this Noel Qiao Huicun et al. Marketing research. Beijing: CITIC publishing house, 199916. Philip, Kotler. The introduction to marketing. Beijing: China Press, 1998(17) the J.Cataudella, B.Sawyer, D.Greely., Sun Xin et al. Online store marketing guide. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, 200018 Qu Pengzhi ed. network marketing. Second ed. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 200419 Feng Yingjian. Network marketing foundation and practice. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, 200420 Qian Xuchao Wang Qun edited. Network marketing and management. Beijing: Peking University press, 200221 Shang Xiaochun, editor in chief. Network marketing planning. Nanjing: Southeast University press, 200222 Zu Qiang Li Yuhong et al. Network marketing. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, 200423 Lv Yingbin Jie Wang Chu editor. Analysis of network marketing case. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, Northern Jiaotong University press, 200424 travel, Zhao Yan, editor in chief. Network marketing. First edition. Beijing: China material press, 200225 Liu Xinggen ed. modern enterprise marketing. First edition. Beijing: economic management press, 199726 Ma dust. Local marketing. First edition. Beijing: enterprise management press, 200327 Luo Li ed. modern marketing strategy. First edition. Beijing: Modern Press, 199828. Marketing knowledge. Marketing knowledge. First edition. Beijing: China financial and Economic Publishing House, 200229 Chen Fang ed. the diagnosis of enterprise disease. First edition. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, 199930 Fang Guangluo, ed. marketing. Second ed. Dalian: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics press, 200331 Kong Weicheng Chen Shuifen edited. Network marketing. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 200232. Xue Xinguang. Network marketing. Beijing: Electronic Industry Press, 200333 Shen Fengchi, editor in chief. Beijing: Tsinghua University press, 2005


关于网络广告的特点与分类 网络广告,在之前很长一段时间里,都是网站盈利的唯一途径,虽然后来SP收入、网络游戏收入等异军突起。但是网络广告的收入,依然是各个网站最稳定和重要的收入来源。网络广告的这一特点,在个人网站上的体现更为明显,很多个人网站,网络广告的收入是其唯一的收入来源。网络广告的分类,可以按照投放目的、投放形式两种划分方法:一、投放目的按照投放目的划分方法,是以网络广告投放最终的需求来分类的。一般而言可以分为:1、信息传播类信息传播类的广告,其目的是将某个消息传播出去,其目的主要是将新产品上市的信息让更多的人知道。比如SOHU的新年新打算博客征文的广告,就是信息传播类的广告。信息传播类的广告的效果衡量标准根据广告的具体内容有一些区别,如果信息属于网络的内容,那么点击效果(包括点击量、点击有效性等)是衡量的主要标准。如果信息是属于一个传统的活动(比如某商场开业酬宾),那么他的效果比较难评估,一般的办法是将这个活动的一些属性提取出来,成为网络内容(比如提供一个有奖网络调查、活动的网络报名)。2、品牌广告类品牌广告,是针对某一个品牌进行的宣传,其目的是为了提升品牌的知名度和美誉度。比如爱立信在通信世界网上投放的介绍自己业绩的广告,就是属于品牌广告。网络上的品牌广告的衡量标准,可以通过点击效果和互动活动来综合衡量。另外,这类广告的投放也有讲究。因为属于品牌广告,其投放地点将直接影响投放的效果。这个就好像公厕人流量最大,但是那个公司都不愿意在这里投放广告的道理是一样的。3、销售/引导类广告销售类广告,目的就是为了销售出去产品。比如我们经常看到的SP的图铃广告都可以归到这类里边去。销售类广告,如果现售的产品是网络产品,那么可以通过实际的销售结果进行衡量。这类广告是属于“抓到老鼠就是好猫”的一类广告,一般不管投放到什么地方去,只要能卖出去东西就可以。不过,这也带来的挂羊头卖狗肉的情况发生。比如SP的包月服务,经常被挂着一些“色情”的头去欺用户。二、投放形式随着网络广告的不断发展,网络广告的投放形式也不断翻新。据我所知,现在的网络广告形式有以下几种:1、固定位置广告固定位置的广告形式是最早采用,也是最常见的广告形式。他的特点是,在某一个或者某一类页面的相对固定位置放置广告。这种广告,一般是定期更换,手工或者自动的通过统一的系统进行投放。广告由广告主与网站主协商确定,与内容无关。2、上下文相关广告上下文相关广告,是在固定位置广告的基础上,增加广告与上下文的相关性,由广告投放平台通过分析投放广告的页面内容,然后从广告库中提取出相关的广告进行投放。上下文相关广告最早是GOOGLE开始推出,后来,百度、SOGOU等都相近推出。3、弹出广告弹出广告的历史之比固定未知广告晚一些。弹出广告早期是在页面打开的时候,使用JS代码打开新窗口的方式显示广告。后来,逐步的有所变化:(1)、JS打开的窗口,不在是一个广告窗口,而直接是内容页面;(2)、部分弹窗广告采取后弹模式,也就是说,当页面载入完成后弹在当前页面后。(3)、部分弹窗广告采取关闭触发的模式,也就是说,当用户关闭窗口,或者离开当前页面的时候弹出;弹出广告,严重影响用户的访问体验,但是,因为其对ALEXA排名的提升,对宣传效果的突出,使很多广告主对此很是喜爱,价格也比较高。所以弹出广告一直没有被杜绝。4、内文提示广告内文提示广告,也叫“划词广告”,即在内文中,划出一些关键字,然后当鼠标移动到上边的时候,使用提示窗口的方式显示相关的广告内容。这种广告形式,比较新颖。广告平台我所知的是宏界。这种广告比较有特色的是:1、与上下文相关;2、不占用页面未知;5、插件/工具条安装广告随着网络的发展,很多插件、工具条为了获得大量的用户基础,开始有了推广的需求。软件/插件安装广告即应允而生。早期的插件/工具条的安装,都会有明确的提示,因为部分用户对网络知识的了解匮乏,以及对网站的信任。安装率非常高,后来随着插件的泛滥,以及插件给电脑本身带来的危害,用户开始拒绝插件安装。后期的插件开始使用病毒手段,在不提示的情况下,强制安装。随着舆论的声讨,以及插件服务商之间的争斗,垃圾插件被广泛的质疑。插件/工具条安装广告也开始逐步走向没落,但是在一定范围内,特别是部分个人网站上仍然存在。——文章写的粗糙,希望能够抛砖引玉。


