第三方物流 Third-Party Logistics A third-party logistics provider (abbreviated 3PL) is a firm that provides outsourced or "third party" logistics services to companies for part, or sometimes all of their supply chain management function. Third party logistics providers typically specialize in integrated warehousing and transportation services that can be scaled and customized to customer’s needs based on market conditions and the demands and delivery service requirements for their products and materials.Types of 3PL providersHertz and Alfredsson (2003) describe four categories of 3PL providers:[1]Standard 3PL provider: this is the most basic form of a 3PL provider. They would perform activities such as, pick and pack, warehousing, and distribution (business) – the most basic functions of logistics. For a majority of these firms, the 3PL function is not their main activity. Service developer: this type of 3PL provider will offer their customers advanced value-added services such as: tracking and tracing, cross-docking, specific packaging, or providing a unique security system. A solid IT foundation and a focus on economies of scale and scope will enable this type of 3PL provider to perform these types of tasks. The customer adapter: this type of 3PL provider comes in at the request of the customer and essentially takes over complete control of the company’s logistics activities. The 3PL provider improves the logistics dramatically, but do not develop a new service. The customer base for this type of 3PL provider is typically quite small. The customer developer: this is the highest level that a 3PL provider can attain with respect to its processes and activities. This occurs when the 3PL provider integrates itself with the customer and takes over their entire logistics function. These providers will have few customers, but will perform extensive and detailed tasks for them. [edit] Non Asset-based Logistics ProvidersThis 3PL performs duties such as quoting, booking, routing, and auditing, but doesn't need to own warehousing facilities, vehicles, aircraft, or any other transportation assets. This type of 3PL may possess only desks, computers, and freight industry expertise.To be useful, this type of provider must show its customers a benefit in financial and operational terms by leveraging exceptional expertise and ability in the areas of operations, negotiations, and customer service in a way that complements its customers' preexisting physical assets.[edit] On-Demand TransportationOn-Demand Transportation is a relatively new term coined by 3PL providers to describe their brokerage, ad-hoc, and "flyer" service offerings.On-Demand Transportation has become a mandatory capability for today's successful 3PL providers in offering client specific solutions to supply chain needs.These shipments do not usually move under the "lowest rate wins" scenario and can be very profitable to the 3PL that wins the business. The cost quoted to customers for On-Demand services are based on specific circumstances and availability and can differ greatly from normal "published" rates.On-Demand Transportation is a niche that continues to grow and evolve within the 3PL industry.Specific modes of transport which may be subject to the on-demand model include (but are not limited to) the following:FTL, or Full Truck Load Hotshot (direct, exclusive courier) Next Flight Out, sometimes also referred to as Best Flight Out (commercial airline shipping) International Expedited [edit] Fourth-party logisticsFourth-party logistics (4PL), Lead Logistics Provider or 4th Party Logistics, is a term coined by global consulting firm Accenture:“ A 4PL is an integrator that assembles the resources, capabilities, and technology of its own organization and other organizations to design, supply chain solutions. ” of their supply chain management function. A 4PL uses a 3PL to supply service to customers, owning only computer systems and intellectual capital.[2]It has been argued that a 4PL is the same thing as a Non Asset-Based 3PL.第三方物流(Third-Party logistics,3PL),也称作委外物流(logistics outsourcing) 或是合约物流(contract logistics),第三方物流一直是物流和供应练管理中最容易被误解的名词。第三方物流目前没有公认的定义,不过原则在於,某"专门公司"提供另一家公司(比方说制造商)一项或多项的物流功能。 (如仓储、对外运输)知名的第三方物流供应商包DanzasAEI、Exel Logistics、Menlo Logistics、Penske Logistics等...第三方物流公司需具备下列几点: 1.与使用者之间备有正式的合约,期限至少一年 2.强调双方关系式,而非交易式。 3.强调双方的利益以及客制化的可行性。 4.与客户维持长期的关系。 5.会主动寻求可能的政策和实务物流系统也可像互联网般,促进全球化。在贸易上,若要更进一步与世界连系,就得靠良好的物流管理系统。我们手上的商品很多是『游历』各国后才来到的。原料可能来自泰国,加工可能在新加坡,生产却在台湾,最后才入口到美国。产品的「游历」路线就是由物流师决定,目标就是要快且低开销。物流师 (Logistician)即是负责物流系统管理的专才。物流师就是一个专家,地位与会计师、律师、医生或工程师同等。
On-Demand Transportation has become a mandatory capability for today's successful 3PL providers in offering client specific solutions to supply chain needs.
