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迪拜帆船酒店In Dubai, say again name-drop hotels sailing hotel. The world's most luxurious hotel in the United Arab Emirates territory of Dubai, it is the hotel sailing on the first of the seven star hotels. Located in the Middle East in the united Arab emirates emirate of Dubai city in Dubai.。"The idea is initially porcelain hotel by the united Arab emirates defense minister. Dubai, o prince, mark the figure, his dream to Dubai a Sydney opera house, the Eiffel Tower type of landmark. Through the world hundreds of stylist strange think of clever want, plus one great pocket money in Dubai and 5 years and finally created a fantastic architecture - will be powerful Islamic styles and extremely costly adornment and high-tech means, building perfect combination, the building itself won.Hotel by the British designer w.s.Atkins, appearance as a drum design filled with wind sail, a total of 56 layer, 321 meters high, is the highest in the world than in France, the Eiffel Tower hotel is on high. And splendid hotel suite, let you feel the king Arabian oil. All the rooms are two 202 of floor area of room, suite are 170 square meters, But the most widespread royal suite, more 780 meters. And all is be born glazing, can face of the Arabian sea. The most surprising is entered the room, had a steward waiting room with you explain how to use the high-tech facilities, for luxury honorable service tenet is must have the tenant is king, Arab oil in ruthlessly surprise, also let a person plaint the power of money. The most common in the luxury suites, for example, including curtain and the light switch is on the desk, laptops, Toshiba, hang on the wall can access the painting is full is authentic.Time."Porcelain engineering spent five years time, two and a half years in the Arabian sea islands, fill out two and a half years time in building itself, the use of the steel, and 9,000 tones of 250 foundation piles construction in 40 meters deep.This looks like a moving images of the hotel built in sailing on the beach, is a new form of tower a sailing. Name-drop hotels is one of the world's highest building only seven-star hotels (because of hotel equipment was too high, far more than five standards, had an exception says it do seven-star), established in December 1999, it is built in from the shoreline 280 meters are man-made Sumerian The latest name-drop hotels mix of architecture and engineering technology, charming scenery and modeling, making it look like and sky.Name-drop hotels were 56 layers, 321 meters high, higher than the Eiffel Tower in France. Hotel using double membrane structure forms, modeling is lightsome, elegant, strong membrane structure characteristics and modern style. It has double rooms, 202 of 200 meters high overlooks Dubai city restaurant. To name- drop hotels, you can realize the real meaning of "resplendent and magnificent”. It is the atrium, it's the golden most luxurious 780 meters in the presidential suite is luxuriant, especially in the first 25, furniture is plated with gold, and with a cinema, two bedrooms, a living room, one dining room between two, have special elevator. Room area from 170 square meters to 780 meters. Seven-star hotels, the lowest price affirmation is to $900, presidential suites are to 1.8 million dollars. The hotel owns eight BMW and two Rolls Royce, for all passengers directly between airports, also can from the hotel and layer 4-storey airport, 15 minutes by helicopter overlooking scenery. Air in Dubai, Guests like seafood restaurant meal, they will be in by submarines to restaurants, so they can enjoy sea before dinner.In 1999 autumn porcelain hotel opening door, welcome completion. It’s luxurious degree breathtaking, experts are very difficult, I don't know which gives it a few stars, star, or five, six stars? It is without precedent, give out an exact result. Someone said, "Porcelain should to seven. Actually, a few stars in the world is not important, the key is the hotel ", "the desert and ocean between buildings and raise the human excellence of thinking and Hollywood's dream. Standing on the seashore of artificial islands, resembling a sailing, body, from head to foot article 56 layer, up 321 meters, with double rooms, in 202 set on the location of the building of the luxury restaurant overlooking the city, also a global finished top garden atrium。


Building Types and Design A building is closely bound up with people,for it provides with the necessary space to work and live in . As classified by their use, buildings are mainly of two types: industrial buildingsand civil buildings.Industrial buildings are used by various factories or industrial production while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling, employment, education and other social activities. Industrial buildings are factory buildings that are available for processing and manufacturing of various kinds, in such fields as the mining industry, the metallurgical industry, machine building, the chemical industry and the textile industry.Factory buildings can be classified into two types single-story ones and multi-story ones. The construction of industrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings. However, industrial and civil buildings differ in the materials used and in the way they are used. Civil buildings are divided into two broad categories: residential buildings and public buildings. Residential buildings should suit family life. Each flat should consist of at least three necessary rooms: a living room, a kitchen and a toilet. Public buildings can beused in politics, cultural activities, administration work and other services, such as schools, office buildings, parks, hospitals, shops, stations, theatres, gymnasiums, hotels, exhibition halls, bath pools, and so on. All of them have different functions, which in turn require different design types as well. Before any of the building can begin, plans have to be drawn to show what the building will be like, the exact place in which it is to go and how everything is to be done.An important point in building design is the layout of rooms, which should provide the greatest possible convenience in relationto the purposes for which they are intended.In a dwelling house, the layout may be considered under three categories: “day”, “night”, and “services”. Attention must be paid to the provision of easy communication between these areas. The “day “rooms generally include a dining-room, sitting-room and kitchen, but other rooms, such as a study, may be added, and there may be a hall. The living-room, which is generally the largest, often serves as a dining-room, too, or the kitchen may have a dining alcove. The “night “rooms consist of the bedrooms. The “services “comprise the kitchen, bathrooms, larder, and water-closets. The kitchen and larder connect the services with the day rooms.It is also essential to consider the question of outlook from the various rooms, and those most in use should preferably face south as possible. It is, however, often very difficult to meet the optimum requirements, both on account of the surroundings and the location of the roads. In resolving these complex problems, it is also necessary to follow the local town-planning regulations which are concerned with public amenities, density of population, height of buildings, proportion of green space to dwellings, building lines, the general appearance of new properties in relation to the neighbourhood, and so on. There is little standardization in industrial buildings although such buildings still need to comply with local town-planning regulations. The modern trend is towards light, airy factory buildings. Generally of reinforced concrete or metal construction, a factory can be given a “shed” type ridge roof, incorporating windows facing north so as to give evenly distributed natural lighting without sun-glare.摘自一片建筑学论文,具体我忘了,希望可以帮到你。


