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milk是香港的我推荐VOGUE杂志简介《VOGUE》[1],这本成立于1892年的杂志是世界上历史悠久广受尊崇的一本时尚类杂志。杂志内容涉及时装、化妆、美容、健康、娱乐和艺术等各个方面,是一本综合性时尚生活杂志。在美国,《Vogue》被称为“时尚圣经”,即使在国外,久负盛名的《Cosmopolitan》(中文杂志名“时尚”)也没有达到能够与《Vogue》同台竞争的水平,而《MarieClaire》更是不在同一层面上,真正与《Vogue》形成竞争的只有《Harper`s Bazaar》和《ELLE》,其他杂志根本就很难匹敌。作为这本杂志的东家,美国康泰纳仕(CondéNest)集团除了拥有《VOGUE》这一旗舰产品外,还拥有如《GQ》、《名利场》、《Traveler》、《连线》及《纽约客》等顶级杂志。《VOGUE》包括澳大利亚版(1959年),意大利版(1965年),巴西版(1975年),德国版(1979年),西班牙版(1988年),韩国版(1996年),俄罗斯版(1998年),日本版(1999年)等。到现今为止,该杂志已经在15个国家发行出版。[编辑本段]杂志发展历史《VOGUE》美国版主编 Anna Wintour美国版《VOGUE》杂志诞生于1892年, 其出版商康泰纳仕公司随后推出了英国版(1916年) 和法国版(1921年)。 纳仕先生是现代杂志版面设计的创始人。他是第一位聘用艺术家担任杂志摄影师的出版人。《VOGUE》杂志也是世界上第一本用彩色摄影表现时装作品的杂志。1959年,塞缪纽豪斯先生收购了《VOGUE》杂志及其相关杂志,并在其他国家及地区推出了更多版本:包括澳大利亚版 (1959年)、意大利版 (1965年)、巴西版 (1975年)、德国版(1979年)、西班牙版 (1988年)、韩国版 (1996年)、俄罗斯版(1998年)以及日本版(1999年)等 。《VOGUE》杂志至今仍由纽豪斯家族所拥有。章子怡登上《VOGUE》《VOGUE》杂志现在是世界上最重要的杂志品牌之一。这一成就得益于其强调编辑独立的政策和秉承最高编辑水准的宗旨。每月的《VOGUE》杂志拥有全球一千八百万最具影响力的忠实读者。在全球各地,《VOGUE》杂志被设计师、作家和艺术家推崇为风格与时尚的权威。在各个国家和地区,《VOGUE》杂志都凸显她独树一帜的定位,从独特视角力求反映出版所在地的文化。同时,她对相关行业的扶持作用是无与伦比的。尤其值得一提的是,《VOGUE》杂志推动了全球时尚产业的发展。当今很多著名设计师都是从《VOGUE》杂志被发掘的。世界上一些顶尖摄影师——如 Mario Testino、 Steven Meisel、Patrick Demarchelier 和 Irving Penn——长期以来在《VOGUE》杂志中发展了他们成功的事业。米歇尔·奥巴马登陆美版《vogue》封面《VOGUE》杂志的理念是聘用最专业的编辑人员,结合世界上最优秀的设计师,最具才华的摄影师与模特,以最高的制作水准创造出市场上最高质量的杂志。《VOGUE》杂志被公认为全世界最领先的时尚杂志。值得一提的是,2005年八月《Vogue服饰与美容》正式在中国创刊,发行至今深受中国时尚女性喜爱。该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第一百一十七。"Gossip girl"Blake Lively登上《VOGUE》将视点放在全世界的「vogue」,比其它的流行志更多的是全球化的视野以及更宽广的角度。以日本为出发点放眼世界,再回头反覆地审视日本悠久的历史文化之美,目标是将日本内在的美的意识,传递到世界上的每一个角落。所以无论是题材内容的文字表现,或是视觉上的美感呈现,「vogue」都认真追求至善至美的境界。藉著阅读「vogue」,刺激想像,读著能够得到前所未有的满足和感动,这一点肯定是无庸置疑的。若是一般的流行型录志已经无法满足你的需求,那麼绝对诚挚的style magazine「vogue」一定是值得您信赖的新选择。所以,与其说「vogue」是时尚志,不如说他是流行的艺术结晶。每个月的四项主题重点都有独到之处,以其时尚的敏锐触角,为您精心营造流行与艺术的气质品味。例如2004年十月份的SWEET&SEXY,其中四个主题分别是「Pearls and Ribbons罗曼蒂克的气氛」、「No Bag. No Life手提包是女人的人命」、「The Furry Tale皮革小物」、「Pink Chakra, Chakra给喜爱粉红色的你」,不同於一般流行杂志,只是把当季流行的商品排列出来,模特儿在平面的左下角或右下角搔首弄姿而已这麼粗糙,要求质感和品味的「vogue」,每一个主题的呈现,都让读者感受得到window shopping般,优质的空间布置设计。认为杂志仅仅只是平面媒体的人,阅读「vogue」之后必定从此改观。1.美国VOGUE网站:http://www.style.com/vogue/2.英国VOGUE网站:http://www.vogue.co.uk/3.法国VOGUE网站:http://www.vogueparis.com/4.德国VOGUE网站:http://www.vogue.de/5.中国VOGUE网站:http://www.vogue.com.cn/6.印度VOGUE网站:http://www.vogue.in/7.日本VOGUE网站:http://www.vogue.co.jp/8.韩国VOGUE网站:http://www.vogue.co.kr/9.西班牙VOGUE网站:

中国的时尚杂志:VOGUE服饰与美容 时尚健康女性 时尚芭莎 时尚COSMO 瑞丽服饰美容 女报 女友 知音 瑞丽新发型 女人花 都市丽人 MM公寓 女人坊 女刊 花溪 爱美丽 me 你shape ReSTYLE ELLE CHINA 精志·伊人 风采 珠宝与时尚报 美妆 女性中央 中国美容时尚报 美眉 Less is More 丽人FORL 国际化妆品 奢华汇-AI美丽 摩登派 快报快美丽 衣装 足之霓 私秘 搜衣吧 mflady I Bra FAZE TEEIN女人 优秀杂志 天女 型时代(instyle) 新唐网刊 伊周日本的时尚杂志:GAL系 1.《ViVi》2.《PINKY》3.《Sweet》4.《Scawaii》5.《Glamorous》 6.《JELLY》 7.《Glitter》8.《WoofinGirl》9.《BOAO》10.《Blenda》11.《ElleGirl》12.《HappieNuts》 少女街头系 1.《nonno》2.《mina》3.《seventeen》4.《soup》5.《PS》 6.《popteen》7.《zipper》 8.《mini》9.《ranzuki》10.《kera》 11.《spring》12.《seda》13.《cutie》14.《egg》15.《cawaii》 16.《nicola》17.《street》 18.《anan》19.《jille》20.《fruits》 21.《looks》22.《love berry》23.《fine》24.《spy girl》25.《steady》 26.《hanachu》27.《nadesico》28.《honey girl》29.《haco》 欧美田园系 1.《装苑》2.《smart》3.《vogue》4.《spur》5.《ginza》1.《装苑》2.《smart》3.《vogue》4.《spur》5.《ginza》 6.《figaro》 7.《elle》8.《fudge》9.《high fashion》10.《luire》 11.《nikita》12.《意大利原版》13.《bazaar》 优雅OL派 1.《cancam》2.《ray》3.《more》4.《with》5.《oggi》 6.《style》 7.《miss》8.《anecan》9.《classy》10.《baila》 11.《voi》12.《luci》13.《grazia》14.《very》15.《saita》 16.《voi prink》 17.《25ans》18.《lee》19.《in red》20.《domani》 21.《image》22.《precious》23.《grace》24.《ミセス》25.《story》 26.《rapty》 27.《ryuryu》 男装系列杂志 1.《smart》2.《mens nonno》3.《street》4.《ollie》5.《popeye》 6.《fine boys》 7.《huge》8.《boon》9.《cool trans》10.《bidan》 11.《invitation》12.《fine》13.《mens voi》14.《gq japan》15.《tune》 16.《street jack》 17.《411》18.《mens ex》19.《begin》20.《warp》 21.《uomo》22.《samurai》23.《mens club》24.《egg》25.《joker》 26.《cazicazi》27.《cover》28.《mens brands》29.《mens digger》 败金共和国 1.《发型》2.《smart》3.《voce》4.《maquia》5.《bargain》 6.《joy》 7.《美的》8.《anan》9.《ageha》10.《beas up》 11.《nail max》12.《uresta》13.《hair mode》14.《chouchou》 15.《chokichoki》16.《jewelry》 17.《brands off》18.《wedding》 19.《裁剪》20.《纹身》21.《tattoo burst》22.《oz magazine》 23.《tomotomo》24.《preppy》25.《monomax》26.《家庭画报》27.《fytte》 28.《body》29.《婚纱》30.《nail up》31.《美人百花》32.《nailvenus》 33.《美甲》34.《af imp》35.《时计begin》36.《cure》37.《style book》38.《内衣》39.《美容》 说一下:是在网上找的。