With the rapid development of world economy and modern science and information technology, the integration of a modern logistics, information technology, specialization and the development trend of globalization, in which information-based logistics, supply chain management is an integrated information-based society as a whole the requirements of is to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the logistics of an important condition. RFID is a wireless radio frequency signals of the emerging object recognition technology, can speed up the supply chain as a result of the operation, improve the operational efficiency of the logistics, so in the future integration of supply chain management has a broad space for development. This paper introduces the characteristics of radio frequency identification technology, focusing on analysis of RFID in supply chain management in the field of wide application, as well as radio frequency identification technology in supply chain management strengths, as well as RFID-based supply chain management system model. Of other information technology have also done a brief introduction.
物流一词源于英文的”logistics”,原意是军事后勤保障,在第二方世界大战以后被广泛地应用于经济领域。美国物流管理协会对物流的定义为”物流是为满足消费者需求而进行的对原材料、中间产品、最终产品及相关信息从起始地到消费地的有效流动与存储的、实施和控制的过程”。物流由四个关键部分组成:实质流动、实质存储、信息流动及管理协调。物流的主要功能是创造时间效用和空间效用,主要方式是通过仓储克服空间距离。第三方物流是在物流渠道中由中间商提供的服务,中间商以合同的形式在一定期限内提供需的全部或部分物流服务。第三方物流公司是一个为外部客户管理、控制和提供物流服务作业的公司。据统计,欧洲目前使用第三方物流服务的比例为76%,美国约为58%,且其需求仍在增长;欧洲24%和美国33%的非第三方物流服务用户正在积极考虑使用第三方物流服务。第三方物流作为一个提高物资流通速度、节省仓储费用和资金在途费用的有效手段,已经越来越引起人们的高度重视。一、使用第三方物流的优越性使用第三方物流产可以给企业带来众多益处,主要表现在:1、集中主业生产企业使用第三方物流可以使企业实现资源的优化配置,将有限的人力、财力集中于核心精力,进行重点研究,发展基本技术,开发新产品参与世界竞争,增强企业的核心竞争力。2、节省费用专业的第三方物流提供者利用规模生产的专业优势和成本优势,通过提供各环节能力的利用率实现费用节省,使企业能从分离费用结构中获益。生产企业随着规模的不断扩大,对营销服务的任何程度的深入参与,都会引起费用的大幅度增长,只有使用专业服务公司提供的公共服务,才能够减少额外损失。根据美国田纳西大学、英国EXEL公司和美国EMST&YOUNG咨询公司共同组织的一项调查显示:很多货主表示,使用第三方物流使他们的物流成本平均下降了1.18%,货物周转期平均从7.1天缩短到3.9天,库存降低了8.2%。3、减少库存第三方物流服务提供者借助精心策划的物流和适时的运送手段,最大限度地减少库存,改善了企业的现金流量,实现成本优势。4、提升企业形象第三方物流服务提供与顾客是一种战略伙伴关系,第三方物流提供者利用完备的设施和训练有素的员工对整个供应链实现完全的控制,减少物流的复杂性,通过自己的网络体系帮助顾客改进服务,不仅树立自己的品牌形象,而且使顾客在竞争中脱颖而出。二、我国企业在使用第三方物流方面存在的问题尽管与第三方物流公司合作有很多优势,但是很多企业并不是将更多的物流业务外包出去,原因归结为:1、抵制变化很多公司不愿意通过物流外包的方式来改变现在的精力模式。尤其是一些国有企业,物流业务外包还将意味着解雇大批员工,这对于国有企业的管理者来说意味着一个非常大的风险。2、缺乏认识企业对于第三方物流公司的认识程度普遍还很低,企业没有认识到供应链管理在企业竞争中的巨大作用。3、害怕失去控制由于供应链的实施在提高公司竞争力方面的重要作用,很多公司宁愿有一个小而全的物流部门,也不情愿将这些功能交给别人,主要原因是担心如果失去内部物流能力,会在客户交往和其他方面过度依赖第三方物流公司。4、物流业务外包本身有其复杂性供应链物流业务通常和公司其他业务,如财务、营销或生产集成在一起,物流业务外包本身就具有复杂性。对一些实际业务,包括运输和仓储的集成可能会带来组织上、行政上和实施上的一系列问题。此外,公司内部信息系统的集成性特点,使得把物流业务交给第三方物流公司来运作变得很困难。5、衡量物流外包的效果受诸多因素的影响准确地衡量物流成本对信息技术和人力资源的影响比较困难。很难确定物流业务外包到底能够给企业带来多少潜在的成本好外。另外,各个公司业务的独特性和公司供应链作业能力,通常被认为是不宜向外部公开的内部信息,很难准确地比较公司间的供应链作业能力。尽管有些生产企业已经意识到利用第三方物流可以给企业带来很多好外,但是在实际应用时往往分成几个步骤,同时选择数个物流服务提供商作为合作伙伴,以避免将业务交由一个物流服务提供商而带来的依赖性。三、我国第三方物流企业在发展中遇到的问题一个成功的物流企业,必须具备较大的运营规模,建立有效地地区覆盖区域,具有强大的指挥和控制中心,具备高水准的综合技术、财务资源和经营策略。我国第三方物流企业在发展中遇到的问题可以归纳如下:1、运营模式问题目前世界大型物流公司大都采取总公司与分公司体制,总部采取集权式物流运作,以业务实行垂直管理。建立现代物流企业必须有一个能力很强、指挥灵活的调控中心对整个物流业务进行控制与协调。真正的现代物流必须是一个指挥中心、一个利润中心,企业的组织、框架、体制等形式都要与一个中心相匹配。我国的物流企业在运营模式上存在问题,国外物流企业的管理模式值得国内物流企业借鉴。2、仓储或运输能力欠缺物流的主要功能是创造时间盗用和空间效用。就目前中国的第三方物流企业而言,有些公司偏重于仓储,运输能力不足;另外一些公司则是运输车辆很多而在全国没有多少仓库,靠租用社会仓库来完成对客户的承诺。3、网络问题我国有几家大的物流企业拥有全车性的仓储网络或货运网络,但是这个网络的覆盖区域并不是十全十美的。客户在选择物流合作伙伴时,很关注网络的覆盖区域及网络网点的密度问题。有关网点的建设问题应引起物流企业的重视。4、信息技术世界大的物流企业都拥有”一流三网”,即订单信息流、全球供应链资源网络、全球用户资源网络和计算机信息网络。凭借先进的计算机管理技术,这些物流客户也是高附加值产品的生产企业,国内物流企业必须在信息系统上增加投入才可以改变自己的市场定位。集中与整合是第三方物流企业的发展趋势。原因是:第一,大的公司有意将供应链的主要环节外包给尽可能少的几家物流公司;第二,建立一个高效的全球第三方物流企业所需资本的投入日益增加;第三,许多第三方物流供应商都通过兼并和联合的方式来扩大其服务能力。