关于“Modern Architecture”的Modern architecture, not to be confused with 'contemporary architecture', is a term given to a number of building styles with similar characteristics, primarily the simplification of form and the elimination of ornament. While the style was conceived early in the 20th century and heavily promoted by a few architects, architectural educators and exhibits, very few Modern buildings were built in the first half of the century. For three decades after the Second World War, however, it became the dominant architectural style for institutional and corporate building.1. OriginsSome historians see the evolution of Modern architecture as a social matter, closely tied to the project of Modernity and hence to the Enlightenment, a result of social and political revolutions. Others see Modern architecture as primarily driven by technological and engineering developments, and it is true that the availability of new building materials such as iron, steel, concrete and glass drove the invention of new building techniques as part of the Industrial Revolution. In 1796, Shrewsbury mill owner Charles Bage first used his ‘fireproof’ design, which relied on cast iron and brick with flag stone floors. Such construction greatly strengthened the structure of mills, which enabled them to accommodate much bigger machines. Due to poor knowledge of iron's properties as a construction material, a number of early mills collapsed. It was not until the early 1830s that Eaton Hodgkinson introduced the section beam, leading to widespread use of iron construction, this kind of austere industrial architecture utterly transformed the landscape of northern Britain, leading to the description, "Dark satanic mills" of places like Manchester and parts of West Yorkshire. The Crystal Palace by Joseph Paxton at the Great Exhibition of 1851 was an early example of iron and glass construction; possibly the best example is the development of the tall steel skyscraper in Chicago around 1890 by William Le Baron Jenney and Louis Sullivan. Early structures to employ concrete as the chief means of architectural expression (rather than for purely utilitarian structure) include Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple, built in 1906 near Chicago, and Rudolf Steiner's Second Goetheanum, built from 1926 near Basel, Switzerland.Other historians regard Modernism as a matter of taste, a reaction against eclecticism and the lavish stylistic excesses of Victorian Era and Edwardian Art Nouveau.Whatever the cause, around 1900 a number of architects around the world began developing new architectural solutions to integrate traditional precedents (Gothic, for instance) with new technological possibilities. The work of Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright in Chicago, Victor Horta in Brussels, Antoni Gaudi in Barcelona, Otto Wagner in Vienna and Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow, among many others, can be seen as a common struggle between old and new.2. Modernism as Dominant Style By the 1920s the most important figures in Modern architecture had established their reputations. The big three are commonly recognized as Le Corbusier in France, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius in Germany. Mies van der Rohe and Gropius were both directors of the Bauhaus, one of a number of European schools and associations concerned with reconciling craft tradition and industrial technology.Frank Lloyd Wright's career parallels and influences the work of the European modernists, particularly via the Wasmuth Portfolio, but he refused to be categorized with them. Wright was a major influence on both Gropius and van der Rohe, however, as well as on the whole of organic architecture.In 1932 came the important MOMA exhibition, the International Exhibition of Modern Architecture, curated by Philip Johnson. Johnson and collaborator Henry-Russell Hitchcock drew together many distinct threads and trends, identified them as stylistically similar and having a common purpose, and consolidated them into the International Style.This was an important turning point. With World War II the important figures of the Bauhaus fled to the United States, to Chicago, to the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and to Black Mountain College. While Modern architectural design never became a dominant style in single-dwelling residential buildings, in institutional and commercial architecture Modernism became the pre-eminent, and in the schools (for leaders of the profession) the only acceptable, design solution from about 1932 to about 1984. Architects who worked in the international style wanted to break with architectural tradition and design simple, unornamented buildings. The most commonly used materials are glass for the facade, steel for exterior support, and concrete for the floors and interior supports; floor plans were functional and logical. The style became most evident in the design of skyscrapers. Perhaps its most famous manifestations include the United Nations headquarters (Le Corbusier, Oscar Niemeyer, Sir Howard Robertson), the Seagram Building (Ludwig Mies van der Rohe), and Lever House (Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill), all in New York. A prominent residential example is the Lovell House (Richard Neutra) in Los Angeles.Detractors of the international style claim that its stark, uncompromisingly rectangular geometry is dehumanising. Le Corbusier once described buildings as "machines for living", but people are not machines and it was suggested that they do not want to live in machines. Even Philip Johnson admitted he was "bored with the box." Since the early 1980s many architects have deliberately sought to move away from rectilinear designs, towards more eclectic styles. During the middle of the century, some architects began experimenting in organic forms that they felt were more human and accessible. Mid-century modernism, or organic modernism, was very popular, due to its democratic and playful nature. Alvar Aalto and Eero Saarinen were two of the most prolific architects and designers in this movement, which has influenced contemporary modernism.Although there is debate as to when and why the decline of the modern movement occurred, criticism of Modern architecture began in the 1960s on the grounds that it was universal, sterile, elitist and lacked meaning. Its approach had become ossified in a "style" that threatened to degenerate into a set of mannerisms. Siegfried Giedion in the 1961 introduction to his evolving text, Space, Time and Architecture (first written in 1941), could begin "At the moment a certain confusion exists in contemporary architecture, as in painting; a kind of pause, even a kind of exhaustion." At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a 1961 symposium discussed the question "Modern Architecture: Death or Metamorphosis?" In New York, the coup d'état appeared to materialize in controversy around the Pan Am Building that loomed over Grand Central Station, taking advantage of the modernist real estate concept of "air rights",[1] In criticism by Ada Louise Huxtable and Douglas Haskell it was seen to "sever" the Park Avenue streetscape and "tarnish" the reputations of its consortium of architects: Walter Gropius, Pietro Belluschi and the builders Emery Roth & Sons. The rise of postmodernism was attributed to disenchantment with Modern architecture. By the 1980s, postmodern architecture appeared triumphant over modernism, including the temple of the Light of the World, a futuristic design for its time Guadalajara Jalisco La Luz del Mundo Sede International; however, postmodern aesthetics lacked traction and by the mid-1990s, a neo-modern (or hypermodern) architecture had once again established international pre-eminence. As part of this revival, much of the criticism of the modernists has been revisited, refuted, and re-evaluated; and a modernistic idiom once again dominates in institutional and commercial contemporary practice, but must now compete with the revival of traditional architectural design in commercial and institutional architecture; residential design continues to be dominated by a traditional aesthetic.