2、(美)约翰.A.昆奇著,吕一林译,?市场营销管理—教程与案例?北京.北京大学出版社,2000 3、查尔斯.戴克著,李圣贤译宝洁的观点内蒙古.内蒙古人民出版社1999 4、JamesAFitzsimmons著,张金成范秀成译,《服务管理》,北京.机械工业出版社2000 5、RaymondP.Fisk等著,张金成等译,《互动服务营销》北京.机械工业出版社2000 6.菲利普??科特勒.营销管理[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2001


mei you

RESUME SEARCH :: MARKETING & SALES RESUME BANK Results 1 - 20 of 1004 1. - Senior Management Am looking for a Senior Management or Marketing position. Have 13 years work experience (6 years in China). Fluent in English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese. Know Asia-Pacific markets well. Location: Abroad - Shanghai Resume reference: liulJoq8 Date: 7 May 2009 2. - Sales I am now looking to build on my selling skills as well as progress into a management position to achieve further professional development. I am therefore keen to find a new and suitably challenging role within a market-leading organisation. Location: Kuala Lumpur - Cheras Resume reference: skG4kgjt Date: 7 May 2009 3. - Marketing Executive I am now waiting my diploma results and I wanted to look for a full time job. I have worked before as promoter in fashion apparel, female supplies, and food & beverage relevance. I have confident that I can manage well in sales and marketing area. Location: Kuala Lumpur - Bandar Sri Damansara,Kepong Resume reference: sza721mY Date: 7 May 2009 4. - Petroleum Employee I am looking for any petroleum / oil company jobs that may fit my credentials. I am a computer literate individual with knowledge in SAP R3 application, know how to operate forklifts and drive. I was previously employed at Shell Philippines from Jan 1994 to May 2005 and TWA Inc - Flying V Petroleum an independent New Oil Player in the Phils as Supervisor Field Officer from July 2006 to February 2008. Location: Abroad - Davao City, Philippines Resume reference: jsOVbLZd Date: 7 May 2009 5. - Maketing Manager / Senior Exec Looking for Senior / Mananager position for Marketing. Specilize in FMCG industry with 3 years experience. Identify, execute and manage marketing strategies and initiatives for consumer products. Speaks English, Malay and Canotonese Location: Selangor - Petaling Jaya Resume reference: roWDQtRY Date: 6 May 2009 6. - MBA with 4 year Experience in Sales looking for either markrting jobs in banking , fmcg,Beverages or automobile industry languages known English, Hindi,Malayalam, Tamil Location: Abroad - India Resume reference: ba18a2ra Date: 6 May 2009 7. - NGO Executive, Project Formulation, GIS, Disaster Risk Mgt Program Coordinator,NGO Consultant, Microcredit Advancement Planning, Socio-economic data analyst,Disaster Preparedness in Agriculture Sector, Spatial data analyst, GIS Maping expert,Computer Training Coordinator, Housing and Settlement Expert, Voluntary Organizer, Adapation to Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector, Agricultural Extension Specialist Languages: English (RWS), French(RWS) , Arabic (Read only,Write)and Bangla (mother language)Typing Speed: 35 wpm (Eng) and familiar to Arabic, French typing ..... (continued) Location: Abroad - Dhaka, Bangladesh Resume reference: sisqwUsD Date: 6 May 2009 8. - Sales Manager Management Searching for a Sales and Marketing Job. Effective communication, able to Motivate and extract the market share. Location: Abroad - India Resume reference: se0hNJAC Date: 6 May 2009 9. - Management Trainee I am graduated in degree of Urban and Regional Planning from International Islamic University Malaysia. My career objective is to achieve highest ranking position in any Real Estate Company or Multinational Company. I have a very strong interest in Business, Marketing, Sales and Management. I have high determination on improving myself towards becoming highly potential business minded person. I have participated in many self-empowerment seminars, leadership training and sales training, namely; -"Unleash ..... (continued) Location: Selangor - Subang Jaya Resume reference: crhsiWJq Date: 6 May 2009 10. - Training Manager I have obtained experience in the field of education, and then to Training and Development as I have a great passion for training. In my previous company, as a Principle Lecturer I have handled a group of lectures, planning, managing and developing course syllabus for each programme in the foundation level. And now in my current company where I am given the task to plan, coordinate and train the sales force team