First of all, I would like to exPss my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms**, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the Pparation of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.

Second, I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically Ppared for the thesis.

Last, I should finally like to exPss my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.


I would like to exPss my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. Sun Yanlan, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the Pparation of the thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.

I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically Ppared for the thesis.

I should finally like to exPss my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.


My study at the College of International Studies will soon come to an end and, at the completion of my graduation thesis; I wish to exPss my sincere apPciation to all those who have offered me invaluable help during the four years of my undergraduate study here atTai Zhou Institute of Nanjing university of Science and Technology.

Firstly, I would like to exPss my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Xu Guixiang, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its Psent form.

Secondly, I should give my hearty thanks to all the other faculty members of the Department of English for their patient instructions in various courses and their Pcious suggestions for my study here.

Lastly, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.


First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Zhang Hong, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis.

High tribute shall be paid to Ms. Geng Li, whose profound knowledge of English triggers my love for this beautiful language and whose earnest attitude tells me how to learn English.

I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in Translation Studies for their direct and indirect help to me.

Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their comments on the draft.

Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement.


At the very first, I am honored to exPss my deepest gratitude to my dedicated supervisor, Miss Wang Chao, with whose able guidance I could have worked out this thesis. She has offered me valuable ideas, suggestions and criticisms with her profound knowledge and rich research experience. Her patience and kindness are greatly apPciated. Besides, she always puts high priority on our dissertation writing and is willing to discuss with me anytime available. I have learnt from her a lot not only about dissertation writing, but also the professional ethics. I am very much obliged to her efforts of helping me complete the dissertation. I am also extremely grateful to Prof. Wei Xiaohong whose patient and meticulous guidance and invaluable suggestions are indispensable to the completion of this thesis.

Thanks are also due to my roommates, who never failed to give me great encouragement and suggestions. Special thanks should go to Miss Dong, Miss Ma, and Miss Wei for their brainstorming with me when I failed in coming up with ideas.

At last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their support all the way from the very beginning of my study. I am thankful to all my family members for their thoughtfulness and encouragement.

如今,在很多国外大学要求的毕业论文也是英文的,因此他们在面对英文的毕业论文时一定能够用得上英文毕业论文致谢词。下面是我带来的关于的内容,欢迎阅读参考! ***一*** At the very first, I am honored to express my deepest gratitude to my dedicated supervisor, Miss Wang Chao, with whose able guidance I could have worked out this thesis. She has offered me valuable ideas, suggestions and critici *** s with her profound knowledge and rich research experience. Her patience and kindness are greatly appreciated. Besides, she always puts high priority on our dissertation writing and is willing to discuss with me anytime available. I have learnt from her a lot not only about dissertation writing, but also the professional ethics. I am very much obliged to her efforts of helping me plete the dissertation. I am also extremely grateful to Prof. Wei Xiaohong whose patient and meticulous guidance and invaluable suggestions are indispensable to the pletion of this thesis. Thanks are also due to my roommates, who never failed to give me great encouragement and suggestions. Special thanks should go to Miss Dong, Miss Ma, and Miss Wei for their brainstorming with me when I failed in ing up with ideas. At last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their support all the way from the very beginning of my study. I am thankful to all my family members for their thoughtfulness and encouragement. ***二*** First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms**, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful critici *** and expert guidance, the pletion of this thesis would not have been possible. Second, I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis. Last, I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of plaint. ***三*** First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor,***, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the pletion of this thesis. High tribute shall be paid to Ms. ***** whose profound knowledge of English triggers my love for this beautiful language and whose earnest attitude tells me how to learn English. I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in Translation Studies for their direct and indirect help to me. Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their ments on the draft. Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement. (四) Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow clas *** ates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.














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