In the past decade, the concept of a second-order or an advanced analysis has been described in various national design codes of practice such as the Load and Resistance Factor Design Specifi- cation for Structural Steel Buildings ( 1986 ) and the Australia standards ( AS4100 1990 ) . Unlike the 1inear analysis where checking of member strength against instability and second-order effect is carried out by the element design formulas in the codes, the second-order analysis automatically includes the effects of these nonlinear terms. As a result of this, stress, allowing for the second- order P-δand P-△ effects, can be automatically computed and compared with the factored yield stress, or the design strength, in the analysis so that the empirical approach to amplify the moment due to a large change of geometry becomes unnecessary, resulting in much convenience and accuracy. In addition, the second-order and advanced analysis--including various linear and nonlinear terms for a more accurate computation of member forces and moments-provides a much more effective and accurate means of assessing the strength, stability, and serviceability of a structure and is expected to be widely accepted by the engineer, provided that an effective and robust analysis method is available This "integrated design and analysis approach "is aimed at using a sophisticated second-order analysis to design practical steel frames fulfilling the design code requirements. A literature survey shows that typical second-order analysis methods ignore many important characteristics and requirements for practical design, including the member initial imperfection and its direction, consistency between the linear and the nonlinear models due to the need to use several elements per member for a second-order analysis, and loads along members. The proposed method includes these terms so that it can be used to directly design real and practical steel frames fulfilling the advanced analysis requirement.中文:过去十年中,二阶或高等分析的概念在各种国内设计规范中被描述,例如结构钢建筑负载和抗性因子设计规格( 1986 ) 和澳大利亚标准 ( AS4100 1990 ) 。不同于线性分析用规范中的元设计方程来执行构件强度反不稳定性和二阶效应的检查,二阶分析自动地包括这些非线性条件的效果。结果是应力允许二阶P-δ和P-△效应,可被自动地计算并与屈服应力或设计强度相比较,以便在分析中不再需要因几何形状的巨变而扩大力矩的经验方法,结果更方便、精确。此外,二阶与高等分析--包括更精确的构件力-力矩计算的各种线性和非线性条件,并提供更有效和更精确的结构强度、稳定性和适用性估计方法,可望被工程师广泛接受,提供一个有效的分析法是可行的。"综合设计和分析进展"针对使用复杂的二阶分析去实施规范需要的应用钢框架设计。一篇文献调查认为典型的二阶分析法忽视了许多重要的特性和实践设计需要,包括构件初始不完整性和它的方向,线性和非线性模型之间的一致性因为需要对每构件几个元件作二阶分析,和沿构件的负载。建议的方法包括这些条款以便它能直接用于实现高等分析要求的设计和应用钢框架。