Logistics from the English word "logistics", the original intent of the military logistics support, in the second side after World War II has been widely used in the economic field. Logistics Management Association of the United States is defined as the logistics, "Logistics is to meet the needs of consumers of raw materials, intermediate products, final products and related information to the consumer from the beginning to the effective flow and storage, implementation and control of the process of . "Logistics consists of four key components: the real flow, real storage, and management to coordinate the flow of information. The primary function of logistics is to create time and space effectiveness of the effectiveness of the main ways to overcome the space through the storage distance.Third-party logistics in the logistics channel services provided by brokers, middlemen in the form of the contract within a certain period of time required to provide logistics services in whole or in part. Is a third-party logistics companies for the external customer management, control and operation of the provision of logistics services company.According to statistics, currently used in Europe the proportion of third-party logistics services for 76 percent, the United States is about 58%, and the demand is still growing; 24 percent in Europe and the United States 33% of non-third-party logistics service users are actively considering the use of third-party logistics services. As a third-party logistics to improve the speed of material flow, warehousing costs and financial savings in the cost effective means of passers-by, has become increasingly attracted great attention.First, the advantages of using a third-party logisticsThe use of third-party logistics enterprises can yield many benefits, mainly reflected in:1, focus on core businessManufacturers can use a third-party logistics companies to achieve optimal distribution of resources, limited human and financial resources to concentrate on their core energy, to focus on the development of basic skills, develop new products in the world competition, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.2, cost-savingProfessional use of third-party logistics providers, the professional advantages of mass production and cost advantages, by providing the link capacity utilization to achieve cost savings, so that enterprises can benefit from the separation of the cost structure. Manufacturing enterprises with the expansion of marketing services to participate in any degree of depth, would give rise to a substantial increase in costs, only the use of professional services provided by public services, in order to minimize additional losses. University of Tennessee in accordance with the United States, United Kingdom and the United States EXEL company EMST & YOUNG consulting firm co-organized a survey: a lot of cargo that enable them to use third-party logistics logistics costs declined by an average of 1.18 percent, the average flow of goods from 7.1 days to 3.9 days, stock 8.2% lower.3, reduction of inventoryThird-party logistics service providers with well-planned logistics and timely delivery means, to minimize inventory, improve cash flow of the enterprise to achieve cost advantages.4, enhance the corporate imageThird-party logistics service providers and customers is a strategic partnership, the use of third-party logistics provider of comprehensive facilities and trained staff on the whole supply chain to achieve complete control, reducing the complexity of logistics, through their own networks to help improve customer service, not only to establish their own brand image, but also customers in the competition.Second, China's enterprises in the use of third-party logistics problems inWhile third-party logistics company has many advantages, but not many enterprises will be more outsourcing of the logistics business, the reasons boil down to:1, resistance to changeMany companies do not want the way through the logistics outsourcing efforts to change the current mode. In particular, some state-owned enterprises, wereFlow