nationwide and internal staffs in terms of product knowledge and soft skills such as greeting, ..... (continued) Location: Selangor - Klang Resume reference: naBcfoVE Date: 6 May 2009 11. - Marketing i am looking for a job, which enable me to establish my knowledge to the job.i am fluent in English, Bahasa Malaysia, and chinese. i am self independent and fast learner,motivated and hardworking. ,good interpersonal skills in dealing with others. Location: Sarawak - Kuching Resume reference: gltYJWVF Date: 6 May 2009 12. - Web 3.0 Strategist I am looking for a position to complement my corporate experience, management skills in IT and the education industry, further to my prolific research and understanding of Web 2.0 and beyond. I have worked in Malaysia (3 years) and in Australia (10 years), in which I have gained authority and network within the online domain, especially Virtual Worlds. My publication, media interviews and international awards are a testament to my proficiency in spoken languages and presentation skills. Following are ..... (continued) Location: Abroad - Australia Resume reference: ssR3za4p Date: 6 May 2009 13. - Business Developemt Manager - Sales or Marketing job - Strength in Sales,Marketing and Business Developemet - English. Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, spoken and writen Location: Kuala Lumpur - Kepong Resume reference: keQXgHZX Date: 5 May 2009 14. - Talent Hunt I have visited many of national and multinational companies including Engro Vopak, Fauji Fertilizer, IFFCO, PICT, SIEMENS, AREVA T&D and also served to several industries in the ITIF Asia and Textile Asia Exhibitions at Expo Centre Karachi. Apart from this I did internship in AREVA T&D (Formerly ALSTOM) and worked on the project of Automation of the PAINT SHOP CONVENTIONAL CONTROL SYSTEM, for a year. All the manufacturing depends on this sub-department of Production under the head of CNC machines in AREVA T ..... (continued) Location: Abroad - Pakistan Resume reference: enPrAXxC Date: 5 May 2009 15. - Retail Assistant Saya cari kerja yang sesuai dengan saya dan pengalaman yang saya ada sebelum ni.saya berjanji akan membuat kerja dengan baik tanpa menimbul sebarang masalah.saya boleh mengendalikan komputer dan mesin duit(casheir).saya boleh bertutur bahasa inglish sederhana dan melayu.saya bersedia kerja lebih masa.dan saya berminat kerja di adidas dan nike. Location: Sabah - kudat Resume reference: awN3QaSa Date: 5 May 2009 16. - A&P, PR, Banking,Purchasing Public Speaking, Customer services, Thinking technique, Adobe illustrator, Brand Management, Media Planning. Location: Johor - Muar, JB Resume reference: cos01NR0 Date: 5 May 2009 17. - Manager Im looking for a job of managerial cadre,i have 14 years of sales & marketing experience.im fluent in english. apart from sales job,i can do management level job too. Location: Abroad - india Resume reference: maq9eNtR Date: 5 May 2009 18. - Marketing Manager I'm looking for a Marketing Manager position as I'm relocating back to Malaysia from Dubai. My soft skills include Strategic Planning, Market Intelligence, Business Development, Customer Relationship Management, Market Analysis Forecasting, Profit & Loss Management, Negotiation, Six-Sigma Mythology, Industrial Sales, and Retail Management. Language spoken is English, Malay, Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese. Experience in MNC and international dealings. Friendly yet aggressive in terms of achieving objectives ..... (continued) Location: Kuala Lumpur - Kepong Resume reference: peUp96J9 Date: 5 May 2009 19. - Sales & Marketing Manager - Technical I am searching for a vacancy in Sales & Marketing. I am a Sales Manager with more than 10 years experience in Techical / Engineering Sales. I bring with me, a wealth of experience in dealing with people, customers to ensure sales objectives are met, creating a win-win environment between customers and company. As a Sales Manager, my responsibilties in my previous company ranges from being a mentor to my staff, as well as being a motivator to assist staffs in achieving the company set targets & goals. To ..... (continued) Location: Pulau Pinang - Sg. Dua Resume reference: lkOm1q7v Date: 4 May 2009 20. - Sales, export, marketing, manager Marketing % sales, managing, export department, english, german, turkish Location: Kuala Lumpur - KL Resume reference: rimvySmn Date: 4 May 2009