【1】 王火利,章润娣,工程建设项目管理〔M〕,中国水利电力出版社, 2005.【2】 任多鑫,企业改革与标准化管理[J],管理现代化,1983年03期.【3】 冯玉清,从大连开发区看推行混凝土商品化的必要性[J],建筑经济,1985【4】 张宽权,曹居易. 建筑工程质量管理〔M〕,四川大学出版社,2006年版.【5】 王佩建,浅谈建筑施工企业的文明施工管理[J],建材技术与应用,2007.【6】 陈永良,试论如何加强建筑企业文明施工管理[J],大众科技,2007,(03).【7】 陈桂久,施工项目动态管理〔M〕.企业管理出版社,2002年版.【8】 康宝锟,如何改进建筑企业大堆材料的管理和核算[J],财会通讯,1982.2、 章克凌.《机械化施工组织与管理》[M].北京:机械工业出版社.2002;3、 邓学才.《施工组织的编制与实施》[M].北京:中国建材工业出版社.2002;4、 黄展东.《建筑施工组织与管理》[M].北京:中国环境科学出版社.2003;5、 吴根宝.《建筑施工组织》[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社.2001;6、 糜嘉平.模板工程施工专业化是必然趋势.[J].施工技术,2008,37(8):24;8、 李书全.《土木工程施工》。上海:同济大学出版社.2004;9、 阎西康、张厚先、赵春艳.《建筑工程施工》.北京:人民交通出版社.2006;10、 江景波、赵志缙.《建筑施工》.上海:同济大学出版社.1990;11、 江见鲸.《土木工程施工》[M].北京:中国建筑出版社.2006;12、 江见鲸.《建筑工程管理与实务》[M].北京:中国建筑出版社.2007;13、 孟新田.《土木工程概预算与清单计价》[M].北京:高等教育出版社.2008;14、 丛培经.《工程项目管理》[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社.2008;15、 胡运权.《运筹教程》[M].北京:清华大学出版社.2008;16、 邹化烨、李为民、刘敏.施工组织设计的编制[J].水利天地.1997、06.26~27;17、 工程施工组织设计规范与施工规范实用全书[M].北京:中国城市出版社.1999、12; 19、 林锷.《预算与施工组织》[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社.2003.



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From the "Unity between Man and Nature" on the traditional Beijing courtyard philosophy


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有“建筑”两个字的,80多本 刊名/刊号Frontiers of Architec-tural Research(《建筑学研究前沿》(英文)) 10-1024/TU 安徽建筑 34-1124/TU 安徽建筑工业学院学报 34-1142/TU 北京建筑工程学院学报 11-3032/TU 城市建筑 23-1528/TU 低温建筑技术 23-1170/TU 福建建筑 35-1120/TU 高等建筑教育 50-1025/G4 工业建筑 11-2068/TU 广东土木与建筑 44-1386/TU 广州建筑 44-1229/TU 河北建筑工程学院学报 13-1252/TU 华中建筑 42-1228/TU 吉林建筑工程学院学报 22-1288/TU 建筑 11-1405/TU 建筑•建材•装饰 23-1473/TU 建筑安全 51-1390/TU 建筑材料学报 31-1764/TU 建筑创作 11-3161/TU 建筑电气 51-1297/TU 建筑钢结构进展 31-1893/TU 建筑工人 11-2252/TU 建筑机械 11-1956/TU 建筑机械化 11-1919/TU 建筑技术 11-2253/TU 建筑技术开发 11-2178/TU 建筑技艺 11-5792/TU 建筑监督检测与造价 44-1644/TU 建筑节能 21-1540/TU 建筑结构 11-2833/TU 建筑结构学报 11-1931/TU 建筑经济 11-1326/F 建筑科学 11-1962/TU 建筑科学与工程学报 61-1442/TU 建筑砌块与砌块建筑 11-4646/TU 建筑热能通风空调 42-1439/TV 建筑设计管理 21-1311/TU 建筑师 11-5142/TU 建筑施工 31-1334/TU 建筑细部 21-1488/TU 建筑学报 11-1930/TU 建筑遗产 10-1071/TU 建筑与文化 11-5058/Z 建筑与预算 21-1286/TU 建筑知识 11-1243/TU 江苏建筑 32-1195/TU 江苏建筑职业技术学院学报 32-1830/Z 绿色建筑 31-2040/TU 南方建筑 44-1263/TU 墙材革新与建筑节能 11-3732/TU 山东建筑大学学报 37-1449/TU 山西建筑 14-1279/TU 沈阳建筑大学学报(社会科学版) 21-1521/C 沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版) 21-1578/TU 时代建筑 31-1359/TU 世界建筑 11-1847/TU 世界建筑导报 44-1236/TU 水利与建筑工程学报 61-1404/TV 四川建筑 51-1133/TU 四川建筑科学研究 51-1142/TU 铁道建筑 11-2027/U 铁道建筑技术 11-3368/TU 土木建筑工程信息技术 11-5823/TU 土木建筑与环境工程 50-1198/TU 西安建筑科技大学学报(社科版) 61-1330/C 西安建筑科技大学学报(自科版) 61-1295/TU 现代建筑电气 31-2037/TM 新建筑 42-1155/TU 新型建筑材料 33-1078/TU 云南建筑 53-1065/TU 浙江建筑 33-1102/TU 智能建筑 11-4991/TU 智能建筑电气技术 11-5589/TU 智能建筑与城市信息 11-4835/TU 中国建筑材料工业年鉴 11-3115/TU 中国建筑防水 32-1462/TU 中国建筑金属结构 11-4723/TU 中国建筑业年鉴 11-4680/Z 中国建筑装饰装修 11-4803/Z 中国医院建筑与装备 11-4851/T 中外建筑 43-1255/TU 重庆建筑 50-1150/U