will also mean that the dismissal of outsourcing a large number of employees, which the managers of state-owned enterprises would mean a very great risk.2, lack of awarenessFor third-party logistics enterprise's generally low level of awareness, lack of awareness of enterprise supply chain management in the enterprise of the great role in the competition.3, fear of losing controlAs a result of the implementation of supply chain companies in enhancing the competitiveness of the important role that many companies would rather have a small but complete logistics department and they do not prefer these functions will be handed over to others, the main reasons it is worried that if they lose the internal logistics capabilities, customers will be exchanges and over-reliance on other third-party logistics companies.4, the logistics outsourcing has its own complexitySupply chain logistics business and companies are usually other services, such as finance, marketing or production of integrated logistics outsourcing itself with complexity. On a number of practical business, including the integration of transport and storage may lead to organizational, administrative and implementation problems. In addition, the company's internal information system integration features, making the logistics business to a third party logistics companies have become very difficult to operate.5, to measure the effect of logistics outsourcing by many factorsAccurately measure the cost of information technology, logistics and human resources more difficult. It is difficult to determine the logistics outsourcing companies in the end be able to bring the cost of how many potential good things. In addition, all the uniqueness of the company's business and corporate supply chain operational capability, is usually not considered to be internal to the external public information, it is difficult to accurately compare the inter-company supply chain operational capability.Although some manufacturers have been aware of the use of third-party logistics companies can bring a lot of good things, but in practical applications are often divided into several steps, at the same time choose a number of logistics service providers as partners in order to avoid the business by a logistics service providers brought about by dependence.Third, China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encounteredA successful logistics company, the operator must have a larger scale, the establishment of effective regional coverage area, with a strong command and control center with the high standard of integrated technical, financial resources and business strategy.China's third-party logistics companies in the development of the problems encountered can be summarized as follows:1, operating modelAt present, most of the world's largest logistics companies take the head office and branch system, centralized headquarters-style logistics operation to take to the implementation of vertical business management. The establishment of a modern logistics enterprise must have a strong, flexible command and control center to control the entire logistics operations and coordination. Real must be a modern logistics center, a profit center, business organizations, the framework, the institutional form of every match with a center. China's logistics enterprises in the operating mode of the problems of foreign logistics enterprises in the management model should be from the domestic logistics enterprises.2, the lack of storage or transport capacityThe primary function of logistics is to create time and space utility theft. For now China's third-party logistics enterprises, some companies focus on storage, lack of transport capacity; other companies is a lot of transport vehicles and warehouses throughout the country little by