tourism marketing 参考:

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《正在爆发的营销革命:社会化网络营销指南》,是刚刚出版的图书,从美国引进的中文简体版权。英文书名是:The New Community Rules如果楼主有时间的话,不妨看看这本书,里面介绍了很多网络营销的成功案例。




[1]蒋一清,陶丽。“互联网+”背景下江苏农产品电子商务网络营销策略研究[J] 劳动保障世界,2017,(12):51+54。

[2]张娟。试析中国经济型酒店的发展现状及策略[J] 商业经济,2017,(04):86—88。

[3]蒋一清,陶丽。“互联网+”背景下江苏农产品电子商务网络营销策略研究[J] 劳动保障世界,2017,(12):51+54。

[4]李剑赟。药品网络营销的现状与发展策略[J] 产业与科技论坛,2017,(08):14—15。

[5]李瑶,周仕洵。基于大数据的网络营销对策探索[J] 产业与科技论坛,2017,(08):254—255。

[6]白珺。苏宁易购网络营销策略研究[J] 经营管理者,2017,(11):233。

[7]张翊。移动互联网模式的小米公司网络营销探析[J] 经营管理者,2017,(11):237。

[8]李思璇。国内农产品网络营销现状研究[J] 科技创业月刊,2017,(07):35—37。

[9]李瑶,周仕洵。网络营销绩效评价体系研究评述[J] 产业与科技论坛,2017,(07):115—116。

[10]陈晓娜。TEA排名前25的中国主题公园网站营销分析[J] 当代经济,2017,(09):156—157。

[11]于晓冰。浅析中小企业网络营销发展的现状及对策[J] 商业经济,2017,(03):112—114。

[12]徐幸。浅析SWOT战略分析方法在阿里巴巴中的应用[J] 当代经济,2017,(08):74—75。

[13]李瑞新。浅析企业网络营销效果评估与经营风险管理[J] 现代商业,2017,(08):12—13。

[14]祁丹萌。苏州中小外贸企业跨境电子商务发展调研分析[J] 苏州市职业大学学报,2017,(01):29—35。

[15]陈佳佳。电子商务模式下的网络营销渠道建设[J] 中小企业管理与科技(中旬刊),2017,(03):135—136。

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[17]李新霞。基于大数据背景下的小微企业互联网金融营销案例分析[J] 经贸实践,2017,(05):50—51。

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[34]陈宇航。电子商务对我国未来市场营销方式的影响[J] 商场现代化,2017,(01):50—51。

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[42]张琰。许昌市小微企业网络营销策略的优化路径[J] 许昌学院学报,2016,(06):121—125。

[43]蒋云龙,朱彩霞。网络营销在烟草商业企业的实施[J] 现代经济信息,2016,(22):310。

[44]林琢人。电子商务环境中企业网络营销策略分析[J] 现代国企研究,2016,(22):5。

[45]唐滢。福建省中小企业网络营销问题研究[J] 北方经贸,2016,(11):59—60。



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