1,Advances in Structural Engineering

2,ACI Journal of Materials

3,ACI Structural Journal

4,Automation in Construction

5,Buildings and Structures

6,Canadian Geotechnical Journal ISSN: 0008-3674

7,Canadian Journal of Civil Engineerin

8,Computational Mechanics

9,Computers and Structures

10,Computers and Geotechnics ISSN: 0266-352X

11,Cement and Concrete Research

12,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

13,Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering

14 Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics

15,Earthquake Spectrum




















3,施工技术 ;建筑技术;世界建筑;建筑科学;世界地震工程;建筑学报






摘要 :


关键词 :
























摘要abstract关键词 key word(s)节能 energy saving 或者energy conservation绿化greening或者planting 环境绿化就是environmental greening 屋顶 roofpivotal word 有关键词这个用法吗?疑惑

建筑节能的英文怎么说如下:希望可以帮助你建筑节能building energy conservation

MECHANICAL PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT STADIUM 1.给排水设计 饮用水和污水 1.Sanitary Design Water and sewage water .设计基础 - 甲方提供的设计任务书和市政管网综合图 - 建筑专业提供的条件图 - 国家现行的设计规范及有关规定设计简章 .Design bases Design Brief and Municipal integrated network drawing offered by the client. Condition drawings from architectural discipline. Current national design codes and related stipulations 2. 给水系统 通过一根DN200的进水管将水引入.水表安装在进水管上,离红线1米处.供水管在红线内连成环路管网,并接到供应楼的消防水池和给排水水池.由环路管网向必需的室外消火栓和绿化带的喷淋器供水. 2. Water supply system For water supply of this project, DN200 water intake pipes are led in. Water meters are installed on the intake pipes 1.0 m away from the red line. The water supply pipes are connected into loop networks in the red line and then led to the fire pool and sanitary water pool in the supply buildings respectively. Necessary number of outdoor hydrants and sprinklers for green area will be provided on the loop networks. 设计范围 包括红线内的饮用水,污水,雨水,建筑消防. Design scope Design scope of this project includes water, sewage water, rainwater, fire-protection in the building, and water and sewage water within the red line. 给排水水池与消防水池分开,容量为100m3 .体操馆供水管埋地敷设. Sanitary water pool is separated from fire water pool, volume of sanitary water pool is 100m3. Water supply pipes for the stadium will be laid in the earth. 3.用水量标准 - 体育馆: 15升/顾客·日 K=2.0 - 宾馆: 150升/人·日 K=2.0 - 餐厅: 50升/顾客·日 K=2.0 - 工作人员: 25升/人·日 K=2.0 - 地面冲洗用水: 3升/m2日 - 冷却塔补水量:按用水量的2%计 - 未预见水量: 按日用水量20%计 - 消防用水: 消火栓:室内40升/秒,室外30升/秒,火灾延续时间为3小时; 自动喷洒按22升/秒,火灾延续时间为1小时 卷帘水幕用水0.5升/秒·米,火灾延续时间为3小时; Water consumption standard - Stadium: 15L/visitor·day K=2.0 - Hotel: 150L/visitor·day K=2.0 - Restaurant: 50L/customer·day K=2.0 - Staff 25L/person·day K=2.0 - Floor cleaning: 3L/m2·day Make-up water for cooling tower: 2% of the actual cold water consumption. Unforeseen water consumption: 20% of the daily water consumption. Water for fire protection Hydrant: 40L/s indoor, 30L/s outdoor, fire duration time is 3h; Sprinkler: 22L/s, fire duration time is 1h; Drencher for rolling shutter: 0.5L/s·m, fire duration time is 3h; 在适当的位置设置饮用水机,在主进口为残障人设置两个饮用水机.为此饮用水系统安装循环泵.机房 设在地下室的水除了机房.当饮用水机不被使用时,应排空,以免水质腐败. 在客房和餐厅内设置电热水器,同时亦为热水供应设置循环泵. 在更衣间旁设置电热水器,为淋浴和洗盥供应热水. 为楼板清洁安装一定数量的水龙头. Some suitable places are supplied with portable water drinking units, two drinking units for disable people are provided at main entrances, for this portable water system, circulating pumps are adopted, the equipment room is located in water treatment center in the basement. When there is no use, portable water will be drained completely to avoid deterioration. Electric water heaters are installed in guest rooms and restaurant, also hot water circulating pumps will be provided for supplying hot water. Electric water heaters are installed near the changing and clothing rooms for supplying hot water for shower and washing. Certain number of water taps are installed for floor-cleaning. 4.用水量 最大日用水量:2.200m3/日 最大时用水量:220m3/时 Water consumption demand Maximum daily water consumption: 2.200m3/day Maximum hourly water consumption: 220m3/hour 却循环系统 冷却水循环系统采用机械循环系统.总冷却水用量为460m3/h.在供应楼顶设置三台超低噪音冷却塔(230 m3/h, 2x 115 m3/h).进水温度37Co,出水温度32Co .补充水量 9,6 m3/h.补充水由市政供水网直接提供. Cooling water circulation system There are cooling water circulation system in this project, cooling water for the refrigerators adopts mechanical circulation system. Total water consumption of cooling towers is 460m3/h. On roof of the supply building there are 3 ultra-low noise cooling towers (230 m3/h, 2x 115 m3/h), inlet temperature of 37Co, outlet temperature of 32Co, with make-up water of 9,6 m3/h. Make-up water of the cooling towers will be supplied directly by the municipal network. 