renting warehouses to complete the community's commitment to customers.3, network problemsThere are a few large companies have the logistics of the entire vehicle cargo storage network or networks, but the network coverage area is not perfect. Customers in the choice of logistics partner, are very concerned about network coverage and network of regional branches of the density problem. The building of the network should be of great importance to logistics enterprises.4, information technologyThe world's largest logistics enterprises have "three-class network", that is, orders for information flow, resources, global supply chain network, the global Resource Network users and computer information network. With the management of advanced computer technology, these customers are also the logistics of the production of high value-added products business, the domestic logistics enterprises must increase investment in information systems can change their market position.Concentration and integration is the third-party logistics trends in the development of enterprises. The reasons are: firstly, the company intends to major aspects of supply chain outsourcing to the lowest possible number of several logistics companies; the second, the establishment of an efficient global third party logistics inputs required for increasing the capital; the third Many third-party logistics providers through mergers and joint approaches to expand its service capabilities.可以给我分了吧? 嘿嘿
毕业论文thesis[英][ˈθi:sɪs][美][ˈθisɪs]n.论文,毕业论文; 论点,论题; 命题; 复数:theses易混淆单词:THESIS例句:1.He completed his doctorate in 1999 with his thesis on the technical subject of structural design. 1999年,朱竞翔获得博士学位,博士论文写的是结构设计的技术问题。2.It is a beguilingly simple thesis, one particularly attractive to the western business executives who have joinedthe china gold rush. 但这是一个具有欺性的简单论点,对参与中国淘金浪潮的西方企业高管尤其有吸引力。3.We have a grand new thesis of the emerging markets. 我们现在得出了一套全新的新兴市场理论。4.The question now is whether the overstretch thesis was wrong or simply premature. 目前问题是,过度扩张说是错误命题还是只是言之过早。5.The thesis is that women still do so badly at work mainly because we are not ambitious enough. 书的主题是:女性的工作表现仍如此糟糕,主要是因为我们不够有雄心。同义词:dissertation[英][ˌdɪsəˈteɪʃn][美][ˌdɪsərˈteɪʃn]n.专题论文,学位论文; 学术演讲; essay[英][ˈeseɪ][美][ˈɛsˌe, ɛˈse]n.散文; 随笔,杂记文; 尝试,企图; 试验; vt.尝试; 试验; 经常说的:English dissertation(英语论文)Graduation thesis(毕业论文)
毕业论文用英语的翻译:毕业 论文 迅捷在线翻译:Graduation (毕业) thesis(论文)参考一下
毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs] 美 [ˈθisɪs] 。
1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.
2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?
3、He has finished his thesis.
4、She's finished writing her thesis.
5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.
The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.
大学有很多的专业,由于专业众多,毕业论文类型也会增多,术业有专攻,计算机论文中,我们经常会看到很多代码,英语专业的毕业论文基本上都是英文, 那么知网论文查重可以检测英文论文、代码吗?知网论文查重除了检测纯文字的论文以外,检测其他语言的论文结果是否准确呢?相信很多同学都有这样的疑问,今天,paperfree论文查重来给大家详细说明一下情况。知网论文检测系统是可以检测英语论文的,我们把中文论文上传到知网平台之后,知网会对论文进行一个扫描识别,识别的时候不会破坏论文的整体结构,英文论文查重也是一样的,需要先进行上传,知网英文论文查重会多一个过程就是翻译,系统识别英文后会对其进行中文翻译,然后在对其进行英语论文查重。根据知网连续13个字重复的规则进行标红,相对于知网普通论文查重,读一个文章翻译的过程。知网论文检测检测英语论文准确吗?目前没有一款翻译软件可以完全做到中英文翻译一字不差的,用知网论文查重软件检测英语论文还是会有一定的误差的,大家可以去知网进行进一步的了解
毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs] 美 [ˈθisɪs] 。
1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.
2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?
3、He has finished his thesis.
4、She's finished writing her thesis.
5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.
The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.
He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots.
Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.
Your thesis wouldn't get across if you used too many technical terms in it.
He is writing his doctoral thesis in electrical engineering.