在消防泵房内有消火栓泵(一个运行,一个备用),喷淋泵(一个运行,一个备用),卷帘雨淋泵(一个运行,一个备用).用于地下车库的泡沫喷淋设备,如报警阀,泡沫压缩罐,化学药剂泵安装在消防设备中心.30.0m3 消防水箱和消防稳压装置分别安装在车库的四面墙. In the fire water pump room, there are hydrant pumps (one operation, one standby), sprinkler pumps (one operation, one standby) and rolling shutter drencher pumps (one operation, one standby). Fire equipment, which are used for the foam sprinkler system in underground garage, such as fire alarm valves, foam concentrated tank and chemical dosing pump, etc. are provided in fire equipment centers. Four 30.0m3 fire water tanks and fire protection stabilized pressure devices are respectively located at four sides next to the garages. 消防用水 消火栓:室内按40升/秒,室外按30升/秒,火灾延续时间按3个小时计 自动喷洒按22升/秒,火灾延续时间按1小时计 卷帘水幕用水量 0.5升/秒·米,火灾延续时间按3个小时计 消火栓:室内,室外用水量皆为756m3; 自动喷洒用水量为79.2 m3; 卷帘水幕用水量为 270m3; 一次火灾用水量为1.861,2; Water for fire protection Water consumption standard for fire protection Hydrant: 40L/s indoor, 30L/s outdoor, fire duration is 3h Sprinkler: 22L/s, fire duration is 1h Drencher for rolling shutter: 0.5L/s·m, fire duration is 3h Water consumption for fire protection Hydrant: indoor and outdoor water consumptions are 756m3 respectively Sprinkler: 79.2 m3 Drencher for rolling shutter: 270m3 Water consumption for one fire: 1.105,2 m3 消火栓的布置 在整个建筑物内沿墙,沿柱,沿走廊,风塔上及楼梯附近设有必要数量的室内消火栓,消火栓间距小于30米.消火栓管网水平,竖向皆成环状布置,消火栓箱内配有DN65消火栓一支,25米衬胶水龙带一条,φ19毫米喷咀水枪一支,并配消防卷盘(DN25消火栓一支,30米胶管,φ9毫米喷咀水枪一支)且设有可直接启动消火栓泵的按钮;在室内消火栓箱下设有磷酸铵盐手提式灭火器箱.室内消火栓系统在室外设有三组水泵接合器. Hydrant arrangement Necessary number of hydrants are installed indoors along the wall, columns, corridors, and staircases, at intervals of less than 30m. Hydrant networks are connected as a loop both horizontally and vertically. Inside each hydrant box, a DN65 hydrant, a 25m long rubber lined hose, a water nozzle of φ19mm, hose reel (a DN25 hydrant, a 30m long rubber lined hose and a water nozzle ofφ9mm), and a direct starting button for the hydrant pump are provided. Under each indoor hydrant box, a portable ammonium phosphate powder extinguisher box is installed. There are three sets of pump adopters being installed outdoors for the indoor hydrant system. 消防系统 防水泵房及消防水池 供水管DN200在红线内连成环路管网,管网上安装 一定数量的消火栓.两根DN200供水管分别引入供应楼内两个消防泵房内的消防水池.消防水池总容量不应小于4000m3, 每个为2.000m3. Fire protection system Water pump room and water pool for fire protection The lead-in pipes (DN200) are connected as a loop inside the red line, on the loop, certain number of hydrants are installed.Two water supply pipes (DN200) are led into the fire water pools at each fire water pump room in supplybuilding. In consideration of the importance of the project, the volume of the fire water pools should be not less than 4000m3, each is 2.000m3. 自动喷淋系统 自动喷淋系统安装在全建筑范围,除了室外和高于10 米的房间.喷淋泵安装在地下的消防泵房内.报警阀设置在地下的消防泵房内和中间的消防设备中心内,水流显示器设在每个防火分区内. Sprinkler system Sprinkler systems will be provided inside the whole building except outside areas and roomshigher than 10m, with sprinkler pumps installed in the underground fire water pump rooms. Alarming valves installed in underground fire water pump rooms and four fire equipment centers in the middle, water flow indicators are installed by fire compartments. 除了安装一个封闭喷淋系统,将为地下车库设置一个泡沫喷淋系统.餐厅内安装93oC启动的自动喷淋头,但在其它房间,仅安装93oC启动的普通和快速反应自动喷淋头.三组泵接合器安装在室外. Besides an enclosed sprinkler system, a foam sprinkler system composed of a proportioning mixer and a foam concentrated tank is provided for the underground garage. Sprinkler actuated at 93oC are provided in the restaurants, but in other rooms, only ordinary sprinklers and fast response sprinklers actuated at 68oC are provided. Three sets of pump adaptors for this system will be installed outdoors. 排水系统 为排水系统设置污水主立管和特别垂直排气管.排气管与污水管在每层连接,污水排出体操馆.餐厅的污水首先在油脂分离池中处理,然后排入室外排水网.给排水污水将被在化粪池收集和处理,然后排入市政排水管网.化粪池在输送区旁.最大天排水量为870m3/天. 9. Drainage system Main vertical sewage pipes and special vertical vent pipes are provided for the drainage system. The vent pipes are connected with sewage pipe at each floor; sewage water is drained out of stadium. Sewage water in the restaurants and garage are treated in the grease and oil separation tank, and then discharged into the outdoor drainage networks. Sanitary sewage water is collected and treated in the septic tank, then drained into the municipal drainage. The septic tanks are located besides the deliverycircle. Maximum daily drainage amount is 870m3/day. 卷帘水幕系统 地下车库设置有卷帘水幕系统.水幕泵安装在消防水泵房内,采用开式雨淋头,电动或手动控制.十组泵接合器安装在室外 Drencher system for rolling shutters Rolling shutter protected by drenchers are provided for the underground garage, the drencher pumps are installed in the fire water pump rooms, open drencher heads are selected, and are controlled both by electrically and manually. Ten pump adapters will be installed outdoors for this system. 地下室内污水设有污水坑,废水设有废水坑,生活污水,废水经潜污泵提升排至室外排水管网,潜污泵的启停皆由磁性浮球控制器的控制. 地下汽车库废水设有废水坑,废水经潜污泵提升排至室外,经隔油池处理后排入室外雨水管网. There are cesspits for sewage water and wastewater pits for wastewater in the basement, the sewage and wastewater is sucked up and drained to the outdoor drainage networks by submerged sewage pumps. Operation of the pumps is controlled by the magnetic floating ball controllers. Wastewater pits are provided for the underground garage, wastewater is sucked up and drained to outdoor oil separation tank by submerged sewage pumps, after treated, wastewater is drained to the outdoors rainwater networks. 在柴油发电机房,变配电房和通讯设备机房设低压二氧化碳气体灭火系统. Low pressure CO2 extinguisher systems are provided in diesel generator rooms, transformer substations and telecommunication equipment rooms. 在本建筑内按"建筑灭火器配置设计规范"在每个消火栓箱下设手提式灭火器箱,箱内设有必要数量的磷酸铵盐手提式灭火器. According to the Code for Design of Extinguisher Disposition in Buildings, portable fire extinguisher box, in which there are necessary number of portable ammonium phosphate powder extinguishers, will be installed under every hydrant box. 在每个消防电梯井底旁设有消防排水坑,废水经潜污泵提升排至室外. Fire water drain pit is provided at side of bottom of each fire elevator well, waste water will be sucked up and drained out by the pumps. 雨水系统 雨水排水屋顶采用压力流排水. 雨水设计重现期按P=10年计算,降雨历时为5分钟,暴雨强度公式按Q=998.002(1+0.568lgP)/(t+1.983)0.465计算. 沿柱在屋面设置雨水沟.雨水通过雨水沟收集,然后进入雨水头和下排管,然后到室外雨水观察井. 10. Rainwater system Pressurized drainage system is adopted for roof rainwater drainage system. Here, return period P=10 years, rainfall duration is 5 minutes, stormwater amount is calculated by the following formula: Q=998.002(1+0.568lgT)/(t+1.983)0.465 Rainwater gutters are provided on roof along columns, skylight. Rainwater is collected in the gutter, then to rainwater heads and downpipes, and to the outdoors rainwater inspection wells. 11.管材 - 生活给水管,冷却塔补水管采用铜管,氩弧焊接. - 直饮水管采用不锈管. - 消火栓管,冷却循环管,水幕管,水泵吸水管采用焊接钢管,焊接. - 自动喷洒水管,雨淋水管采用热镀锌钢管,丝扣连接或卡压连接. -二氧化碳管采用无缝钢管焊接. - 地下车库泡沫喷淋水管采用不锈钢管,卡压连接. Pipe material Copper pipes connected by argon arc welding are adopted for the sanitary water pipes, make-up water pipes for cooling towers. Stainless stell pipes are adopted for portable water pipes. Welded steel pipes connected by welding are selected for hydrant pipes, cooling circulating pipes, drencher pipes, pump suction pipes. Hot-galvanized steel pipes connected by threads or compression-seizing are selected for sprinkler and deluge sprinler pipes. Seamless steel pipes connected by welding are selected for CO2 pipes. Stainless steel pipes connected by pressed clamp is selected for the pipes of foam sprinklers in the underground garage. 当雨水两超出雨水沟设计量时,雨水可沿屋檐自由排放.雨水被收集,然后排入市政集水池. When the amount of rainwater is more than the design value of the gutters, water is discharged naturally along the eaves. Rainwater is collected, and then drained to the municipal catch basins. 围绕体育馆的循环池将用于喷洒运动场和作为室外绿化带的储水池. 此池将作为一个循环过滤设施,可容水约7.500 m . 喷洒压力设备和其它必须的过滤设备安装在供应楼里. The circular senic pool surround stadium will be used for spraying sportsfield and as reservoir for outdoor greening. The pool will be used as a circular filtering facility and will be adopted with a water volume of about 7.500 m . The spray water pressurizing equipment as well as further necessary filtering equipment will be adopted in the supply building. 2.0 制冷 2.0 Cooling 冷源: 空调冷负荷(估算): 本工程建筑面积共50.000平方米,包括观众区,休息室,更衣室,小会议室,餐厅,办公室和其它附属房.空调设计日峰值冷负荷为2.4MW,设计日总冷负荷为3 kW. Refrigerating source Cooling load of air conditioning system Total floor area for this building is 50,000sqm, which includes spectator areas, lounges, Clothing and changing rooms small meeting rooms, restaurant, office and other auxiliary rooms. Designed dayly peak cooling load is 2,4MW, designed total dayly cooling load is 3kW. 每台1200kW制冷机配一台 流量为206m3/h离心泵.各配一台备用泵 一次泵采用压差旁路控制. 通过埋地敷管,向游泳体操馆供应冷冻水. A centrifugal pump with a flow rate of 103m3/h is provided for each 1200kW chiller. One operation pump with a standby corresponds to one chiller. Pressure difference branch control is adopted for primary pump Via earth laid pipes from supply building to gymnasium chilled water supply will be deliverded. 冷源的选择: 根据建筑的实际情况,3台制冷机将安装在供应楼内的冷冻机房.设计容量为4800kW. 为了实现能量的效率化使用,设计方案为,1台制冷机的出力为总设计容量的50%.而另2 台.每台出力为总设计容量的25%. 冷冻水系统的主要设备包括3台电动制冷机,一级冷冻泵,二级冷冻泵,自动控制阀等等.冷冻水的供/回水温度为-7/ 12°C. Selection of refrigerating source According to the real condition of the building, 3 chillers are located in the refrigerating plant rooms in the supply building, designed capacity is 2400kW. For actuing in an energy efficient way one chiller about 50% of total capacity (1.200 kW) and two chillers with 25% of total (600 kW each)capacity each are adopted. Main equipment of chilled water system includes 3 electrical chiller, primary cool water pump, secondary chilled water pump and automatic controlled valve, etc. supply/return temperature of the chiller is-7/ 12°C. 二次泵系统:根据使用功能,各制冷机房又分成不同的循环支路. 二次泵采用变频调速控制.根据负荷侧供回水管的压差,控制水泵的转速. 二次泵循环支路的管道采用异程式. Secondary pump system: Each refrigerating plant room is subdivided into different circulation branch loops according to use functions. Variable-frequency speed-regulating control is adopted for secondary pumps. The rotating speed of a water pump is controlled according to the pressure difference between water supply and return pipes. Direct return system is adopted for the pipes of circulating branch of secondary pumps 空调冷冻水系统 由于本工程占地面积大,功能复杂,有连续使用,也有间歇使用,为了达到运行灵活,节能的目的,空调冷冻水系统采用两管制二次泵系统. Chilled water system Due to the large occupied area of this project, the complicated functions and the combination of continuous utilization and intermittent utilization, in order to accomplish the purpose of flexible operation and energy saving, the chilled water system is of two-pipe secondary pump system. 管材: 水管采用焊接钢管及无缝钢管. 本工程的风管除土建风道外,均采用镀锌铁皮咬口制作.每节风管之间用法兰连接. Pipe and duct materials The water pipes adopt welded steel pipes and seamless steel pipes. Air ducts for this project are made of galvanized sheet steel by seaming except ducts by civil construction. Air ducts are connected together by flanges. 一次泵系统: 供应楼冷冻机房 2400kW制冷机配一台离心泵, 流量为412m3/h.配一台备用泵. Primary pump system: Chiller room supply building A centrifugal pump with a flow rate of 412m3/h is provided for 1200kW chiller. One operation pump with a standby corresponds to one chiller. 保温材料: 空调供,回水管,冷凝水管采用酚醛管壳保温. 空调送,回风管以及处理后的新风管采用外贴铝箔的离心玻璃棉板保温. - 管道穿防火墙的空隙处采用岩棉材料等非燃材料填充. Thermal materials phenolic pipes are adopted for thermal insulation of water supply and return pipes for air conditioning, as well as air-conditioning condensate pipes. Aluminum foil faced glass fiber boards are adopted for thermal insulation of air-conditioning air supply and return ducts as well as fresh air ducts after chillers. Non-flammable material will be selected to fill the interspace in the fire protection wall where the ducts go through. 消声与隔振: 冷水机组,水泵等设备采用减振台座,弹簧减振器或橡胶减振垫减振降噪. 在空调机组,新风机组,通风机的进出口采用涂胶帆布软管连接. - 水泵进出水管上采用可曲挠橡胶接头,使设备振动与配管隔离. Noise reduction and vibration isolation Shock absorption bases, spring shock absorbers on rubber shock absorption pads are adopted for equipment, such as water chiller units, pumps, etc to reduce vibration and lower noise. Flexible rubber-coated canvas hoses are adopted far connections of inlets and outlets of air-conditioning units, fresh air handling units and ventilators. Flexible rubber couplings are adopted for the water intake and delivery pipes of the pumps to isolate equipment vibration from their pipes. 3.0空调和通风系统 3.0 Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems 方案设计范围 Scope of schematic design 空调设计 Air Conditioning Design 在体育馆内,一些区域设置空调系统.这些区域划分为: 西侧地下二层的贵宾休息室 东侧地下二层酒店门廊 地下一层的输送区,技术机房,运动员更衣间,医务服务,热身区,裁判区,健身中心,酒店大堂,会议室,厨房,特许区和贵宾大堂混合区. 首层的酒店大堂,酒店区,贵宾门廊,急救 In the stadium, in some ranges air conditioning systems are used. These ranges subdivide themselves as follows: VIP – Lobby in West of levelel -2 Hotel lobby in the east of level –2 Delivary Circle, technical Plantrooms, Changingrooms for the athletes, Medical Service and warm up area, Judges Area, Fitness Center, Hotel Lobby, Conferenz, Kitchen and Concession, Vip lobby- Mixed Zone in level -1 Hotel lobby, Hotel area, Vip lobby, Vip Area, First aid in 0


